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Physical Therapy Miami: The Answer to Innovation

Why you must innovate your physical therapy franchise to be successful

In today’s fast-paced business world, merely “Keeping up with the Jones'” isn’t enough to keep your business afloat.  You have to anticipate your customer’s wants and needs and then deliver exceptionally well.  If you don’t, you’ll sink.

This is especially true in the business of physical therapy. There are hundreds of these small business owners struggling because they’re not changing their business along with the changing ways of physical therapy.  In other words, they aren’t innovating.

Why Do I Need To Innovate My Physical Therapy Business?

When you started your physical therapy business, it probably did really well within your community, right?  You had all the latest technology, and your training served your clients – and your business – very well.  However, what happened over the years that your clients tapered off and your profits began to shrink?

In most cases, the issue is about what you ARE doing and what you ARE NOT doing.  For the latter, You are so comfortable doing what you’ve always done that you’re “in a rut.”  Your comfort zone is, in fact, what is holding back you and your small business of physical therapy.

How Do I Innovate My Business?

There are ways to innovate your physical therapy business from the internal “behind the scenes” aspects to the “front of the house.”

Payroll:  Is your payment system dated?  Many private physical therapy businesses don’t offer the convenience of direct deposit for employees.  The rationale is “I’ve been cutting checks for so long, why change it?”  Because NOT offering direct deposit isn’t innovative.  Offering the convenience of direct deposit to your employees will not only make their lives easier, but implementing a new, up to date payment system will ultimately make your life (and that of your accounting team) easier too!

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we have ONE payroll procedure that is used at all of our franchise operations, and yes, it is innovative, technologically advanced and is utilized successfully at each business.

Equipment:  There is, indeed, something to be said for using the traditional techniques that have along history of success.  But advancements in the development of equipment that can better serve your patient’s and increase their chances of a full recovery is paramount to your success.  Why?  Because your competition certainly is doing just that!

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we encourage and support our franchisees to stay on trend with the machines and technologies that will support your success and keep your customers coming back any time they need physical therapy.

Education:  If you don’t educate yourself about your physical therapy business, then who will?  Take advantage of every opportunity to get certified in understanding the aspects of any piece of your business, and then you can pass that information to your employees.  If you don’t get certified in a particular area, then make sure your employees do.

The more you know, the better your business will perform.  And don’t hesitate to get more educated about the ancillary services that relate to your business.  Understanding all the moving parts will only help you to serve other companies better in business-to-business relationships.

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we utilize any opportunities to further educate ourselves about not only the physical therapy business, but also the businesses with which we come in contact with day to day.

Physical Therapy Franchise

If you own a physical therapy business and need help with innovation, you should consider becoming a part of a franchise operation.  You will remain at the helm of your business (or you can hire someone else for the job!) and can likely keep the same location.  The difference though is that when you join a franchise, all those day-to-day headaches are already in solved.  There is nothing to figure out because we have done all the work for you!

To learn more, check out our website or give us a call at (800) 481-4582.

Physical Therapy Clinics in Miami

How Our Physical Therapy Clinics in Miami Can Help You Heal

Healing after an injury or an ailment can be very difficult, not just physically, but mentally as well.  Because that sometimes long journey to getting stronger and living pain-free life can take a toll on an individual, make sure you find the best physical therapy clinics in Miami to suit your needs.

A Location Near You

Not only do we provide a stellar physical therapy experience, but Physical Therapy Now also provides something else that has a big impact on your rehab:  convenience!

When you do that common search for physical therapy clinics in Miami, you’ll be surprised to see that a Physical Therapy Now location is in place every five miles throughout Miami-Dade.  Broward County locations are growing as well and soon, and we’ll have Physical Therapy Now locations in every region of the state of Florida.

It should be easy to get to your PT location, especially when you have challenges with mobility from a accident such as a car crash or from a surgery.   We’re proud to offer you this much-needed perk when you choose Physical Therapy Now.

In-Depth Knowledge

Your physical therapy team is highly educated on a variety of injuries.  Not only will your team have the proper certifications and credentials to provide excellent services, but we also study all the latest technologies in physical therapy so that we can help you as much as possible.  Those tried and true traditional methods of physical therapy have been mastered by our team, so you will always have plenty of options when it comes to your physical therapy care.

A Variety of Treatment Options

Many patients don’t love the traditional physical therapy setting, and although we perform top-notch services at each of our locations, there are other options available to suit your needs. We offer in-home physical therapy, cyber therapy, aqua therapy, and many other options.

Amazing Customer Service

From the moment you pick up your phone and call Physical Therapy Now, you’ll notice the excellent customer service we provide.  You should feel good about each experience you have at any of our Physical Therapy Now locations, and it starts from the initial call.  From there, your communications with your physical therapy team will be excellent, because we know our job is to help you feel better – and not just physically.  We want you to feel great about the total physical therapy experience.

Physical Therapy Clinics in Miami

As you continue searching for physical therapy clinics in Miami, consider coming to Physical Therapy Now for your rehabilitation.  Our passion is helping people just like you recover, whether it be from an injury, and ailment or surgery.  Call us today at (800) 481-4582 to schedule your first appointment, and we’ll find a day and time that is convenient for you.  We are Physical Therapy Now, and your health and well-being is our priority.

How to Heal From Whiplash

Learning how to heal from whiplash is crucial to your recovery.

Here’s the scene:  You were in a car accident and initially thought you were going to be okay.  However, a few hours after the crash, you didn’t feel very good.    You had a headache that wouldn’t go away and pain in your neck.

You followed your gut, went to the doctor and got a surprising diagnosis:  Whiplash.   What now?  How do you heal from this injury?

Your doctor probably gave you some great information on how to heal from whiplash, so here’s a little insight that can help from another medical professional:  your physical therapist in Miami.

  1. Apply Ice/ Then Heat Later: There is no doubt you know exactly where the pain is, so ice that area correctly.  The most successful technique is to place the ice in a zippered bag and wrap the baggie in a thin cloth or towel.  Place the ice on the injured area for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times/day for the duration recommended by your doctor.  After a few days, most doctors and physical therapists will prescribe a similar application of heat, but only after the swelling has gone down.
  2. Consider Taking OTC Painkillers: Your doctor will provide you with a recommended dosage (usually of Ibuprofen or Naproxen) and will also review your medical records to determine which specific painkiller is best for you.  If these over-the-counter medicines do not work, you may be given a prescription strength pain reliever.
  3. Use a Neck Brace: All whiplash patients do not require a neck brace to recover from their injury, so only use one if prescribed by your physical therapist or doctor.   The added stability will help your muscle to rest and simultaneously heal from the whiplash.
  4. Participate in Physical Therapy: Your physical therapist is trained in helping whiplash patients just like you make a full recovery. Physical therapy techniques such as laser therapy, ultrasound and massage could help you heal and relieve your pain.
  5. Rest: When you are diagnosed with whiplash, you’ll need to refrain from extracurricular and/or strenuous activities, so as to not further exacerbate your injury.

There many other specialized techniques that can be used by your physical therapist to help you make a full recovery from your whiplash.  Depending on the severity of your injury, your whiplash physical therapy treatment will could typically range from 4-12 weeks.

Whiplash Physical Therapy in Miami

If you are injured in an accident and you need whiplash physical therapy in Miami, call your team at Physical Therapy Now to schedule your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  With a location every five miles in the Miami-Dade area, you will appreciate the convenience of being able to get to your appointments with ease.  Let’s get started today!

Broken Ankle Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy in Miami for Broken Ankle

You will never forget that pain, and you probably remember each and every second leading up to that moment when you felt – and heard – your ankle break.  It is one of those things that you don’t realize how much you need it until it doesn’t work anymore, right?

Well, look on the bright side… our goal at Physical Therapy Now is to help that ankle of yours heal properly, so it is even stronger than it was when it broke.  We are experts in broken ankle physical therapy!

When Can I Start Broken Ankle Physical Therapy?

Unfortunately, there is no standard time period for when you can begin your broken ankle physical therapy in Miami.  We will refer to your medical team to learn the circumstances surrounding your injury.  For example, were you injured in a slip and fall accident?  Did you break your ankle in a sports injury or perhaps you broke your ankle in a pedestrian accident, in a single car accident, in a two-vehicle car accident or a multiple vehicle car accident.  Broken ankles in car accidents are quite common, but no matter how your injury occurred, we can help.

As soon as your doctor clears you to begin physical therapy in Miami, your medical team at Physical Therapy Now will be ready to get started. We’ll work with you before your appointment to make sure your insurance coverage is in place, and your broken ankle physical therapy is covered to the maximum that your policy allows.

Then, when it’s time to get started, we’ll tap into our many years of physical therapy expertise to not only help your ankle regain strength and mobility but also to reduce any pain associated with your broken ankle.

Does Physical Therapy Hurt?

The goal of physical therapy in Miami is to help your ankle get better.  We will use only the most successful techniques and exercises to help your ankle heal.  Many people are worried that they will be in immense pain as they go through each physical therapy session but know this:  one of our goals for you is to REDUCE pain, not induce it!  We will also help you get off any pain medications associated with your broken ankle.

Broken ankle physical therapy in Miami is not an all-out sweat session, and some people are even shocked at how targeted our exercises are for broken ankles.  You may move your ankle as little as one inch to the right or left (or up and down), as our skilled Miami physical therapy teams focus on your specific healing area.

We also find what works best for your broken ankle, in particular. For example, one patient may show tremendous gains taking part in regular aqua therapy sessions, while another patient benefits most from laser therapy.  Your case is specific to you, and we will treat your broken ankle physical therapy in Miami as such.

Broken Ankle Physical Therapy

Do you need broken ankle physical therapy in Miami?  We can help!  If you need physical therapy after a cast removal or post-surgery, we have all the expertise you need for the optimal healing of your broken ankle.  Call us to get started now at (800) 481-4582.  We are ready to get started when you are, and we’ll begin customizing your broken ankle physical therapy plan TODAY!

Stiff Neck Physical Therapy

How Physical Therapy in Miami and Heal Your Stiff Neck

You can’t turn your head like you once used to, and perhaps your sleep is now being affected because of your stiff neck.  Do you recall how it occurred?  This is essential information to share during your physical therapy in Miami.  Sometimes a stiff neck “just happens,” and the person in pain has no idea what, exactly, caused the pain.  Other times, there is a specific incident that leads to a stiff neck, like a sports injury or a car accident.

In the latter, too many people will dismiss this pain, because even slow speed car accidents can cause whiplash or concussions, and a stiff neck is a common symptom of many car accident injuries.  You should never dismiss stiff neck or pain associated with a stiff neck because it could be a sign of a more serious underlying problem. You could also be missing out on your physical therapy in Miami being fully covered by the auto insurance of the at-fault driver in a car accident, or the option to tap into the P.I.P. coverage in on your own vehicle insurance policy.

How We Can Help You

It is always a good idea to see your medical doctor if you have a stiff neck for more than a few days.  However, in Florida, you do not need a prescription for physical therapy in Miami. You can call us directly and schedule your first appointment for your stiff neck physical therapy.  We’ll handle the majority of your paperwork by getting all the required information over the phone, including your insurance information.

Before you spend any time on your stiff neck physical therapy, we will communicate with you about any out of pocket expenses you will incur that are associated with our services.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we believe in being 100% transparent, because you are our priority and we know finances may play a vital role in the day-to-day choices you make.

Getting Started

You will delight in the options available in receiving stiff neck physical therapy at any of our Physical Therapy Now locations.  You will, without a doubt, find a location convenient to you, as we have a facility every 5 miles in Miami-Dade!  Even better… each one of those facilities has an excellent team of physical therapy now doctors and physical therapy now assistants, because here at Physical Therapy Now, we hire only the best of the best to serve our patients!

Because we value your time, we strive to keep our physical therapy sessions both productive and efficient.  We will determine the best course of treatment for you and will then focus on the source of your stiff neck pain.  Using a variety of the latest technological advancements and proven traditional techniques for your stiff neck physical therapy, we will work towards the goal of reducing your neck pain with each session.

How long will each session be?  We aim for no longer than one hour, and as your pain lessens, that time frame will likely reduce.  Just imagine… that neck pain you’ve been suffering from could be gone entirely in just weeks with stiff neck physical therapy at Physical Therapy Now!

Stiff Neck Physical Therapy

If you need physical therapy in Miami for a stiff neck, call us at Physical Therapy Now to get started on prioritizing your health and healing.  You may be thinking, “Do I need physical therapy for a stiff neck?” Yes!  You do!  Our experts can relieve you of that nagging pain that won’t go away by itself!

Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582, and we’ll get you scheduled at a time that works best for you.  Stiff neck, be gone!

How to Choose the Best Franchise Location

Scoping Out the Perfect Spot for Your Franchise

This is perhaps one of the most exciting phases of your franchise venture.  You’ve already been approved to be a franchisee, your financial obligations to the parent company have been met, you know what region you’d like to be in, and now it’s time to find the perfect location.  Here are some tips to use as a guideline as you continue on your franchise venture as a Physical Therapy Now franchisee or as the franchisee of the franchisee of another business growing rapidly.

Find a Commercial Leasing Agent

It is imperative that you don’t merely choose just any leasing agent to find the perfect location for your franchise.  Instead, find a COMMERCIAL leasing agent.  These individuals have a first hand take on not only the properties currently available for lease, but also for those that are due to come on the market. Commercial agents are well versed in the demographics of your particular region, which falls in line with the requirement of all Physical Therapy Now locations to have a highly visible retail space.

Think along the lines of a specific storefront that has a well-branded name such as Whole Foods, Exxon, Target or Wal-Mart.  When your signage is clear, your company has a strong brand in its chosen field, AND your facility is in a high-traffic location, your franchise business will surely reap the benefits of being visible.

Pick the Perfect Size

Your chosen franchise will likely come with size requirements that you must adhere to when scoping out your location. For Physical Therapy Now, each franchise location must offer a specific minimum square footage and those facilities that exceed a certain square footage must be pre-approved by the Physical Therapy Now franchise management team. Traffic considerations are also an essential factor when determining the best location for your franchise.

Lease Negotiations

Once you have chosen your location and your franchise management team has approved it, you will move into the lease negotiation phase.  Your franchise family will offer support in every area and will provide guidance if needed through each step of this process. However, it is STRONGLY recommended that you hire an attorney to oversee these negotiations.   A lawyer with expertise in commercial lease negotiations will introduce certain factors that you may not know to consider.

The Build OutRemove featured image

In most cases, a build-out is required for your franchise location.  It is imperative that you contact a professionally licensed and certified architect for this project. Your franchise has likely chosen a preferred architectural company, so you may not need to search for anyone to fulfill this task!

There will also be specific requirements in place for restrooms, work/office space storage space, cleaning/janitorial facilities, as well as customer space, if applicable.

Once the architectural layout of your facility is designed, you will need to find a licensed general contractor.   It is most advantageous for you (and your business) to get bids from no less than 3 General Contractors, so you can make a fully informed decision based on not just cost, but also experience, past projects, references, and reviews.

Physical Therapy Franchise

Physical Therapy Now is one of the fastest growing Physical Therapy franchises in the country.  Are you curious about what it’s like to be a franchisee?  Consider reading about some of the franchisees featured on the Physical Therapy Now blog located in Florida who are currently in different phases of the franchise venture.

To learn more about opening a franchise location with Physical Therapy Now, call us today at (800) 481-4582.  We would love to partner with you!

Why Do Physical Therapy in Miami?

5 More Reasons Why Physical Therapy in Miami Can Help

Healing from an injury, surgery or suffering from an ailment of any kind can be a literal pain!  Regardless what your specific issue is, there’s a pretty good chance that physical therapy in Miami can not only address your pain but could very well eliminate it altogether.  There are a host of reasons why you should consider doing physical therapy in Miami, some of which are included in a previous blog post.  Today, we’re adding on to that blog by giving you 5 MORE reasons why you’ll benefit from physical therapy in Miami.

You Can Get Off Pain Medication

Opioids are medications used to treat pain.  This century-old tradition has evolved in most recent years to treat chronic pain.  According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, “When these drugs attach to their receptors, they inhibit the transmission of pain signals,” but when taken at high doses or abused, can “induce euphoria,” and the addiction, in most people, sets in almost immediately.

Physical therapy can help reduce your need for these meds because your customized program will be monitored by a professional who will help you get stronger, reduce pain, and will work in tandem with your medical doctor to devise a plan to wean you off of your pain meds slowly.

Get Back to Work Faster

Are you missing work because of your injury or ailment?  And are your finances negatively impacted as a result?  When you begin physical therapy in Miami, you’ll see near immediate improvement in your physical condition, and we’ll orchestrate a game plan to get you back to work sooner than you originally planned!

Will Lower Your Healthcare Costs

Do you know your insurance company WANTS you to get better?  When your health improves, you’ll eventually need to see your doctor less, and you’ll need less physical therapy (if any at all)!  For the insurance company, that means less money will have to be paid out for your medical care, physical therapy sessions, and medication.  For you, getting healthier could mean no more deductibles or out of pocket expenses.  With Physical Therapy Now leading the charge in your recovery, both your physical well-being AND your wallet will reap the benefits!

Physical Therapy in Miami is Convenient

Getting to Physical Therapy Now is easier than ever.  No matter where you are in the Miami-Dade area, you’ll find a Physical Therapy Now location within 5 miles of your starting point.  Getting care when you have physical limitations can be a challenge, so we want to make it simple to get in those much-needed physical therapy appointments.  If you’re having trouble with transportation, no need to worry.  We can help with that as well because helping you get better is our priority!

Wounds Will Heal Faster

When you get in that regular movement that your body craves (and needs), you increase the flow of oxygenated blood that goes directly to the site of the injury.  With the help of your a skilled physical therapist in Miami, you’ll experience less pain and an increased range of motion soon after your sessions begin.  Plus, with specialized training in wound care management, we’ll closely monitor incisions, stitches and, soft tissue and/or developing scar tissue to ensure your wounds are healing properly without infection.

Physical Therapy in Miami

No matter what your ailment is, we can help.  Our expert physical therapy and occupational therapy staff throughout the Miami-Dade area have years of experience successfully treating physical therapy patients just like you.   Call us today to set up your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  You don’t have to suffer anymore, and now, you have a dedicated team at Physical Therapy Now supporting your physical therapy success!

What Does Physical Therapy Involve

What to Expect at Physical Therapy in Miami at Physical Therapy Now

It’s that time, and you can’t put it off any longer.  You NEED to do physical therapy in Miami, but you need to find the perfect location with a stellar reputation.  Plus, you’re not sure about physical therapy, so you’re putting off making (and possibly also keeping) that initial appointment.

Good news!  You don’t have to wait any longer, because we’re answering that common question, “What does physical therapy involve?”

The First Step

Whether your doctor recommends physical therapy in Miami or if you are making the decision to go independently, you’re off to a great start.  In the state of Florida, you don’t need a prescription for your doctor for physical therapy and you can call Physical Therapy Now immediately to get started.  You will be greeted with someone from our friendly and professional staff, and you will briefly tell them about your injury or ailment.

Were you injured in a car accident and are experiencing neck pain?  Did you trip or slip and fall and now you have back pain that won’t heal?  Perhaps you were hurt performing an everyday task and need to get better so you can get back to normal or maybe you had surgery and need to rehabilitate that area and regain strength.

You’ll also share any necessary insurance information and we’ll being the communications with your insurance company you so have a full understanding of any financial obligations you’ll have.  If you have Medicare or Medicaid, you will share that information as well.  If you don’t have insurance, no worries.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, your physical well-being is our priority, so we’ll work with you to find the most affordable way to get you the physical therapy in Miami you need.

The Appointments

Because we have so many Physical Therapy Now locations in Miami-Dade, you are guaranteed to find a location convenient to you. We hire the best physical therapist in Miami for each of our sites, so no matter which Physical Therapy Now location you choose for your physical therapy in Miami, you’ll get excellent care from a well-trained physical therapy team who has specialized training for your injury or ailment.

When you arrive at your first appointment, you will sign off on some paperwork, and your first physical therapy session will get underway.  You’ll chat briefly with a member from your physical therapy team, and you will also discuss the specifics of the pain you are experiencing.

Some people expect that physical therapy will involve a fitness work-out, but physical therapy isn’t a sweat session. It focuses directly on the injury/ailment and any other areas surrounding the pain source that could be contributing to the pain you are experiencing.

The targeted strategic exercises and movements will allow you to increase strength and mobility while your progress is monitored and documented by your physical therapy team.

Our goal is to get your physical therapy in Miami completed as soon as possible.  We’ll communicate with you about how many suggestions we recommend for you each week and the duration of each one of those sessions.  Some people need just a few weeks for physical therapy, others need a few months.  As we observe your progress, we’ll adjust any goals and expected timelines for the completion of your physical therapy.

Miami Physical Therapy

Here at Physical Therapy Now, our goal is to partner with you to help you regain strength, increase mobility, and get you back to living life pain-free, so you can get back to your day to day activities and enjoying life the way you should.  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582 or visit our website to learn more about the services we offer to our patients.

In addition to the physical therapy you will receive in a traditional setting, we also offer innovative physical therapy options, including aquatic therapy, cyber therapy, laser therapy and much more.  Call us today to get started, so we help you drastically improve your quality of life today!

The Top 3 Private Practice Problems

The Complications with Your PT Business – And How to Fix Them

Oh!  The headaches!  There are too many to list when you think of all that’s going wrong with your physical therapy business.  But today, we’re giving you the tools on how to fix three of the most common problems, plus a big solution that you may have never considered.

Problem #1: Your Monthly Rent/Lease Payment is Too High

When you open that bill in the mail or your email inbox every month, you probably shutter and the thought of sending in that payment.  The interesting thing is… you know it’s coming, and you know it has to be paid each month, but still, you dread it because that payment in exchange for the space you’re using is painful!

First, know that you do have options.  The chances of your landlord decreasing your payment are slim to none, so here’s what you can do:

You may be thinking “Well, that’s obvious!”  However, these are genuinely the solutions you need to consider if you want to shift the direction of your private practice physical therapy business.  More revenue can happen by tapping into your marketing budget to increase your online presence and physical presence in the community.

Changing locations may seem like a massive undertaking, and while it will be a big project, the long-term benefits will serve you – and your budget well.

Problem #2: Too Many Cancelled/Missed Appointments

Patients skip appointments either because getting there isn’t their priority, they weren’t able to get there, or they just forgot.

The effort to make sure your clients make their appointments happens long before the day they are supposed to be there.  You should have systems in place to make sure they have proper reminders.  That appointment card you’ve been filling out is great, but it’s probably buried in the bottom of a bag before they get home or worse, is dropped somewhere in that short walk from your office to their car.

Don’t stop filling out those cards, because they do work for some people, but also consider text and email-based reminders, along with the friendly phone call one or two days before.

If all else fails and they still don’t get there, call them immediately.  Kindly ask why they weren’t able to make it so you can address their concerns to help them get back on track.

Problem #3: Billing is a Hassle

You’re not the first, and you’re certainly not going to be the last physical therapy private practice that absolutely DREADS billing.  But, here’s a little something you may not know:  there are hundreds of physical therapy businesses out there that have zero or minimal problems with billing.  Do you know why?  Because they’re doing it right.  And do you know what that means?  We’re going to get real here:  YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.

Billing should not be a hassle.  It’s how you make money and when it causes you stress and headaches, that means you’re not doing it the right way early on, and that leads to all the problems you’ve been experiencing.

It would be best if you shifted the way you’re handling your billing now to avoid all those headaches later.

The Solution

You probably never imagined that you would consider this option, but: FRANCHISE YOUR PRIVATE PRACTICE PHYSICAL THERAPY BUSINESS.  Physical Therapy Now is one of the fastest growing physical therapy franchise operations in the country and here’s are four reasons why:

We could go on and on with more reasons, but sit back and think for a moment about that short list above, and how much of a difference that could have on not just your physical therapy business, but on your life.  When you choose to franchise with Physical Therapy Now, you’re also choosing massive success potential!

Physical Therapy Franchise

Do you think franchising your private practice is something you’d like to explore a little more?  Consider starting with our 7-step application process.  You are not obligated to move forward with franchising your business, but the application process will give you more insight as to what is required to become a Physical Therapy Now franchisee.

To get started, go to our website or give us a call at (800) 481-4582.  Your franchise family is waiting for your call!

Miami Physical Therapist for Concussions

How Your Miami Physical Therapist Helps You Heal from a Concussion

What you know for sure is that you were in a car accident and now, you aren’t feeling 100%.  Your body is sore, you have a headache, and you’re feeling irritable and short tempered.   The best thing you can do now?  Get to a medical professional immediately.  Whether it’s the emergency room, an immediate care facility, your doctor, or your physical therapist in Miami, don’t wait any longer.  Prolonging medical treatment for even just a small bump to the head can be life-threatening.

What is a Concussion?

The Centers for Disease Control describes a concussion as:

“A type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.”

Some medical experts may refer to a concussion as a mild traumatic brain injury, (TBI); however, this term should not be misconstrued.  Specific care needs to be taken for concussions to ensure the brain heals fully from the injury.

Concussion Symptoms

There are numerous concussion symptoms.  Some of the most common include:

Miami Physical Therapy for a Concussion

There are several ways your Miami physical therapist can help you to heal from a concussion properly.  The primary goals include the effort to:

Help Restore Strength and Endurance

You will undoubtedly be prescribed adequate mental and physical rest following your concussion.  However, the time will come when it is imperative to transition from rest to increase your overall strength.  Not only will your Miami physical therapist closely monitor your symptoms, progression, and healing, but he/she will also create a customized exercise program that will aid in the healing of your concussion.

Help Improve Balance/Stop Dizziness

Balance issues are quite common in individuals who have suffered a concussion. Your qualified Miami Physical Therapist will aim to reduce or eliminate your dizziness and balance problems through specific treatments and exercises.

Reduce Headaches

Your physical therapist in Miami will investigate the possible causes of your headaches and will assess the details surrounding the pain you are experiencing.  A variety of proven techniques and treatments will be utilized during your Miami physical therapy sessions.

Miami Physical Therapy

Have you or a loved one received a concussion?  This injury is most common in sports injuries and car accidents and needs immediate treatment to increase the chances of a full, long-term recovery.

The experts at Physical Therapy Now in Miami have years of experience in successfully treating concussions and other traumatic brain injuries.  We will create a customized treatment plan specific to your injury and are committed to helping you fully recover from your concussion.   Don’t wait any longer!  Call us today at Physical Therapy Now to set up your first appointment, and we’ll get you on the road to recovery!  You are not alone, and now you have a talented, experience physical therapy team committed to your health and well-being.  We are Physical Therapy Now, and we’re with you!



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