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How Can Physical Therapy Help with Muscle Weakness?

Written By Andy Zapata

If you have been involved in a car accident of any kind, there is a strong possibility that you will need physical therapy services. Something you might experience as a result of injury and subsequent recovery is muscle weakness. You might struggle to lift things that have otherwise been easy. Walking up steps might tire you and cause muscle fatigue far more quickly than in the past. These are very normal experiences and can be resolved with careful, consistent work towards recovery. Sticking with physical therapy can help with muscle weakness.

What is Muscle Weakness?

Muscle weakness, according to MedlinePlus, is defined as “weakness in one or more muscles.” If you are experiencing muscle weakness as the result of an injury, this means that your muscles are not performing at their full potential. You might struggle to grip or lift things with the same force you normally would. You might struggle to walk up steps or long distances, and you might even find standing for an extended period more exhausting than usual. You simply won’t produce the same amount of power or force that you would if your muscles were at optimal health.


How Does Muscle Weakness Occur?

Muscle weakness occurs after an injury to the muscles. If they have been strained or torn, they will not have the same strength they had previously. There is a period where avoiding overusing the muscle allows it to heal more quickly. However, this can result in weak muscles from lack of use.


Participating in physical therapy treatments as your muscles heal can increase your strength over time. Muscle weakness is normal to experience after an injury but avoiding using the muscle altogether can cause more harm than good. Creating a plan with a physical therapist will allow your muscles to heal while also strengthening them through exercise and will aid in getting you back to full functioning.


Remember to be patient throughout the physical therapy process. The wide range of treatments used are meant to provide relief, allow for healing, and strengthen. This process can take time and requires dedication, but you won’t regret making the effort to get better.

Car Accidents and Holiday Travel

Written by Andy Zapata

According to AAA, approximately 49.3 million people across the country planned on driving at least 50 miles for Thanksgiving. The numbers will be similar for the Christmas season, which means lots of drivers on the road, which makes travel that much riskier.


Here in Miami…

It’s a sad reality, but many people will be victims of car accidents throughout the holiday season, both nationwide and right here in the Greater Miami Area. The National Safety Council predicted an estimated 48,100 people nationwide would be injured in a car crash during the Christmas holiday period, to the point of needing medical consultation.


Locally, in November and December of 2018, there were a total of 10,717 car accidents in Miami-Dade County, 6,905 in Broward County, and 4,791 in Palm Beach County; for all of 2018, a total of 72,011 injuries that resulted from accidents occurred in the Greater Miami Area. Think about those numbers for a moment. More than 72,000 injuries – and many of those required physical therapy.

I’ve Been Hurt in a Car Accident…Now What?

How Will Physical Therapy Help My Injuries?

Many injuries commonly sustained in car accidents tend to linger and worsen over time if treatment is not received. A consistent course of physical therapy:



Whether you’ve sustained whiplash, broken bones, a concussion, a spinal or neck injury, or chronic pain and soreness, physical therapy can help get you on the mend quickly and back to a normal life.

Car Accidents and Holiday Travel

Physical Therapy Now wishes you only the best and safest holiday season. If, however, you find yourself in a car accident, get in touch with us quickly so we can help get you back on the road to recovery. We offer chiropractic care, occupational therapy, on-site therapy, in-home therapy, cyber rehab, laser therapy, and more.


We have 20 locations across all Miami-Dade areas, so give us a call at (800) 481-4582 or fill out a form online to set up your first appointment. Don’t worry about insurance—our insurance experts will examine your policy to determine your coverages so you have a full understanding of any out of pocket costs prior to your PT sessions.


You just focus on your recovery. Physical Therapy Now is the best in the business, so we’ll handle the rest.

Car Accident Rehab

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, car accidents injure over 2.3 million people the United States each year. Congested roads, long commutes, and holiday travel increase the chances of being in an accident.


You can take all the proper precautions and still find yourself injured because of the negligence of another driver. From serious crashes involving months of recovery time to fender benders causing injuries that may be more difficult to identify early on, Physical Therapy Now is here to create a recovery plan designed specifically for you. The sooner you begin car accident rehab, the better your body will likely be able to recover.


Common Car Accident Injuries

Any number of injuries can result from car accidents. Some require simple exercises and pain management techniques to recover while others will take time and patience to allow the bones and muscles heal and regain strength.



No matter the injury, it is crucial that you seek medical attention before the healing process begins. Once you have received proper medical treatment, you can begin moving forward with physical therapy once your medical doctor gives you the green light.


Physical Therapy Methods

Physical therapy is more than just exercising an injured or underused muscle. There are many treatments that can help heal your injuries and manage your pain over time.









Car Accident Rehab with Physical Therapy Now

If you have been in a car accident in Miami, contact Physical Therapy Now at 800-481-4582. Our expert physical therapists will work with your medical team to create a recovery plan that is right for you.

How to Open a Physical Therapy Clinic

Are you a physical therapist interested in starting your own practice? The appeal of a private practice can be strong. You have the benefit of being your own boss, setting your own hours, and working with clients on your own terms. With business ownership, you can bring your expertise into your practice and utilize it in a way that you believe best benefits your clients without needing to answer to an immediate supervisor. If you are researching how to open a physical therapy clinic, consider investing in a franchise over starting from scratch with your own private practice.


Franchise vs. Private Practice

Many first-time business owners want to start out in their own private practice because they believe that this offers more freedom. While this can be true, it also involves a lot of work, time and financial investment that many first-time owners just don’t have. Additionally, a lot of mistakes are made in private practices.


According to Entrepreneur, franchises have a higher success rate than businesses venturing out on their own for the first time. While it’s true that you will need to work within the parameters of an established franchise, you will have many advantages that aren’t available with a private practice.


Benefits of Franchise Ownership

Franchise ownership provides you with several resources that you won’t have if you choose to start a business on your own.






How to Open a Physical Therapy Clinic with Physical Therapy Now

If you are a physical therapist or aspiring business owner interested in starting your own physical therapy clinic, contact Physical Therapy Now at (800) 481-4582 and ask about investing in a franchise. We are happy to share our recipe for success so you can best serve your clients.


We’re Officially a ‘Hot’ Franchise

The Physical Therapy Now Team

We’ve known it all along, but now it’s being shared on a national level!  Physical Therapy Now has been officially named in the “Hottest Franchise Categories of 2020” by Entrepreneur.  Growing at a fast, but manageable pace has – without a doubt – contributed to the ongoing success of the company’s franchise operation.

Getting Started

Physical Therapy Now CEO Andy Zapata is a self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur.  When you combine that with his passion for helping people, the concept of opening a physical therapy franchise seems almost inevitable.  This line of thinking allowed Zapata to tap into his love of building businesses from scratch, help people improve their lives by helping them heal, and also helping other people achieve their own dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.

Physical Therapy Now, in a sense, ‘checks all the boxes,’ which is why being recognized by reputable companies like Entrepreneur is nothing short of an honor.

How does he get it done?  Zapata details his love of the businesses he has built from the ground up on Business Innovators Network.  Anyone who knows him will tell you – it’s a combination of business sense, drive, discipline, and the true commitment to helping people all over the country.

A Growing Footprint

Entrepreneur chose just under 350 franchise operations to be featured in their 2020 Hottest Franchises research, and the team organized each business into one of ten categories.  As you might expect, Physical Therapy Now is placed into the “health” category with this explanation preceding a list of chosen businesses:

“Franchises offering health products and services have always formed a fairly small but growing corner of the franchise world. In recent years, though, the face of this category has changed from largely traditional health services to more alternative offerings, such as acupuncture, cryotherapy, IV therapy, and cannabis.”

What makes us so special?  Topping the list is the fact that we truly change people’s lives by playing a key role in improving their overall quality of life. Zapata’s forward thinking was to do this beyond the borders of Miami and past the state of Florida.  While the majority of the franchise operations are, in fact, in the Sunshine State, Zapata’s outreach to other states a continued priority.

He is also quite particular about who is awarded franchisee status (learn more about the company’s application process here), and the corporate franchise team helps with each step of the franchising process, from financing to location, and from equipment to hiring staff and everything in between.

Physical Therapy Now Franchise

Are you interested in learning more about the franchise side of Physical Therapy Now?  Head to our website or give us a call at (800) 481-4582.  And… a big thank you to Entrepreneur from the team at PT Now.  We’re honored to have been named in your “Hottest Franchise Categories of 2020!”

Tele Physical Therapy

If you have been injured or are recovering from surgery and need physical therapy, you’ve probably been Googling all the options to determine what’s best for you. And you’ve probably already noticed that there is no shortage of places where you can get physical therapy services, right?

But there’s one thing stopping you: physical therapy can be a HUGE inconvenience for some people, and you may be one of them.  So, how can you make it work for you?  Consider an option that is very accommodating, because it allows you to do your physical therapy in the comfort of your own home.

What is Tele Physical Therapy?

Tele Physical Therapy has many other names, some of which include:

Despite the various names you may come across for tele therapy, the basic premise of this form of therapy is that it is done at home, as opposed to doing the exercises at a physical therapy facility.

The session utilizes technology as the means of communication between the patient and the physical therapist. In most cases, there is a camera set up in the space of your home where you do your physical therapy exercises.  When you log on to your physical therapy session, your physical therapist will walk you through each exercise as if you were in a physical therapy facility.  The face to face interaction still occurs, but with tele physical therapy, that communication happens online.  When your session concludes, there is no commute back home, because you’re already there!  You can’t get more convenient than that!

The Benefits of Tele Physical Therapy

Ask any patient who has participated in cyber therapy and they’ll tell you:  the convenience of getting physical therapy in the comfort of your own home is amazing.

The American Physical Therapy Association noted that getting physical therapy online is expected to grow in the coming years, because the benefits are widespread.

Applications of telehealth in physical therapy already have roots that expand throughout patient/client care and consultation, as it allows PTs to better communicate with patients/clients and provide more flexible care. Telehealth will not replace traditional clinical care. However, it will give PTs and PTAs the flexibility to provide services in a greater capacity. Examples:

Tele Physical Therapy

If you live in the Miami Dade area and are in need of tele physical therapy services, we can help.  Many physical therapy patients at Physical Therapy Now are switching to this form of therapy because of its unparalleled convenience.  You’ll still have a scheduled appointment, and you’ll get all the benefits of on location physical therapy, but in YOUR space.

Are you ready to get started?  Give us a call at (800) 481-4582 to schedule your first appointment.

Aqua Therapy

When you’re in the recovery phases for anything physical, getting stronger, and healing properly is the key to your success.  But there’s no doubt about it… getting the healing process underway can be quite painful.  We get it.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we have patients with a variety of injuries and aliments.  For many of them, aqua therapy is an option that may suit them best.

You’ll hear aqua therapy referred to by a few other terms.  Some of those include:

Who Should Do Aqua Therapy?

Regardless of what you call it, this form of therapy serves its purpose for those who are seeking to regain strength in a way that allows their body to move with support. This form of therapy is often recommended who are suffering from neuromuscular or neuroskeletal disorders, as well as those who have suffered from injuries causing neuromuscular or neuroskeletal problems.

In those circumstances, when a patient has been injured in a car accident, for example, they may need to re-learn how to walk because of the extent of their injuries. Aqua therapy may be the best option because of the natural buoyancy provided by water. An added benefit is that because of the support provided by the water, joint stress is decreased, heavily contributing to the reduction of pain during each physical therapy exercise.

Patients who have swelling may also benefit from physical therapy because of the natural pressure of the water, called hydrostatic pressure. For those in need of muscle strengthening, aqua therapy is an excellent option, because the pressure of the water can be just as beneficial as using weights, but in a more natural manner. This is especially beneficial for those who have experienced broken bones, torn ligaments, or joint sprains.

The back is one area that can cause immense pain when it comes to day to day activities.  Whether you can pinpoint the exact moment of your back injury or if the back pain simply began “for no reason” and hasn’t gone away, aqua therapy may help.

Another added benefit:  the warmth of the water.  Not only is it soothing to your muscles, but it can aid in increasing the flow of blood to the injured area in a manner that is comfortable to the patient.

Who Should NOT Do Aqua Therapy?

For those patients who have trouble walking, any water exercises should be done with the assistance of a professional.  As you may know, walking in water is completely different from walking out of the water, and without the added support that water provides, the patient may have trouble transitioning in and out of the pool.  Those suffering from infections and fevers should not participate in aqua therapy, as and those who cannot swim should – without question – communicate their inability to swim with their physical therapist.  Regardless of the depth of the water, if a patient cannot swim, they must only participate in aqua therapy with a trained professional who is aware of their limitations.

Aqua Therapy in Miami

Physical Therapy Now has a state-of-the-art aqua therapy facility that has helped hundreds of patients right here in the Miami-Dade area heal from their injuries.  Could you be one of them?  There’s only one way to find out.  Call us today at Physical Therapy Now to schedule your initial appointment at (800) 481-4582.

Miami-Dade’s Physical Therapy Now Toy Drive

Physical Therapy Now is proud to announce it’s 8th Annual Toy Drive, being held in December 2019, just in time for the Christmas holiday.  The event has been a huge success in the past, and this year, PT Now Executives are looking forward to an even bigger and better event.

Andy Zapata is the CEO of Physical Therapy Now, and he says it’s nothing short of a blessing to give back to the very community where he has built his physical therapy franchise operation.

“It doesn’t get any better than being in Miami, but unfortunately, there are still so many children out there that won’t get to have the Christmas they truly deserve, so that’s where we come in,” Zapata explains.

“We’re expecting this event to bring out more people than any other event we’ve hosted, which is huge.  They all bring a gift or a monetary donation, but many of them bring more gifts that what we ask.  So just think… we’re making Christmas more special for hundreds and hundreds of kids, and I’m so excited about that.”

Zapata and his Physical Therapy Now employees are teaming up again with The Boys Girls Club of Miami-Dade to benefit the children involved with the organization. It has been in operation since the 1940s and has since grown to serve 8,000+ children in the Miami-Dade community.  According to its website:

“We believe every child deserves an opportunity to thrive and succeed.  At our clubs, they participate in programs for character and leadership development, academic achievement, career, and vocational preparation and health & life skills.  These quality, after-school, and summer activities engage youth ages 5-18 through cultural arts and sports, fitness and recreation.  Our programs give our community’s children positive experiences, which help guide them and offer a moral compass on their life’s journey.”

Contributing heavily to the past success of Physical Therapy Now Toy Drive events have been the local sponsorship opportunities participated in by many individuals and businesses in the Miami-Dade area.

Zapata says, “We’ve got an amazing community here in Miami-Dade, and when all the businesses and people who are able to give back come together for this event, it’s a win-win for everyone.”  He continues, “It truly is an honor to give back.  I truly believe its our job and our duty to give back to our communities – not just through our jobs, but in other ways as well.”

The 2019 Annual Physical Therapy Now Toy Drive is expected to draw more than 1500 people.

The event is scheduled for December 19th, 2019, from 7-11pm at The Biltmore, located at 1200 Anastasia Avenue in Coral Gables.  For more information about Physical Therapy Now, go to www.physicaltherapynow.com.  For sponsorship opportunities, contact Armando Bugallo at (305) 898-3378.

To learn more about the Boys and Girls Club of Miami Dade, go to https://bgcmia.org/about-us/.

Stiff Neck Pain

Written by Andy Zapata

When you find yourself experiencing stiff neck pain, you’ll also learn a little something in the process.  What you’ll learn is that all this time, you’ve been taking your healthy neck for granted.  Sometimes, a stiff neck can be caused by something simple, like sleeping the wrong way or from a sports injury.  But in most of the cases we see here at Physical Therapy Now, pain associated with a stiff neck is caused by a vehicle accident.

Neck Injuries and Auto Accidents

There are many different neck injuries that can be caused by car or truck accidents because the neck is made up of so many different components. Those many parts include tendons, nerves, bones, joints, and muscles.  When an auto collision occurs, any of those areas can be damaged, but even just one injury to one of those parts can leave the victim reeling pain.  Even something as simple as a normal head turn to check the time or watch a child at play can be excruciating.

Any type of car accident can cause a stiff neck, but some of the most common car accidents associated with neck pain are:

Some may mistakenly assume that speed indicates the severity of the injury.  However, the truth is that while speed may play a factor in seriousness some injuries, even low speed accidents can cause life altering injuries.

How To Treat Stiff Neck Pain

There are several treatment options when you are suffering from stiff neck pain.  Most importantly, if you were injured in an auto accident or in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, it is imperative that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible.  You may also need to contact a personal injury lawyer under these circumstances, and he/she may be able to help you in obtaining a favorable settlement for your injuries.   The longer you wait to seek treatment, the more your potential settlement amount could be reduced.

When you come to Physical Therapy Now, we help you with the insurance claim process, so you know  up front about any financial obligations you have for treatment. But perhaps more importantly, by seeking medical treatment, we can get you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.  We will educate you on the things you can do at home to increase your chance of a full and speedy recovery, and you will also begin a customized course of treatment at one of our many Physical Therapy Now locations.

In home treatment remedies include:

Before beginning any of the above treatments, it is imperative that you speak with a medical professional first, to avoid the risk of further aggravating the injured area.

Should you opt for physical therapy, some of our possible treatments for neck injuries may include:

Stiff Neck Pain Physical Therapy

If you are suffering from stiff neck pain, we’re here to help.  We have many years of experience in treating patients just like you who are suffering from neck pain, and we delight in watching them move about pain free once their therapy sessions are complete.  Are you ready to live without neck pain?  Call us today at (800) 481-4582 to schedule your first appointment.  Let’s do this together!

Car Accident Rehabilitation in Miami

Have you suffered injuries from a car accident?  There’s a good chance your pain and injuries can affect your ability to work and to perform daily tasks. Regardless of your injuries, it’s important to follow up with medical professionals and seek rehabilitation services if necessary.


Fortunately, Physical Therapy Now offers a wide range of services for car accident rehabilitation in Miami. We will monitor the severity of your injuries and work with you and your medical professionals to improve your mobility and reduce your pain.


Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries can range in type and severity, none of which should be taken lightly. Soft tissue injuries are quite common. These injuries damage the ligaments, muscles, and tendons. They can be frustrating because they often take a long time to heal and can sometimes be overlooked because they don’t appear on x rays and initial medical examinations. Types of soft tissue injuries are:



Whiplash is especially common in car accidents and frequently happens after a rear-end collision.


Other common injuries include:



These injuries can range from concussions to fractures ribs to dislocated joints. One of these alone can be enough to handle, but it is not uncommon to suffer more than one injury at one time after an accident.


Different Types of Accidents that Lead to Injuries

The possibilities are endless for car accidents. From fender benders to major collisions, accidents happen every day on the busy United States highways. These common types of car accidents can occur any time:


In many cases it is just one or two vehicles are involved in a single accident, but there are times when multiple cars are involved, particularly on major highways where everyone is moving at high speeds.


How Physical Therapy Helps Patients Recover

Car accident injuries can result in many types of pain, including stiffness in the head, neck, and shoulders, headaches, fatigue and dizziness, blurred vision, numbness or tingling, and limited range of motion in the limbs or neck. Many of these injuries won’t show up immediately, and the pain tends to present itself over time.


Physical therapy following an accident can target these problem areas, reduce pain and stiffness, and help speed up recovery. In many cases, the sooner you seek treatment, the better your chances of reducing pain and preventing damage in the long-term. It is also important to have consistent support during the recovery process, so you don’t feel isolated or discouraged. If you are facing possible surgery, physical therapy with our trained, qualified staff can strengthen your muscles and help you avoid more wear and tear on your muscles and tendons as you go through the recovery process.


It has been shown that regular physical activity produces endorphins and reduces overall pain. When you are in less pain, you have increased mobility and a greater quality of life.


Physical Therapy Now Car Accident Rehabilitation in Miami

If you live in the Miami area and have suffered injuries in a car accident, contact our friendly, supportive staff at Physical Therapy Now at (800) 481-4582. We provide reliable services so you can improve your strength and resilience and get back to living your best life!



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