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Miami Physical Therapy for Auto Accidents

When you have been injured in an auto accident, there are a host of decisions to make following your accident.  You may need car repairs; you need to decide if/when you will return to work, and you’ll also need to decide where you’ll go for physical therapy in Miami.

The good news is, you have several options.  However, the decision on where to get physical therapy for your auto accident should not be taken lightly.   You’ll need to choose a physical therapist in Miami with ample experience in treating car accident injuries like yours.

Common Car Accident Injuries

There are many injuries that can happen in auto accidents.  Some of the most common include:

Whiplash:  This is perhaps the most common auto accident injury. Whiplash is a soft tissue injury that can occur in any collision, including those that happen via rear-end, head-on and side impact.

Concussion:  A concussion falls under the category is traumatic brain injuries and causes a temporary loss of normal brain function.  This injury typically occurs from a blow to the head.  Many people dismiss a bump to the head as “no big deal” but in reality, should always be evaluated by a medical professional.

Back Injuries:  Back pain following a car accident is very common, and can “set in” hours or even days later.  It is crucial to receive medical treatment quickly once that pain becomes evident, not only for the purpose of the injured’s health and well-being but also for insurance purposes.

What to do When You Are Injured

Treatment for auto accident injuries typically occurs in one of three ways:

No matter what your situation is, it is crucial that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible once you have been injured.  In the state of Florida, you also have the option of getting physical therapy without a prescription from your medical doctor.  Your Miami physical therapy team will communicate directly with the insurance company to make sure your coverages are properly utilized for your physical therapy treatment.

Miami Physical Therapy For Auto Accident Injuries

Do you live in Miami and need treatment for auto accident injuries?  With excellent reviews from former and current patients and a team of talented and experienced physical therapists, Physical Therapy Now can meet your needs.  We offer numerous physical therapy locations throughout Miami-Dade to make getting physical therapy treatment convenient for you.

Call us to get your first appointment scheduled as soon as possible at (800) 481-4582.  Let’s do this together!

Why There’s No Better Time To Be A Franchisee

How to Capitalize on the Booming Business of Physical Therapy

If you are in the world of physical therapy, then you may have seen the recent article titled 6 Reasons There’s Never Been A Better Time to Be a Physical Therapist.  That piece is a great read – especially for those considering a career in the medical field.  But there is also another path to consider related to physical therapy – and that’s becoming a Physical Therapy Now franchisee.  Today, we’re following in the footsteps of that previously mentioned article and giving you six reasons why going the franchise route just might be your best bet.

1.     The Physical Therapy Business Is Booming

Here’s the thing: when you provide a service that people want, you’ll get some business.  When you provide a service that people need, you’ll get more business.  When you provide a service that people need, AND you perform that service really, REALLY well, you’ll get a whole lot of business – and that’s the line of thinking you need.  That’s precisely how we operate at Physical Therapy Now, and no doubt one of the core reasons why our franchise operation is growing at a record pace.

2.     We’ve Ironed Out the Wrinkles

Starting a brand new business from scratch can be downright exhausting.  But when you choose to invest in a Physical Therapy Now franchise, you “hit the ground running.”  We have all systems in place, which makes for a “plug and play” concept when it comes to location selection, equipment, marketing, hiring, billing, and much more!

3.     You Can Still Be the Boss – But Only If You Want

Many people shy away from investing in a franchise (or transitioning from a physical therapy private practice to a franchise) because they think they’ll give up too much control.  But – that’s not the way we want anyone to feel about working with us.  If you want to remain super active in the day to day operations of your business, you can certainly do so, or if you want to step back and let someone else handle that, we’ll support you.  When you become a Physical Therapy Now franchisee, you carve our your own destiny!

4.     Your Profits Could Double (or Triple, or more!)

That one line just above is probably enough to peak your interest a bit more, but don’t take it from us.  Listen to our franchisees tell their own stories about their success thus far – you’ll love to hear what they have to say.  Of course, we love what they have to say too!

5.     You Have An Excellent Support System

You are surrounded by experts when you choose to join the Physical Therapy Now franchise family.  When you need guidance or support, we’ll put you in touch with our in house experts who can step in and provide you with the knowledge and direction you need.

6.     The Growth Opportunities are Outstanding

We have franchisees that have chosen to buy just one Physical Therapy Now franchise business and others that chosen to buy more than ten, twenty or more.  Those that choose to buy just one say they want to master that one location’s offerings and be a one-stop shop for everything physical therapy related in their region.  Those who buy more say they want to blanket the region so they can offer convenient locations to everyone – no matter where they live.  With the franchise model of Physical Therapy Now, you have the option to purchase as many locations as you want.

Physical Therapy Franchise

If those six reasons listed above have you feeling a bit more curious about becoming a Physical Therapy Now franchisee, head on over to our website and do a little more exploring about what we have to offer.  Or you can always give us a call at your convenience at (800) 481-4582.

Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in Miami

How your team of experts at Physical Therapy Now can help you recover from a spinal cord injury.

You have been through a lot lately.  The stress in dealing with a spinal cord injury – whether it be your own injury or that of someone you love – can be nearly as difficult to manage as the injury itself.  There is a lot of healing that needs to happen on many levels, and here at Physical Therapy Now, we’re proud to be your partner as the path to recovery unfolds.

A Variety of Injuries

There is no doubt you’ve heard about the worst of the worst in spinal cord injuries.  Some of the accidents that happen involve high profile celebrities such as that of Christopher Reeves.  He injured his spinal cord in a horse-riding accident in the mid-90’s and sadly, never made a full recovery.  While accidents like these are uncommon, they do happen, and physical therapy is crucial to the recovery process so the patient can heal to their fullest potential.

And then there are those other spinal cord injuries that are not as widely publicized, but also have a large impact on both the injured and their loved ones.  While much less severe than the debilitating injury suffered by Reeves, there can still be a long road to recovery that too, involves physical therapy treatment.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord is made up of a bundle of nerves that – when injured – can no longer do their job effectively.  Their job is crucial to day-to-day life because those nerves carry messages from the brain to the rest of the body.  An injury, no matter how severe, can lead to several symptoms, including:

Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in Miami

There are several different traditional and technologically advanced spinal cord injury treatments available, and here at Physical Therapy Now, we are proud to offer a variety of both to serve our spinal cord injury patients.  It is imperative that when you or a loved one is injured, you choose a physical therapy clinic in Miami that offers the treatment you need with physical therapists trained specifically in spinal cord rehabilitation.

If you or a loved one has had a spinal cord injury – whether it be from a car accident, a sports injury, a slip and fall accident or in any other way, call us at Physical Therapy Now to schedule an appointment with our physical therapy team.  Because we know getting place to place with a spinal cord injury can be challenging, we proudly offer convenient locations throughout all of Miami-Dade. Be sure to contact us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.  Your goals to a full recovery are our goals as well, so let’s do this together!

Miami Physical Therapy For Pain

When you are in pain, getting Miami physical therapy can help.

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we know a lot about the pain you are experiencing.  While we are, in fact, a business that provides physical therapy, we know the primary reason our patients seek our services:  they are in pain and quite frankly, they just want that pain go away and never return.

We get it, and that’s why we do what we do.   Our job is to help you get stronger and live a life that is pain free and we do it through… you guessed it:  physical therapy in Miami at Physical Therapy Now.

What it Takes to be Pain Free

Your situation is like that of no one else.  We know that the pain you are experiencing is very real and has had a big enough impact on your life that you are now prioritizing finding a way to make it stop.

How your pain began is unique to everyone.  It could be pain that is associated with a previous surgery, or perhaps you are experiencing back pain from a car accident long, long ago.  Do you know the latter is quite common?  Some people think they are destined to live with back pain the rest of their life because it never went away by itself.  However, back pain – and virtually any other ailment – can be significantly reduced or 100% eliminated with the right physical therapy team working with you on a regular basis.

So, what is YOUR role in living a life pain free?  You need two things:  commitment and genuine effort. When you commit to your physical therapy sessions and put in a true effort to do what it takes to heal those areas that need attention, your pain free goals get closer and closer each day.

We like to think of you – and ourselves – as a dynamic duo that together, can tackle and eliminate that day to day pain that you have been living with for all too long.

Getting off of Pain Medication

The other huge benefit to eliminating your pain is that you will also likely be able to get off of pain medication!  Just imagine… no more pain pills to take throughout the day because your body is healing and getting stronger every day.  Some of our patients are astonished when they realize they forgot to take their pain medication because the pain has dissipated.

And what do we love so much about those stories?  We love knowing our patients are getting better, but nothing makes us love what we do more than knowing it’s the combined effort of us and our patients that make that hope of living pain free an actual reality.

Miami Physical Therapy for Pain

Are you suffering from physical pain of any sort?  Call us today to get started on your physical therapy for pain at (800) 481-4582.  Our goal at Physical Therapy Now is for you to feel better, fast!


Physical Therapy Miami Beach

When you need Physical Therapy in Miami Beach, we can help!

You’re searching for a place where you can get stronger and make a full recovery, right?  Well, you’re in luck because your goals are our priority here at Physical Therapy Now!  To reach your goals, you need to go to physical therapy in Miami Beach. Depending on why you need physical therapy, the time you spend with us could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.  Either way, we make it our mission to get you on the fast track to getting better – FAST!

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we work with a variety of patients with ailments of all kinds.  With that in mind, we ensure our staff is fully educated on any and every possible therapy and can help patients like you heal and make a full recovery.  Many of our patients come to us needing physical therapy in Miami  because they’ve been involved in a car accident.  Those injuries often include broken bones, whiplash, concussions and/or spinal cord injuries.  Other patients come to us in need of regaining strength and balance because of a slip and fall injurySports injuries, like torn ligaments are also common as well.  And then there are those who need to get stronger and heal post-surgery. No matter what your injury, ailment or problem may be, we’ll make sure you get the proper treatment so you can recover to your fullest potential.

Only The Best Healing Methods

Your injury is individual to you, your body and your lifestyle.  Only you know the true implications of your injuries and the pain associated with it.  Because we know that no one individual has the exact same circumstances as someone else, we create a customized treatment plan that is specific to your injuries and your healing.

For example, one patient might thrive with a combination of traditional and modern physical therapy techniques, while another patient might do best using aquatic therapy as their primary course of physical therapy treatment.  With Physical Therapy Now and the best physical therapist in Miami we’ll find what’s best for you and we’ll then work as a team to get you back to your best self in the shortest time possible.

What’s more: you don’t even have to come to a Physical Therapy Now location!  We offer Cyber Rehab and In-Home Physical Therapy, so you can go through each physical therapy session in the comfort of your own home.

Physical Therapy Miami Beach

When you get online and do that internet search for “physical therapy Miami Beach,” you’ll find that Physical Therapy Now offers everything you need.  No matter where you live in the Miami-Dade area, you’ll find a Physical Therapy Now location convenient to you.  We know physical therapy clinics in Miami need to be easily accessible and that’s why we’ve made sure each location is close-by with only the best staff to meet your needs.

Call us today to set up your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  You have a team waiting for your call!

Being The Best Physical Therapy Business In Town

The Secret to Steady Growth, Bigger Profits and Beating The Competition

Whether you are a rookie in the physical therapy game or a veteran expert, there are a few goals that you must meet to ensure your success in the business.   First, you have to provide an excellent customer experience.  Your patients should look forward to their sessions and feel better when they leave.  If that doesn’t happen with each and every appointment, your customers will go somewhere else.  Second, you must make sure the inner workings of your business are not just intact, but also innovative.  This means your employees must be happy and knowledgeable of industry trends and your technology must be top of the line.

The Customer Experience

Without your customers, you don’t have a business.  You must prioritize their experience with your team from that first phone call they make to schedule their appointment to their last session with your physical therapy staff.  Smiles, professionalism and friendliness from your staff must be an everyday experience for your customers, because even just one not-so-great encounter can mean your customer is off to your competitor for their physical therapy.

When you make sure the customer experience is impeccable, you can shift your focus to those other important areas that make or break a business.

The Staff

When you are running a bustling physical therapy business, you will not have time to micromanage your team.  If you try to run your business in this manner, you’re destined to fail.  But you do, however, need to make sure your staff is amongst the best in town, and one way to make that happen is by making good hires.

When you bring someone on to your team, your expectations must be clearly defined, and each person’s role must be clear and concise.  It should also be known that all employees are expected to participate in those opportunities to advance their own skillset so they can perform their job to the best of their ability.

It is also important that your employees feel appreciated, valuable and respected.  A healthy professional environment is imperative.  Another tip: make sure you treat your employees to networking and out-of-office events to show your genuine appreciation for their work.

The Technology

The days of pen and paper are long gone and if you aren’t already, you will need to introduce advanced technology into your business.  This doesn’t just apply to those trends helping your customers heal from their injuries and ailments, but it also applies to your billing software, payment systems and scheduling programs. For example, why send a postcard in the mail as an appointment reminder when you can implement a text and/or email-based appointment reminder system for your patients?  This shift from paper to electronic communications is not only a cost saving measure but also an innovative way to stay up to date and relevant in an ever-changing industry.

Bringing in advanced technology will serve a great purpose in your physical therapy business and will undoubtedly play a significant role in your future success.

How To Make It Happen

If you’re just entering the physical therapy business or if you’ve been around for quite some time, now is the perfect opportunity to consider a new direction.  Franchising your physical therapy business is an excellent way to do all the above, but with no ”trial and error” when it comes to implementing new systems. With 50+ Physical Therapy Now locations spanning across the country, we know what it takes to keep your customers and employees happy while staying on top of the most successful traditional and innovative physical therapy practices.

Are you interested in this franchising opportunity?  Call us as soon as possible to explore your options at (800) 481-4582.  We would love to partner with you on the road to success!

Who Pays for Physical Therapy After A Car Accident?

When you need physical therapy in Miami after a car accident, who pays for it?

There is a good chance that you can recall those exact moments when your car accident happened.  Oddly enough, things seem to either go into slow-motion mode or things happen so fast that you’re not sure exactly what just occurred. However, in most cases, what you do know fairly quickly is when you – or a loved one – has been injured.

What should you do when you are injured in a car accident?

It may seem like common sense: when you or a loved one is injured in a car accident, call 9-1-1 and get help immediately!  But for many people, those moments following a crash can be chaotic and they don’t always prioritize what matters most.  The health and well-being of anyone injured is always of the utmost importance.

There are many injuries that may seem minor initially.  However, the best “rule of thumb” to follow in any car accident is that of all the individuals in place to help you with your injuries in those days, weeks and months following the crash:


Why do medical teams, personal injury lawyer and physical therapy clinics in Miami operate under this line of thinking?  Because there are so many injuries that can evolve into something more serious post-accident.  For example:

A bump to the head can seem minor but could result in a more serious diagnosis of a traumatic brain injury such as a concussion – or perhaps a more life-threatening TBI.   In that case, the injured may need a prescription for medication for pain management and/or may need physical therapy in Miami to increase the chances of a full recovery.

A scrape or cut an seem minor.  You may think, “I’ll just keep it clean and bandaged and I’ll be fine.  But what if that cut need stitches?  And what if, because you didn’t take that injury more seriously, that cut gets infected and evolves into needing a full round of medication to combat the infection? Getting immediate treatment could lessen the chances of that scenario.

Many people have a stiff neck after a car accident, but they often fail to realize that a stiff neck is the most common symptom of whiplash.  In all too many cases, whiplash requires prescribed medication for pain management, but the injured also needs physical therapy in Miami to help rehabilitated those necks muscles and tendons injured in the accident.

So, what happens when you need physical therapy in Miami for your car accident injuries?  Do you have to pay for it out of pocket or does your insurance cover it?  Or does the at-fault driver’s insurance pay for it?

Who pays for physical therapy after a car accident?

In the state of Florida, there is a no-fault law in place, which means that regardless of who is at fault in an accident, each driver’s insurance policy will pay for their own injuries that occurred in a car accident.  This is why every driver in Florida is required to have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance, but there is a cap to the amount that can be billed.

Your Miami physical therapy is covered under PIP, so you can rest easy knowing that your medical expenses – including physical therapy – could be fully covered.  But what if your medical bills and physical therapy exceed what your insurance policy allows?

In this case, the injured often chooses to hire a personal injury lawyer in Miami.  Your personal injury lawyer will then pursue a settlement to help cover the cost of your medical bills (including physical therapy), along with lost wages, pain and suffering and loss of quality of life and any other areas that can be included in your case.

Physical Therapy in Miami after a car accident

If you are injured in a car accident, be sure to get medical treatment, and if you need physical therapy in Miami, call us at (800) 481-4582.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we offer convenient locations throughout the Miami Dade area within 5 miles of any location.  Our experts have vast knowledge in treating your car accident injuries, so you’ll take comfort knowing you’re in the capable hands of the best physical therapist in Miami!

Minor Car Accident Injuries Can Worsen Quickly


How Physical Therapy in Miami Can Help Manage Worsening Symptoms

Getting into a car accident – whether it’s your fault or someone else’s – can be a stressful experience.  Not only do you have to deal with property damage to your vehicle (and perhaps also someone else’s vehicle as well), but then you also have to manage those calls from the insurance company.


Things can get even more tricky if there are injuries involved in your car accident, especially if those injuries aren’t addressed immediately at the scene of the accident.  This, because NOT getting medical attention, in some cases, can be a health risk. It’s important to know what injuries to pay close attention to, because they could be much worse than initially thought.


These three symptoms can evolve into more serious health problems:  a stiff neck, a bump on the head, and back pain.


Can a Stiff Neck Be Whiplash?

The primary cause of whiplash is rear-end collisions.  With whiplash, an injury occurs by a sudden and rapid back-and-forth motion of the head and neck, like the cracking of a whip.  The force of this rapid motion can injure the bones of the spine (the vertebrae) as well as the cervical spine (the bones in the back of the neck).


Signs and symptoms of whiplash usually develop in the first 24 hours of the injury but can develop and worsen in the days following a car accident.  The most common whiplash symptoms include:



Less commonly, some people also experience:



A Bump to the Head Can Result in a Concussion

Being involved in a motor vehicle collision is a risk factor for concussion, which is a traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head (or body) that affects brain function.  While the effects of a concussion are usually temporary, signs and symptoms of a concussion may be subtle, and may not show up right immediately. Headache, forgetfulness (amnesia), and confusion are common concussion symptoms, as well as difficulties with balance and coordination.  Symptoms can last for days, weeks, or longer.

Other signs and symptoms of concussion may include a feeling of pressure around the head, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, fatigue, and ringing in the ears.

Some symptoms of concussion show up immediately, while others may be delayed for hours or days following the injury.  Some of those symptoms include difficulty concentrating, irritability, sensitivity to noise and light, disorders of taste and smell, depression, and sleep disturbances.

A Sore Back Can Be a Slipped Disc

Discs are rubbery cushions between each vertebra that make up the spinal column (spine).  These discs receive the normal daily shock of standing, walking, running, and other movements.

Discs can be injured in a motor vehicle accident, along with the ligaments and muscles that support the spine, and the nerves in the spine are also vulnerable to injury.


A slipped disc is also commonly referred to as a herniated disc.  This type of injury forces the nuclear tissue from the center of the disc, putting pressure against one or more of the spinal nerves.  When a disc ruptures or herniates, pressure against one or more of the spinal nerves can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the area that is served by those nerves.


Physical Therapy in Miami for Car Accident Injuries

If you have a been injured in a car accident, don’t delay in seeking medical treatment for your injuries. You could be making a life or death decision, so make your safety and well-being a priority and get to a hospital or urgent care facility as soon as possible.  More specifically, if you have a sore back, if you bump your head or if you neck is stiff, get checked by a qualified medical professional.


In many cases, these injuries require a few weeks or months of physical therapy in Miami, so choose a physical therapy clinic that is convenient for you.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we know how important rehab is to you.  That’s why we have multiple clinic locations throughout the Miami Dade area to suit your needs.  Call us today to get started on your physical therapy in Miami at (800) 481-4582.

Should I Buy A Physical Therapy Franchise?

5 Reasons to Franchise Your PT Business With Physical Therapy Now

Your physical therapy private practice is wearing you out, and you’re considering calling it quits.  Please don’t do it!  There is another way to turn around your business and increase your profits to the point that right now you can only imagine. Consider transitioning your physical therapy business from private practice to a franchise.  Say, you’re not convinced?  Read on for more details.

The Systems Are Already in Place

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we have “ironed out all the wrinkles.”  We’ve already implemented the payroll, the billing, and the software programs.  You don’t need to decide what will work best for your PT business because we already know what works best!  The “plug and play” method is alive and well with our franchise operations.

You Will Be Independent

Many people make the mistake of assuming that they will have a “boss” when they decide to franchise.  That’s not how we operate at Physical Therapy Now.   We don’t tell you what to do, but instead, we work with you in unison so that you will remain at the helm of your physical therapy business.  Becoming a franchisee means you have a support system in place that will be with you as your business grows – and ultimately THRIVES!

You’ll Fall In Love With Physical Therapy… AGAIN

Remember when you loved helping people and were happy to head to the office each day?  Those days are unfortunately a thing of the past because your business is struggling in so many areas.  When you franchise your PT business, all those headaches disappear, and you’ll take comfort in knowing that you have the support of our corporate offices and a host of other private practice business owners who also transitioned into a franchise operation.

We’ll Help You With Hiring

Finding good, qualified employees is most definitely a challenge when you own a private practice.  However, imagine if you had someone to help you with hiring and the guidance of people who have ample experience in consulting on the hiring process?  That’s what we can do for you, from the receptionist at the front of the house to the billing in the back of the house, and everything in between.

Your Profits Will Increase

Of course, we can’t guarantee a specific number, but what we can tell you is this: Our Physical Therapy Now franchisees set new records regularly in their profits in the first year of opening. Some of them have double and tripled their earnings since transitioning from their private practice to a Physical Therapy Now franchise.  Moreover, they aren’t working more extended hours to make it happen; because we have systems already in place, those long days will be long gone!

Physical Therapy Franchise

If your physical therapy private practice is struggling and you want to find a way to help it thrive once again, consider transitioning to a franchise operation with Physical Therapy Now, consider all the reasons above and then head to our website to get more information.  Let’s do this together!



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