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Three Common Physical Therapy Myths

When you decide that you need physical therapy in Miami for post-surgery, for an ailment or for some pain you are experiencing, you may wonder what to expect at your appointments.  It can help tremendously to speak with friends and family about their own experiences with physical therapy in Miami; however, you may still be wondering what your individual sessions will entail.  You won’t know exactly what it will be like until your first appointment, but today, we can tell you what NOT to expect.  Read on, as we bust the Top Three Myths About Physical Therapy.

It Hurts

Physical therapy is not meant to be painful. The purpose of physical therapy is to gently help your body regain strength and mobility in a specifically targeted area.  If you are in excruciating pain, then you likely won’t want to return to complete your sessions.  Your physical therapists take a gentle approach to help you heal to your maximum potential.  Your physical therapy in Miami will help you reach the goal of getting stronger and healing little by little, and when you reach your goal by completing your sessions, you’ll know for yourself:  physical therapy doesn’t hurt… it helps!

It Takes Too Much Time

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we know you have a schedule of things to do.  Whether it be for a job, for your social life, other appointments or anything that is important to you, your life and your commitments are ALL important.   We make the most of your sessions by implementing only those techniques and exercises that you will benefit from most.  This allows us to maximize your results in the least amount of time possible.  Every physical therapy patient is different, but in most cases, your session can be complete in 30-60 minutes.

It Costs Too Much

If you have insurance, you likely have coverage that includes coverage for all or most of your physical therapy sessions.  What’s more:  you don’t have to try to figure it out for yourself.  When you choose Physical Therapy Now for your physical therapy in Miami, our team of insurance experts will communicate with your insurance company on your behalf.  So rest assured:  we value transparency when it comes to our patients. You’ll never be blind-sided with a medical bill and you will have a full understanding of any costs BEFORE you begin physical therapy with our team, but in most cases, our patients have full coverage.

Physical Therapy in Miami

Do you need physical therapy in Miami?  You’ve just found your team that can not only meet but exceed your physical therapy needs.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we have multiple locations in and around the Miami-Dade area, and our franchises across the country are multiplying.  Call us today to make your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  Let us help you!

The Feel-Good Franchise

You work hard; you get paid.  You work smart and hard, and you get paid, AND you’re able to get more done.  You work hard, work smart and get paid MORE!  Now you’re on to something that can set you up for life.  You’ve cracked the code!  However, you know what’s even better than that?  Making all the above happen AND be your own boss.  Add in one of those hard to come by businesses that helps people and you, my friend, may have just hit a goldmine.

Enter:  The Physical Therapy Now Franchise.

For the Owner: Why Physical Therapy Now Feels So Good

Why do you hold open the door for someone?  Because it’s nice.  Why do you pick up something that someone dropped and hand it to them?  Because it’s nice. Why do you let a pedestrian cross the street even when you have the right of way?  You guess it:  Because it’s nice.

So why then, would you consider investing in a Physical Therapy Now franchise?  Same answer… because it’s nice.  However, let’s delve a little deeper because after all, helping someone change their life by improving their physical well-being is quite impactful.

Think of physical therapy as the business that gives right back.  Your company has one goal, which is to help people feel better.  When someone comes through your doors that can barely walk, it’s pretty magnificent to see them trotting on a treadmill during their last session.  It just feels good to help other people, so (pardon the frankness here), why not make a business out of it and turn a profit in the process?

The fact is, physical therapy is one of the fastest growing industries in the country.  Budding entrepreneurs like you now have an opportunity to get into a business that is not only growing at a record pace and is extremely profitable but also genuinely helps other people.

Now… that’s nice!

For the Customer-Base:  How Physical Therapy Now Makes THEM Feel Good

When someone is injured in an accident or is reeling in pain because of an ailment that medicine can’t help, it can be heartbreaking.  On the extreme opposite end, most patients can take their health and wellbeing into their own hands and choose to give physical therapy a try.

Many individuals are flabbergasted and how positively physical therapy impacts their life.  They have no idea that in just a few weeks or months, their pain can be eliminated entirely, thus, improving the overall quality of their life.   Once a patient experiences being pain-free as a direct result of physical therapy, they can go back to living the full, productive life they’ve been dreaming about for so long.

How to Get in on the Feel-Good Franchise Opportunity

If you are community service oriented and want to own a business that yields a high profit, a Physical Therapy Now franchise may be the best way to check off all the boxes when it comes to your professional life and your finances.  Call us today to find out how to get started.  Now is the best time to get started.  Don’t wait any longer!   Check out our Franchise FAQ or give us a call at (800) 481-4582.  Become a part of our franchise family TODAY!

Should I Do Physical Therapy?

You have been dealing with your pain for quite a while.  It could be in an obvious place that many people experience, such as in the back or knee area.  Alternatively, it could be in a more inconspicuous area, such as in the abdominals, on an ankle or perhaps on the wrist.  No matter where your pain is, there could be a simple answer to your problems:  physical therapy in Miami at Physical Therapy Now.

How Does Physical Therapy in Miami Help?

Your physical therapist in Miami at Physical Therapy Now has extensive experience working with patients with a variety of ailments.  It may be recovery from an injury, from surgery or a dull pain you are experiencing.  No matter what the circumstances, you can take pride in knowing that your treatment plan will be customized specifically to your pain.  Your physical therapist has the expertise to pinpoint the precise source of your pain and implement a program that focuses on the subsequent therapies and exercises that are needed to reduce and ultimately eliminate that nagging, day-to-day pain.

Does Physical Therapy Hurt?

There are many misconceptions about physical therapy.  Many people believe their sessions will be similar to a workout or fitness regime.  However, physical therapy is not meant to be extremely strenuous.

When someone needs physical therapy in Miami, he or she has a specific area that needs to get stronger.  That certainly doesn’t happen in an all-out sweat session – you can save that for the gym!  At your physical therapy appointments, we will zone into your specific weakness.  For example, if you have a wrist injury, we won’t hand you a barbell for rehabilitation.  Instead, we will use a variety of strength building and pain reducing techniques that will make that wrist stronger little by little over a pre-determined time frame.  Your physical therapy sessions are not meant to increase your pain – they’re intended to reduce it!

How Long Does Physical Therapy Last?

There is no standard length of time for physical therapy in Miami.  Because your physical therapy sessions are 100% customized to your ailment or injury, expected recovery time will be too.  For example, the individual who comes to Physical Therapy Now post-surgery from a broken femur might have a more extensive physical therapy plan that the person who has some minor back pain.

No matter what the reason for physical therapy in Miami, your team at Physical Therapy Now will prioritize your wellness and get you to your fullest recovery potential as soon as possible.  The experts at Physical Therapy Now will give you an expected time frame for your physical therapy sessions, however, that estimate can change as your healing progresses and could be slightly longer or shorter than the original plan.

Physical Therapy in Miami

Do you or a loved one need physical therapy in Miami?  Reach out to the best physical therapy team in Miami at Physical Therapy Now to make your first appointment.  You see as soon as you arrive that you chose the right place because our staff is a happy crew with the #1 priority of giving you the time and attention you rightfully deserve.  Call us today at (800) 481-4582 because yes, you should do physical therapy… you’ll be glad you did!

Best Miami Physical Therapist

4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Physical Therapy Now

When you are in need of physical therapy in Miami, it is imperative that you choose not just any Miami physical therapist, but rather, the best Miami physical therapist.  Your health and wellbeing are in the hands of someone else when you need help getting better, and it is imperative that you find a place that makes your healing their priority.  That’s precisely what you’ll find at Physical Therapy Now and are four reasons why:

Convenience is Key

Who wants to drive miles and miles out of their way to get to physical therapy in Miami when you’re already dealing with a physical ailment?  It doesn’t matter what that ailment is:  you may need physical therapy because of a car accidenta sports injurya slip and fall accident or perhaps another reason. You’re already taking time out of your day to get to the physical therapist, so getting somewhere conveniently is essential.  When in search of the best Miami physical therapist, be sure to pick one that has multiple locations in the Miami area.

Amazing Staff

Have you ever walked into a nice restaurant but received sub-par customer service?  You probably didn’t go back.  Customer service is everything, and when you’re in search of the best Miami physical therapist, patient satisfaction should be at the top of the list.  The best physical therapist in Miami will have a staff that is happy to be at work and also happy to see you each time you walk in the door with great attitudes and professional nature.  If that doesn’t happen, you may not have found the best Miami physical therapist, so you’ll need to continue searching.

Highly Skilled Experts

The reason you’re in search of the best Miami physical therapist is because you need to make sure you get better and heal to your maximum potential.  The only way you can reach this goal is if you have a team of highly skilled Miami physical therapists helping you on each step of the healing way.  Communication should be informative and transparent, and after each appointment, you should feel good about your progress.  When you have confidence that you’ve chosen the best Miami physical therapist, you’re on the right path!

Customized Treatment Plans

No matter what body part or body region is in need of physical therapy in Miami, there is no “one-size-fits-all” treatment plan.   In many physical therapy offices, you might find the same people doing the exact same treatments.  While there are proven exercises and therapies that do work better for some injuries than others, the best Miami physical therapist knows that what worked wonders for one patient may not work so well for you.

The best physical therapist in Miami should provide you with a variety of options so you can work together as a team to get the perfect treatment plan in place for you.  There are a plethora of possibilities that should be discussed with you, including Aqua TherapyCyber RehabLaser Therapy and so much more!

Finding the Best Miami Physical Therapist

Would you like to have the best Miami Physical Therapist supporting you and helping you heal so you can get back to living a full life that is pain-free?  Of course, you do, and it’s our job (and our life’s mission!) to help you do just that.  Call us now at (800) 481-4582 to get started.  We are here for you!

How to Become Your Own Boss

If you love your job and can see yourself there for the next 20+ years, you may need to stop reading right now – this is not the blog post for you!  On the opposite end, if you dread going to work, if you’re not making enough money, if feel that you’re undervalued, and you want to be the one calling the shots at work, you’re in the right place and you are invited to read on for some information you NEED to know.

Breaking Out

One of the best ways you can break out of that never-ending rut you’ve gotten yourself into over the last several years is to begin to make that plan to get out of the position in which you currently find yourself.  The advice here isn’t saying: “Quit Your Job NOW!”  That wouldn’t be sound advice, because your job, right now, is your stability.  However, now IS the perfect time to start researching and making plans to do what you’ve always dreamed of doing.

For many people, they dream of helping others and making a real difference in their community.  One way to check that box:  starting a new career as the owner of a franchise that helps other people.  The Physical Therapy Now franchise does just that, and you don’t have to be a physical therapist in Miami (or in any other specific region, for that matter) to make it happen.  When someone begins physical therapy in Miami at Physical Therapy Now, they become a part of a family of experts whose sole job it is to support their needs.  It is an amazing thing to watch the process unfold:  on day one, there is pain and immobility, but once the physical therapy concludes, the healing is nearly complete, the patient’s mobility has multiplied, and their quality of life has improved immensely.  Helping someone to feel better, happier and healthier is a true gift, and when you own a Physical Therapy Now Franchise, community service is your business.

Getting Started

As you begin researching franchise opportunities, you will, of course, need to consider your upfront costs.  After all, franchises do come along with a franchise fee.  However, you might be thinking:  “Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to just start my own company?”  Perhaps it would initially, however, what you DON’T get when you start your own business from scratch is a team dedicated to your success.  The Physical Therapy Now franchise team works alongside you as you open your Physical Therapy Now franchise, from your first moments of consideration to the end of each work week when you shut out your lights for a day or two of much deserved rest and relaxation.

When you have a team whose sole job it is to ensure your success, your chances of running a profitable business skyrocket.  This isn’t the case for taking a chance on building your own business from scratch.  Even the most confident entrepreneurs fail at what they think is the best concept ever and many of them later choose to transition from their grassroot entrepreneurial ventures to a franchise investment.

Consider a Physical Therapy Now Franchise

As you continue to make plans to transition out of your day-to-day job, consider in investing in one of the lower-cost, yet fastest growing franchises available today.  Physical Therapy Now is opening new locations in record numbers.  To date, the initial investment is significantly lower than other franchises and the profit potential is quite attractive.

To learn more about your opportunity to own a Physical Therapy Now franchise, call our franchise team at (800) 481-4582.  Your franchise family is waiting for your call!

Physical Therapy in Miami for a Slip and Fall Accident

When you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a slip and fall accident, the injuries can be severe.  Not only are broken bones or sprains extremely likely, but your back, neck, head and other limbs are also at risk when you slip and fall.  If you have suffered injuries from a slip and fall accident, you should consider physical therapy in Miami.

3 Common Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents

Traumatic Brain Injury:  Consider what typically happens when someone slips and falls:  in many cases, their feet slide forward, thrusting their legs outward and directly in front.  Because the movement happens so fast, the individual often doesn’t have the time to prepare properly for their fall, and the result is a blow to the back of the head.  Depending on how hard the slip and fall victim’s head strikes the ground, they may or may not suffer from broken skin and/or a Traumatic Brain Injury.

Herniated Disk:  The spine is made up a long line of small bones.  Between each of those bones is a soft material called a disk. That disk cushions the bones along the spinal cord that receive messages from the brain and send those messages to the body parts to which they are intended.  A herniated disk occurs when that disk slips from its intended position between those small bones that make up the spine.  This injury can lead to numbness, pain, and weakness throughout the arms and legs.

Broken Hip(s):  Broken hips are amongst the most common injuries in received in slip and fall accidents.   This injury can cause immobility, extreme discomfort and typically requires both surgery and physical therapy in Miami.

How Physical Therapy Can Help

When you experience an injury from a slip and fall in Miami, you have two calls to make.  First, you need to see your doctor.  Even a seemingly small bump to the head can lead to more serious complications.  Or what may seem like just a stiff neck shouldn’t be ignored.  Your doctor can give you a full assessment and recommend a treatment plan to aid you in a full recovery.

Your next call should be to a physical therapist in Miami.  Your team of Miami physical therapists at Physical Therapy Now will customize a treatment plan for you and your injuries – and you will receive a top-level customer service experience that you can only receive from your team at Physical Therapy Now.

Physical Therapy for Slip and Fall Accidents in Miami

If you need a physical therapist in Miami for a slip and fall accident, reach out to us today.  With your Physical Therapy Now team by your side as you as you embark on your road to recovery, you will heal to your maximum potential, likely much faster than you will if you choose NOT to do physical therapy.  We operate under the belief that your rehabilitation is a team effort, and helping you heal is our priority.  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.  Let’s do this together!

Physical Therapy in Miami: How to Make It A Smashing Success!

If you’re considering getting physical therapy in Miami for an injury or an ailment, you’ve probably heard mixed reviews from people who have already “been there, done that!”  Some people had a great experience, and their problems are now forever solved.  On the extreme opposite end, others may have had a not-so-great experience.  The latter often occurs for one of two reasons.  They either chose a physical therapist who didn’t meet their needs – or they did something to compromise their physical therapy experience.

Here at Physical Therapy Now, our goal is to give you the best customer service experience as you get your physical therapy in Miami underway.  Read on for some simple tips on how to make it happen.

Do Your Homework

If only it were as simple as picking a random place for your physical therapy in Miami and getting the job done!  Sure, you can go that route, but you risk a negative experience that will have you putting physical therapy on the back burner.  Instead, take a few minutes to do a little research.

For example, do a quick Google search for “Physical Therapy Now.”  Look at the reviews (they should be no less than four stars) and make sure the business provides the services you need.  If you aren’t sure, give them a call and ask directly.  Also, inquire about the locations.  You want your physical therapy in Miami to be convenient so you can get from your home to your appointments with ease.

Work Hard

Your physical therapy in Miami isn’t going to be super simple at every session.  Understand early on that the point in your physical therapy is to get healthier, and sometimes that means putting in the extra effort that may not always be as relaxing as sitting at home in the comfort of your living room couch.   Commit to doing what needs to be done to get stronger with the guidance of your physical therapist in Miami, and you’re sure to see significant gains!

Have a Winning Attitude

You have probably heard the old saying “It’s all in the attitude!”  That couldn’t be truer than when it comes to physical therapy in Miami.  We train our employees to be positive, encouraging and to provide the best customer service EVER, and our goal is for that great attitude to transfer to you, our great client.  When you walk through our doors with the understanding that healing through physical therapy in Miami is a gradual process that benefits from a positive state of mind, your physical well-being will undoubtedly reap the benefits.

Physical Therapy in Miami

As you embark on your journey to physical health, strength, and well-being, be sure to communicate thoroughly with your physical therapist in Miami.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we are your team AND your cheerleaders, and our goal for you is that you will recover to your fullest potential with us beside you each step of the way.  Are you ready to start your physical therapy in Miami?  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.  Let’s do this TOGETHER!

Occupational Therapy in Miami

Your doctor may have told you that you need to contact an occupational therapist to help in your rehabilitation and/or healing from a disability, an illness or an injury. You may be wondering:  why not just go to a physical therapist since the goal is to get stronger and meet the overall goal of maximum health and healing?  Read on to learn the difference between a physical therapist and an occupational therapist in Miami and why the occupational therapist may be your best option.

How is an Occupational Therapist Different from A Physical Therapist?

When you have an ailment, and you are in need of physical recovery, rehabilitation needs to take place.  The ailment itself is the deciding factor on whether you should see a physical therapist or an occupational therapist in Miami.  The latter will focus on helping the patient to improve the skills needed to perform a wide variety of day-to-day tasks at home and at work.  A physical therapist in Miami will focus on the rehabilitation of the overall movement and strength of a specific area of the body.

Both physical therapists and occupational therapists in Miami work with all ages, from toddlers to the elderly.  However, therapeutic services vary for occupational therapy.  For example, an occupational therapist in Miami who works with an elderly patient may asses their home and make sure there are no fall-hazards in place and will also recommend the proper equipment to aid in safe movement throughout the home.  The occupational therapist in Miami will also work directly with the patient’s health care team to ensure proper health care is underway as it relates to the patient’s needs.  The occupational therapist in Miami might also communicate directly with the patient’s employer to ensure the proper workplace conditions are in place and will also provide support in helping the elderly patients with physical and cognitive decline.

An occupational therapist working with a child may need to communicate directly with a child’s school to ensure proper accommodations are in place. They may also play a key role in intervention for some children if medical professionals suspect there could be potential developmental delays.

How Else Can an Occupational Therapist Help?

Another key difference between a physical therapist and an occupational therapist in Miami is that your occupational therapy can focus on both physical healing and mental healing as it relates to your day to day activities.  Additionally, a occupational therapist in Miami can also be of assistance for patients in regaining lost skills in social settings.

Occupational Therapist in Miami

If you or a loved one is in need of an occupational therapist in Miami, your team at Physical Therapy Now can help.  With vast experience working with children and adults of all ages, our expertise and passion lie in helping patients in and around the Miami-Dade area.  We make providing our services convenient to you with numerous locations in the area, along with in-home/on-location therapy available.  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.   We are here for you!

How to Pick the Perfect Franchise on A Limited Budget

You’ve finally gotten to the point of making the money you’ve always wanted to make.  You’ve worked hard and those days of living paycheck to paycheck are long gone.  However, the memories of financial stress are still there, and you want to do any and everything you can to make sure you never experience being broke again.  One of the ways you can do that is by creating a sound investment, such as investing in a franchise.  Read on for some tips on how to narrow down your franchise options.

Start-Up Costs

When you’re looking for your franchise opportunity, the cost of the initial investment is likely a big factor.  If you had the means to pick a massive franchise to invest in, of course, you would, but if your reality is choosing a franchise with a smaller investment, that’s perfectly fine.  Many options have an initial cost well below the $200,000 mark.  Do a little research, and you’ll find no shortage of options.

Quick Profit Potential

Because your funds are available but not as “deep” as you’d like them to be, you need to choose a franchise that will turn a fast profit.  You don’t need a business that will take well over a year to move your money from the red zone to green.  Choose a franchise that will bring in clients by not single numbers, and not double digits, but by the hundreds.   This will translate into not just making profits but making profits FAST.  The more paying clients you have, the faster your money will multiply.

Fulfill a True Need

There are dozens of franchise opportunities that provide an excellent service, but the best franchises are those that genuinely fulfill a NEED for its clients and customers.  Consider a franchise that gives your customer base a NEED versus a WANT.  Those little luxuries in life that someone wants but doesn’t need can easily be pushed aside.  However, if the service you’re offering is something that has an actual need, your customer base is less likely to let it go and will instead, put your offerings at the top of their priority list.

Make Customer Service Shine

You know that feeling when you walk into a business and feel good about being there?  That’s the type of business you need to choose to invest in for your franchise. When customer service is impeccable, your customers feel good about your business, they spread the word, they leave great reviews, and the snowball effect gets underway.  This makes all the above possible, and your business can grow leaps and bounds.

Picking the Perfect Franchise

As you continue to narrow down the choices for your franchise opportunities, consider researching an investment in a Physical Therapy Now franchise.  You’ll check all the boxes above:  low start-up cost, quick profits, fulfilling a real need and the prioritization of customer service.  Plus, we walk our franchisees through each step of the business building process, so you’re never alone.  We’re right there with you from choosing your location to closing out the books month after month.

When you choose to become a part of our franchise family, you also select success, financial independence and a unique entrepreneurial journey that will shape your future beyond anything you ever imagined.   Email us today to get started at Franchise@PhysicalTherapyNow.com or call us at (800) 481-4582.  Let’s do this!

Physical Therapy In Miami:  What NOT to Do

When you sign up for your physical therapy in Miami, at Physical Therapy Now, you will be fully prepared for your initial appointment.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we prioritize the customer service experience, and we make sure you know what to expect long before you walk through our doors to meet our friendly and welcoming physical therapy team.

It is extremely rare, but now and then, a client may fall behind in their physical therapy progress.  The good news is, it’s easy to help get them back on track by pinpointing where things have fallen short.  Here are the top 3 things we find happen that cause physical therapy in Miami to not progress as successfully as planned, and why you should be sure you don’t let them get in your way of recovering to your fullest potential.

Don’t Wear Restrictive Clothes

Because the team at Physical Therapy Now has vast experience in executing physical therapy appointments under any circumstances, you can be sure we’ll do our part 100% at each session.  However, one key factor that promotes comfortability and mobility is the type of clothing you wear.  For example, a big, bulky sweatshirt may not be best for shoulder injury rehab or a pair of tight skinny jeans obviously won’t work for a physical therapy appointment for a knee injury.

Clothing for your physical therapy appointment should be non-restrictive and should be easily maneuvered so the injury site can be comfortably exposed.  Your physical therapist will be monitoring the healing process of your injury to make sure that it is not only healing properly but also to make sure there are no infections.

Don’t Skip Appointments

Your sessions for physical therapy in Miami may not be topping your list of fun things to do anytime soon; however, you need to come to all of your appointments.   It may seem like it’s ok to miss just one or two sessions, but those one or two sessions are part of the big picture and the baby steps that get you from feeling not-so-great to feeling much better.

Because we know you have a busy schedule, we have both evening and weekend hours to accommodate your needs.  Plus, with multiple locations in and around the Miami-Dade area, physical therapy in Miami will be extremely convenient.

Don’t Be Late

When we schedule your appointments, the idea is that you’ll be ready to get started at your scheduled appointment time.  Sure, things happen and perhaps there could be an event out of your control that makes you late.  However, on any other day, you should be on time.  That slot allotted for your appointment is there for you to get the maximum benefit from your session, and without ample time, you may not get all the physical therapy you need.

Physical Therapy in Miami

Whether you need physical therapy following surgery, because of a car accident or because of a sports injury, the team at Physical Therapy Now is ready to meet your needs.  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4589.  We can help!



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