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How To Hire Good Employees – And Keep Them

You’ve gotten over those hurdles of finding the perfect location, getting all the permits, building out the interior, and doing all those other things you need to get your business off the ground.  And now you have another feat to overcome:  finding and hiring good employees for your business.

Ask any entrepreneur, hiring manager or business exec, and they’ll tell you one of their biggest challenges is finding good – or rather great employees – and keeping them.  Read on for some tips that can help you do just that.

Clearly define the job, the expectations, and responsibilities

It all begins with the job description. It goes without saying that you are going to get applications and inquiries from individuals who are far from qualified. However, if your job expectations are clear from the beginning, you’ll also pique the interest of more qualified applicants.

Use Social Media

Don’t limit yourself to online job boards and newspapers.  Post your openings on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Word spreads fast – especially when you have social media on your side.

Screen Properly

Once you have your potential clients lined up, consider those other factors that can impact employee performance.  You’ll be double-checking their qualifications, but you’ll also need to determine if this person is competent to not only show up but show up on time and perform their everyday tasks.

Are They a Good Fit?

Once you’ve screened your applicants, ask yourself: do they have the right personality for this job?  For example, you want a friendly, personable employee at the front desk, and you want a team that works well together and is cohesive.

Go Remote

Do you really need someone to come into your office every day?  More and more companies are hiring remote employees.  The benefit?  It extends the business’ reach far beyond the local hiring pool and thus – increases the opportunity to find more qualified candidates across the country – and possibly internationally as well.

Respond To Your Reviews

Hiring isn’t just about you and your business.  There are plenty of people out there who are looking for a great place to work, and they’ll do their own independent investigations to find out what your business is like.  Do you REALLY care about your employees?  Do you REALLY treat your clients well?  A savvy job searcher can find out online with the click of a few buttons, and one of the best ways to do that is to see if you’re engaging online. Responding to reviews only takes a few minutes, it’s free, and is a simple way to show the community that you care.

Ask For Referrals

Not only should you request references for potential hires, but you can also find good employees by asking other friends and business owners if they know of anyone who might be a good fit for your open position.

Take Care Of Your Employees

Have you ever worked for a person or a company that does the bare minimum for its workers? There are plenty of them out there.  However, the vast majority of the successful businesses have one thing in common they do those little and small things that make their employees feel special.    A monthly employee luncheon or breakfast, holiday parties, bonuses, recognition… all these things go a long way when it comes to workplace morale and keeping your employees happy.  And of course – fair and competitive compensation is always important too.

A Final Tip From An Experienced Employer

The Physical Therapy Now franchise operation is growing at a rapid pace throughout the country, and it is no doubt due in large part to the employees we hire at each of our Physical Therapy Now franchise locations. Each of our franchise owners has the luxury of tapping into the expertise of the corporate office executives and fellow franchisees, so hiring is a smooth and seamless process.  For more information about Physical Therapy Now, go to our website or give us a call at (800) 481-4582.

Whiplash Treatment In Miami

There are dozens (and dozens) of different car accident injuries.  They range anywhere from bruises, cuts and broken bones to debilitating injuries that can lead to lifelong complications – or worse – death.  Luckily, the latter isn’t most common, but there is one injury, in particular, that plagues thousands of people every year regardless of how the injury happened.


Whiplash is arguably the most common car accident injury.  It can happen in side-impact, rear-end, head on, single, and multi-vehicle accidents.  Whiplash injuries can be minor, moderate, or severe – and can impact day to day activities with nagging, consistent, or debilitating pain.  In short, every person’s injury is different, and each individual is affected differently.

Whiplash Symptoms

There are many symptoms of whiplash, one of which is easily dismissed as a stiff or sore neck.  The problem is that when left untreated, whiplash can take much longer to heal and can lead to chronic pain in other areas affected by the injury.  Some of the most common symptoms of whiplash include:

Can Physical Therapy Help Whiplash?

Your doctor may advise you to rest following a whiplash diagnosis, and physical therapy can also play a key role in the healing process.   Your physical therapist will implement gentle and therapeutic exercises and movements that will guide you in the rehabilitation process.  The restorative treatments will, over time, allow you to recuperate from your whiplash while simultaneously increasing your range of motion, decreasing your pain, and decreasing (or altogether eliminating) the other whiplash symptoms you are experiencing.

Physical Therapy in Miami For Whiplash

Are you one of the many people who is suffering from whiplash after an accident?  While this injury is very common in auto accidents, it also happens in slip and fall accidents, and sports accidents.  If you suspect you or a loved one is suffering from whiplash or if you notice any of the symptoms listed above, don’t wait! Get to a doctor or to your physical therapist in Miami as soon as possible, because insurance companies have strict guidelines when it comes to getting that much-needed coverage.  Namely, a timeline that gives you only a short period of time to seek treatment for your injuries.

If you live in the Miami-Dade area and need whiplash treatment, call Physical Therapy Now at (202) 481-4592.

How To Start a Physical Therapy Business

So, you want to start your own physical therapy business?

Whether you’ve got it all mapped out (down to the location, office furniture, and logo design), or if you’re early dreaming stages (the sky’s the limit!), owning a business can become a reality.  But know this:  it takes work.  HARD WORK.  But – it does pay off, and there are a few key tips to making your entrepreneurial ventures successful.

The Perfect Location

City, rural or somewhere in between, you need to have an easily accessible location for your physical therapy business.  Think about it like this:  why would someone – who is already experiencing physical limitations and discomfort – want to be inconvenienced in the attempt to receive care?  They wouldn’t!


Choose a physical therapy location in Miami that offers ample parking with ease of access that is close to your customer base, and you’ll be on the right track.

The Visibility

Not only is the location important, but being visible plays a key role in your flow of business as well.  Many physical therapy businesses get patients because those potential customers drive past the physical therapy facility on a regular basis.  High-traffic areas can be a game-changer when it comes to how many patients your business receives, so keep visibility in mind.

Online Presence

You must also maintain an online presence through your website and social media.  Neglecting this all-important aspect of any company can be detrimental to any business.  Your potential customers will likely be searching online for the services you offer (so they can use your business), so be sure to get that aspect up and running as well AND maintain it with regularly updated, relevant, great quality content.

The Equipment

You will be incorporating a combination of both traditional and innovative physical therapy techniques in your business.  To do this effectively, you’ll need to have not only the equipment but also ample space as well. The cost for purchasing this equipment is also important to keep in mind.  Because it will total several thousand dollars, there are various lending companies who will allow you to finance the equipment or a bank loan can help in making the purchase.

A Mentor

Do you know someone who has started their own physical therapy business?  If so, tap into their knowledge and experience and ask for their guidance and support. Learning from others can make a huge difference in how your business unfolds, so be open to learning and reach out for help!

Consider An Easier Route

As you are investigating the idea of owning your own physical therapy business, consider another way to make it happen:  by becoming a Physical Therapy Now franchisee!  Those 5 bullet points above are just a fraction of all you’ll need to do before you open your doors – and don’t forget, you still need to handle hiring, billing, communications, marketing and so much more.

When you choose to join the franchise family at Physical Therapy Now, you also choose unparalleled support and successful systems that are already in place.  Those hiccups that come by way of the grassroots efforts are very few, so give the idea of becoming a Physical Therapy Now franchisee some serious thought.  You’ll be in great company, as Physical Therapy Now is one of the fastest growing physical therapy franchises in the country! Head to our website or give us a call at (800) 481-4582 to get started.

Physical Therapy Goals

You’re experiencing pain and have been told that you need physical therapy.  What is the exact purpose?  And what should your physical therapy goals be? Read on to find out why you’re embarking on this adventure and how your Miami physical therapy team can help you along the way.

Reduce Pain

What kind of pain are you experiencing?  Is it a nagging pain that causes you to slow down a bit in your day to day activities, yet it is somewhat manageable?  Or is that pain debilitating, and keeps you from doing the things you love (and need) to do? Or does your pain fall somewhere in between?  No matter what the pain is that you are experiencing, physical therapy can help you meet the goal of reducing pain.

Increase Strength

Whether you are recovering from a surgery, an injury or for any other reason, you may need to get stronger so you can return to the activities and day to day experiences you enjoyed previously. Physical therapy can help you get stronger little by little, so you can meet that goal.

Increase Mobility

When your body is healing, the muscles and tendons may become tight over time.  When this happens, it can make moving around very challenging.  For example, reaching for a can or a glass that is on a top shelf can be very difficult, or one may not be able to tie his or her shoes because of limited mobility.  Physical therapy will help increase mobility, which will ultimately increase strength and reduce pain.

Get Off Pain Meds

Many people come to physical therapy with the goal of decreasing the use of pain medication or eliminating it altogether.  Because pain is naturally reduced when one increases mobility and gets stronger via physical therapy pain meds can be reduced as well.  Be sure you speak with your physical therapist about the proper process of reducing pain medication… there are some that involve a strategic “weaning” process, so consulting with a medical expert is advised.

Improve Quality of Life

You won’t have a lot of luck finding a person who doesn’t want to live with less pain, get stronger, move about more freely and reduce their dependency on pain medication. When you meet any of the physical therapy goals above, you inevitably increase your quality of life, because you can get back to doing those things you truly enjoy.

Physical Therapy in Miami

If you live in Miami and are looking for a place to receive physical therapy, you’re in luck.  Physical Therapy Now offers dozens of convenient clinics throughout Miami-Dade.  Each of our locations are staffed and equipped with what you need to meet your physical therapy goals, so call us today to set up your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  We are here for you!

Delayed Accident Symptoms

If you have been in an accident of any kind – whether it be in a sports accident, a vehicle accident, a slip and fall accident, or something else –  it is imperative that you give serious consideration to how you are feeling afterward.  Don’t dismiss your injuries as “no big deal,” and don’t think “Oh, it’s just a little bit of pain.”  Why?  Because those seemingly minor symptoms can be a sign of something else more serious.

Delayed Symptoms

You might feel great after your accident.  There are many people who truly believe they have no injuries and continue about their day genuinely feeling like nothing is wrong.  But then, they begin noticing what we call delayed symptoms.   Some of the most common delayed symptoms include:

There are many other delayed symptoms, so if you don’t see yours listed, don’t worry.  Everyone has a different experience.  What’s most important is that no matter what, you take your injuries seriously and don’t dismiss them.

How Long Do Delayed Symptoms Take To Show?

When someone experiences delayed symptoms, that simply means that they don’t see or feel any injury symptoms immediately following the accident.  It happens differently for everyone.  Some people experience their delayed symptoms in mere hours following their accident, while others may not feel anything for the next 24-48 hours.  In some cases, the injured doesn’t experience symptoms for a full week following their accident.

The bottom line is:  no one person’s delayed symptoms are the same as the next.  Everyone’s experience is different.  The most important takeaway here is that if you have delayed symptoms of any kind after an accident, you need to take action.

What Do I Do If I Experience Delayed Symptoms After An Accident?

When you experience delayed symptoms after an accident, you need to seek medical attention immediately.  There are two reasons why:

Physical Therapy in Miami

Do you know that you can get treatment from a physical therapist in Miami without a prescription from a medical doctor?  It’s true – this law was put into place for Florida residents to make it easier to seek medical treatment when you’ve been injured.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we have a team of insurance experts who work directly with the insurance companies to make sure you get as much coverage as possible.

We’re here to help, so if you experience delayed symptoms after an accident, call us at (800) 481-4582 to schedule your first appointment.  We’ll get you in to see one of our talented physical therapists immediately!

PIP Coverage in Florida

You’re probably wondering – how does Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage in Florida work when you’ve been injured in a car accident?  Does your insurance policy cover your injuries?  Or does the at-fault driver cover your injuries?  What if you don’t have an auto insurance policy?  Read on for answers to those questions and much more about this liability coverage as we clear up all the confusion surrounding Florida PIP.

Florida Is A No-Fault State

What does no-fault mean when it comes to PIP Coverage in the state of Florida?  Here’s the breakdown: If you own a car in Florida, you are required to have the minimum requirement of $10,000 in PIP coverage.  This portion of your insurance policy will be to cover medical bills and lost wages you could experience in an accident, no matter who caused the accident.  In other words – it doesn’t matter who is at fault for the accident – PIP coverage covers each individual – hence, the term “no fault.”

What is PIP?

The term Personal Injury Protection is exactly what it says:  it is personal.  It covers you and anyone else on YOUR policy and on YOUR policy alone. Think of it as an umbrella that follows you no matter where you go.  It is your coverage, and it follows you in the event of an accident involving a vehicle whether you are driving or not.

What Is Household PIP?

You don’t have your own personal injury protection if you don’t have a car, but you may be covered under someone else’s policy in your household.   For this to happen, that person must have disclosed to their insurance company that you are a member of their household and thus, should be listed (and not excluded) on their policy.  They did NOT disclose that you are a member of their household, you do NOT have access to their PIP coverage.

What Is Passenger PIP?

If you do NOT own a car and live alone, then you do not have PIP coverage.  However, if you are injured in a car accident, the driver of the vehicle you were a passenger in should have PIP coverage that would be used to cover the cost of your injuries.

What is Defendant PIP?

If you are a pedestrian and are struck by a vehicle, and you do not have Household PIP or your own PIP, you then will use what is called Defendant PIP.  This would come from the driver of the vehicle that hit you.   However, this would only be used if you don’t have your own PIP or Household PIP because – remember – Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to PIP.

Even if the driver who hit you is at fault, your own PIP will be used to cover the cost of your injuries, and the other driver will use his/her PIP to cover your injuries ONLY if you don’t have your own PIP or Household PIP coverage.

Physical Therapy for Car Accident Injuries in Miami

If you need physical therapy in Miami for any car accident injuries, call us at Physical Therapy Now.  We work in tandem with your medical doctor and the insurance companies to make sure the PIP coverage is fully utilized, so you have to pay as little out of pocket as possible – if anything at all.   You can reach us at one of our many locations throughout Miami-Dade and the state of Florida by calling (800) 481-4582.

Physical Therapy For Degenerative Disc Disease

Despite its name, Degenerative Disc Disease is not actually a disease.  Instead, it is a condition when one or more of the discs in the spine breaks down or – as the term says – degenerates.  This deterioration of the discs can result in pain that can be described as anything from nagging to debilitating.

Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease is an age-related condition.  Years of using the spine for day to day activities can cause this condition, especially for those who participate in physically demanding daily activities.  However, a car accident or sports injury can increase the pain associated with degenerative disc disease, such spine injuries that may have occurred in car accidents and in sports accidents.

Pain Relief

There are some individuals who can manage the pain associated with Degenerative Disc Disease very well. They can continue with their daily activities with no problems: they can lay down, sit and stand, they can wash dishes, run errands, and even participate in sports and exercise activities with only minor pain.

On the extreme opposite end, there are those other people who have pain so intense that it must be managed on a daily basis.  In many cases, the patient will opt for over the counter pain relief medication, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil).

There are those circumstances when these medications simply aren’t enough to treat the pain, so other treatment options need to be explored.

How to Treat Degenerative Disc Disease

Aside from pain relief medications, there are other ways to reduce the pain associated with Degenerative Disc Disease.  The worst cases may require surgery to alleviate or lessen the pain; however, a proper treatment plan that involves physical therapy should always be considered.

Here at Physical Therapy Now in Miami, we implement a variety of strategic exercises that target the specific areas around the discs that are degenerating. These exercises can help strengthen the back, increase mobility and reduce pain associated with the condition.  A physical therapist will walk you through each exercise to ensure proper form to ensure you are getting the most out of each movement.

Your physical therapist will also speak with you about the other options available for pain relief from Degenerative Disc Disease.

Car Accidents and Degenerative Disc Disease

Car accidents can be the cause of intense back pain. If you already had degenerative disc disease before a car accident, that pain can be exacerbated directly because of the crash.

In some cases, the insurance company may deny your claim for treatment, citing a pre-existing condition and therefore, not covering the treatment you need.  If the insurance company denies your claim, you may need to consider communicating with a personal injury lawyer who can help prove that your Degenerative Disc Disease pain has been increased as a direct result of your car accident.

It is crucial that you handle this task with urgency. There are time limits in place when it comes to getting insurance coverage for car accident injuries, so beginning communications with your doctor, your physical therapist, your insurance company and – if need be – a personal injury lawyer should be prioritized.

Physical Therapy in Miami

If you need physical therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease and you live in the Miami-Dade area, reach out to your team at Physical Therapy Now.  Because we know getting to your physical therapy appointments needs to be convenient, we have numerous locations in and around the area.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  We can help!


If You Have A Wrist Fracture, Physical Therapy Now Is Where You Need To Be.

Your wrist may be one of the smallest areas on the human body, but when those bones break, the pain can be nearly unbearable.  We get it. Here at Physical Therapy Now, we not only understand the pain you are experiencing, but we also know exactly what you need to make a full recovery.  Once you seek medical attention for your wrist, your doctor may or may not recommend surgery.    After that, wrist fracture physical therapy in Miami will likely be in your future plans.

Common Causes of Wrist Fractures

How did you break your wrist?  If you’re like most people, it probably happened in one of three ways:

  1. Automobile Accidents: Whether you broke your wrist by putting your hands up to protect yourself in your car accident (which is a natural human reflex) or if it was hit or pinned underneath something in the collision, these types of fractures typically involve several areas that need to be healed.
  2. Falls: This is one of those things that you just can’t help.  When you’re falling either forward or backward, it is a natural reflex to use your hands to try and catch yourself.  Not only does your body place a significant amount of weight on your wrist upon impact, but the momentum of the fall also adds to the pressure.
  3. Sports Injuries: The list of sports that lead to wrist fractures is pretty long, but the most common include skating, biking, skiing, and snowboarding. However, a wrist fracture can occur in any sport.

No matter how your wrist fracture happened, know that you are not alone.  And there is good news:  we can help!

Healing a Wrist Fracture

Many people think the wrist is made up of one or two bones, but there are plenty more in that tiny space!  There are 8 bones in total that make up the wrist: 2 of those bones are the radius and the ulna.  Those are the two bones in your forearm.  The other 6 are called carpal bones that are located at the bottom of the palm of your hand.

When you come into our physical therapy clinic in Miami for your fractured wrist, we will review your medical records and x-rays and/or CT scans in depth and determine a treatment plan so you can begin your journey to the best possible recovery.  Our goal for you is a full recovery, so you can get back to doing all those things you love to do as soon as possible.

At physical therapy in Miami, we will focus on increasing your range of motion, rebuilding your wrist’s strength, and improving your overall wrist function.  Depending on the severity of your wrist injury, physical therapy typically lasts 6-8 weeks.

Wrist Fracture Physical Therapy In Miami

When you need physical therapy for a broken wrist in Miami, Physical Therapy Now can help.  We not only bring you the top physical therapists in Miami, but we also provide excellent care to each one of our patients.   If your wrist was fractured in a car accident, we’ll help in keeping you informed about your insurance policy and how much your PIP will cover when it comes to your physical therapy treatment.

And shouldn’t getting to and from physical therapy be easy? We know convenience is key, so we offer multiple locations for rehab in Miami.  Call us today to schedule your first appointment at (800) 481-4582 so we can get that wrist back to where you need it to be!

Car Accident Clinic In Miami

You’re on the search for car accident clinic in Miami because you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident.  You can stop searching because Physical Therapy Now has everything you need to meet and exceed your expectations.

A Skilled Physical Therapy Team

When you choose Physical Therapy Now, you also choose a physical therapy team with the training for your specific injury. Our team is has helped patients make a full recovery from a host of injuries related to car accidents, including:

If you don’t see your injury listed above, don’t worry.  We make sure our staff members can meet your needs so you can focus on making a full recovery.  Our job is to help you, and we are committed to your success!

Unparalleled Convenience

You’ve seen the signs all throughout Miami-Dade, right? The reason you’ve seen those “Physical Therapy Now” signs is because there are multiple Physical Therapy Now locations in the area.  You won’t drive more than 5 miles without being in the vicinity of the car accident clinic you need.

Sure, we could have just a handful of facilities, but that would mean asking you – the person with the injury – to be even MORE inconvenienced.  That injury is more than enough for you to handle, so take the easy route by choosing a car accident clinic in Miami with easy access.

Ample Options For Physical Therapy

Not every Physical Therapy Clinic in Miami can offer you the options for physical therapy provided by your team at Physical Therapy Now.  If you don’t want to do traditional therapy, we can explore several other physical therapy options, including:

Car Accident Clinics In Miami

Now that you know Physical Therapy Now will meet your needs and provide an excellent physical therapy experience, what are you waiting for?  Call your physical therapist in Miami to set up your first physical therapy appointment.

Don’t forget, there is a statute of limitations in place when it comes to insurance coverage and how long you have to get treatment that is covered by your plan, so don’t wait any longer; our insurance experts at Physical Therapy Now will look in depth at your insurance policy to determine how much you will be covered and if you will have any out of pocket expenses.  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.



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