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To Our Valued Patients,

On behalf of everyone at Physical Therapy Now, we hope this email finds you and your loved ones doing well.

Because the Covid-19 situation continues to demand attention, we are touching base, as promised, to update you regarding our operational status and to assure you that we have not lost focus on your healthcare needs.

Our teams are here – ready, willing, and able to provide expert Physical Therapy! Telemedicine appointments are available for follow-up visits and non-urgent matters, and we are modestly expanding our Therapists’ schedules to accept a wider range of Physical Therapy issues for in-office visits for new and existing patients.

To help alleviate any concerns you may have about coming to our offices, here is a bulleted overview of the aggressive precautionary measures we are undertaking administratively and in-clinic to make your visit as safe as possible:


In-Office Health Precautions


Appointment Protocols

Providing timely, expert, compassionate care in a safe environment has always been our mission, and we’re more dedicated than ever to delivering on those promises.

We are here for you.

Physical Therapy Now Team

Letter of Protection in Florida

You might be asking, “What is a Letter of Protection?” A letter of protection (LOP) is a letter sent to a medical professional by a personal injury lawyer representing a person injured in a car accident, work injury, or fall…usually due to someone else’s negligence. A LOP guarantees payment for medical treatment from a future lawsuit settlement or verdict award.

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What does this have to do with physical therapy? In many cases, hospitals, doctors, or physical therapists will not accept the injured party’s medical insurance as a guarantee of payment for medical services rendered because private health insurance claims often deny responsibility and instead are looking to the driver’s auto insurance for money.

Does Physical Therapy Now offer Letters of Protection?

Yes, we do. And we are the only physical therapy practice in the area that does. Why? Because most physical therapy practices understandably want to be paid for their services immediately, not potentially wait months. Physical Therapy Now does not mind waiting for payment. Plus, many PT practices do not understand the intricacies and protocols associated with legal cases, but we know these protocols that patients need to deal with in order to receive compensation.

Why Are LOPs Important in Legal Cases?

We are not attorneys, but if someone suffers an injury–especially a catastrophic one such as a head injury, spinal cord injury, or amputation–because of someone else’s negligence or carelessness, the victim should be fairly compensated. After all, the victim may require lengthy hospitalization and months or even years of physical therapy, in addition to lost wages from possibly never being able to work again. If their medical insurance does not cover these financially devastating bills, who will?

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At Physical Therapy Now, we feel it’s the right thing to do; to help these victims’ attorneys build a case by providing them with a Letter of Protection; without one, these victims may not only suffer physically for the rest of their lives, but they might also be financially ruined as well.

Why Does Physical Therapy Now Provide LOPs?

As we mentioned above, in most cases, it is the right thing to do. We at Physical Therapy Now are in the business of making people feel great. That comes with providing our clients with the best physical therapy care around. But in situations where the client is the victim of a severe injury at the fault of someone else, we feel strongly that those victims are entitled to the compensation they deserve, to pay for their care, and to manage their bills if they’re unable to work.

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Fortunately, Physical Therapy Now fully understands the billing, documentation, and treatment processes involved, so we are willing and able to provide Letters of Protection to clients who truly need them.

Letters of Protection in Florida

Physical Therapy Now is always here to help you or people you know in the event of an injury, whether it is accident-related or not. Our many state-of-the-art locations in Florida and Texas are equipped with everything our skilled professional physical therapists need to help you feel better, whether you’re suffering from sprains, strains, chronic pain, or accident-related injuries. Call us at (800) 481-4582 to set up an appointment and start your road to recovery.

What is the Cost of Physical Therapy After a Car Accident?

Car accidents come with a great deal of stress that go beyond property damage. The cost of medical treatment and physical therapy services after a car accident vary depending on the insurance company and the policy you hold with them.


The good news is drivers in Florida are legally required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in personal injury protection coverage. If you are injured in an accident, your payout will be dependent on the circumstances surrounding your accident and your insurance policy. This coverage will likely cover a great deal – if not all – of the cost of physical therapy after a car accident.


What to Do After a Car Accident

If you have been in a car accident, seek proper medical attention immediately. File reports with the appropriate authorities and obtain the other driver’s insurance information, if applicable. As soon as you have the necessary information, contact your insurance company regarding the personal injury protection coverage on your policy.


What is Personal Injury Protection?

Personal Injury Protection, otherwise known as PIP, is regulated differently in every state. If you are following the law in the state of Florida as a licensed driver, you already carry the minimum $10,000 of personal injury protection. In the event of an accident, this coverage is designed to assist with covering medical costs and physical therapy costs.


While the minimum coverage is $10,000, many insurance companies offer more as an option, but too often, drivers don’t increase that coverage because they fear a ‘larger bill.’  But in reality, adding another $5,000-$10,000 in PIP to your policy will cost you less per month than what you pay for your daily cup of coffee throughout the month.


NOTE: The state of Florida is a no-fault state, meaning that your insurance company should pay a portion of your personal injury costs regardless of fault.


Why Does Florida Require PIP?

According to the Insurance Information Institute as of July 2018, Florida is one of seven states that requires insurance companies to require insured drivers to carry personal injury protection. This coverage ensures that injured drivers and passengers can receive and pay for proper medical treatment regardless of health insurance and who is at fault.


PIP insurance covers the insured driver, passengers, household members, and other drivers injured in the accident. If a pedestrian or bicyclist is injured by a driver and does not have his or her own PIP insurance, they are covered under the automobile driver’s insurance.


Cost of Physical Therapy After a Car Accident

When you choose to receive services with Physical Therapy Now, our experienced staff will conduct an initial interview and will even communicate with your insurance company to inquire about coverage for your services. Your cost of physical therapy will be dependent on the payment received from your insurance company and any expenses not covered by the insurance payment.


Are you ready to get started with your physical therapy? Call us today at (800) 481-4582 to get started.

Physical Therapy Florida

One Google search or a look through the Yellow Pages (if you’re old school) will tell you–there are tons of physical therapists in Florida. With so many to choose from, which one do you pick? I think we can agree that you want the best physical therapy, so you should go to the best physical therapists in Florida. Not to brag, but…. that would be Physical Therapy Now. But why us?

Our Values

I like to call them our PT Now values. It defines who we are and what we do and what makes us stand out from the rest.  While it is clear that PT Now is just a short version for the name of our company, we also like to think of it another way.


P: Patients First. We deliver reliable, engaging, and compassionate service to every patient.

T: Teamwork. We work in collaboration with each other, we’re open to learning and teaching, and we act with integrity and respect.

N: Now. We’re here for you any time of day. All you have to do is reach out, and you’ll see that we prioritize your needs… right now.

We’ve Seen–and Treated–It All

You name it, we’ve seen it. At Physical Therapy Now, we handle all types of injuries, whether they’re accident-related or suffered during sports or some other kind of injury or ailment. We treat injuries to the head, neck, spine, limbs, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons—in other words –the entire body.


Among the injuries and conditions we treat are:


State-of-the-Art Services and Equipment

We pride ourselves on staying cutting-edge when it comes to the types of equipment we use and the services we offer in all of our locations. Physical Therapy Now provides a long list of services to treat your injuries and get you on your feet again. We offer:


When you need physical therapy, the last thing you want to do is drive miles and miles. You want the best PT, and you want it close by. Physical Therapy Now has more than 20 locations throughout Florida, so we’re always around the corner when you need us. We also offer convenient hours to make scheduling your session easy.

Physical Therapy Florida

If you’re living in Florida and need physical therapy, don’t settle for less than the best. Physical Therapy Now is here for you and ready to help you feel your best again. Call us today at 800.481.4852 to set up your first appointment. With locations all across Florida, getting PT has never been so convenient!

Soft Tissue Mobilization in Miami Beach

At Physical Therapy Now, we offer several types of Physical Therapy, including one called Soft Tissue Mobilization. Similar to a massage, this therapy consists of the use of hand movements and pushing strategically on muscles and ligaments. The goal is to increase range of motion, decrease pain, and restore functionality.

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Is Soft Tissue Mobilization right for me?

Soft Tissue Mobilization is useful for most anyone who has experienced an injury involving tissue damage. This could be injury from sports such as soccer, football, or basketball. It is especially helpful for someone who has been involved in a car accident where the body may have absorbed the impact of a collision and is now more at risk for torn ligaments.

Car accidents that result in whiplash or spinal injury are good examples of when soft tissue mobilization can be utilized because most injuries to the neck or spine can affect the entire upper body and result in long term implications.

Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques

There are several techniques that your therapist can do to increase the chances of a full recovery in the shortest amount of time possible.

Your therapist will first apply pressure to the injured areas using their hands to diagnose the level of pain. They will then continue to apply pressure using different techniques or instruments to assist with the recovery of the tissue. They may also create exercises for you to do at home so you can strengthen the weakened areas more efficiently.

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Some of the most common techniques include:

The Graston Technique

In addition to using their hands, therapists may also use tools to apply pressure. One of the most popular techniques is called The Graston Technique, also known as soft-tissue-instrument-assisted mobilization. The tools used for this technique rub or scrape against the skin gently and massage the affected areas. Its goal is to break down the scar tissue and fascia restrictions associated with injury to the soft tissue. It attempts to strengthen the connective tissue and rearrange its construction and provide relief. It provides a much simpler and better healing nature for the tissue.

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Soft Tissue Mobilization in Miami

If you or a loved one has soft tissue damage, we may be able to help.  Call us at Physical Therapy Now to schedule your appointment, and we’ll see if Soft Tissue Mobilization can help you heal faster while simultaneously reducing your pain.  Reach out today at (800) 481-4582 to get started.

Auto Accident Clinic

Being injured in an auto accident can leave you with several problems. From physical injuries to financial strain to property damage, you have a lot going on. Injuries from an auto accident can follow you for weeks, months, or even years depending on the severity. Once you have received proper medical treatment, your doctor will likely recommend physical therapy so you can recuperate and get back to normal as quickly as possible. Finding the right auto accident clinic is crucial to making a full recovery.

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Auto Accidents and Whiplash

One of the most common auto accident injuries is whiplash. Whiplash is an invisible soft tissue injury that sometimes doesn’t present with symptoms until days after the accident. Unlike obvious injuries like bruises, cuts, scrapes, and broken bones, whiplash sometimes does not show up during a physical examination or x-ray. If you have been in an auto accident, pay attention to your body for possible signs, and return to your doctor for examination and medical treatment if you experience any of these symptoms:


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Whiplash is a common injury if you have been rear-ended by another vehicle, but it can occur in any auto accident.


Benefits of Physical Therapy After an Auto Accident

Physical therapy treatment has numerous benefits following an injury. If you choose to follow your doctor’s recommendations for physical therapy, it can:


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Risks of Skipping Physical Therapy

If you choose to ignore your doctor’s recommendations and skip physical therapy, your risk of reinjury increases. Your recovery time can be significantly longer than it would be with guided expert advice.


Exercise goes a long way toward improving your mobility and reducing your pain. If you are employed, the time needed to return to work can increase without physical therapy, and many employers will not allow return without recommendations for a medical professional and physical therapist.


Auto Accident Clinic at Physical Therapy Now

Our auto accident clinic at Physical Therapy Now is staffed with experienced professionals who will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan and provide you with step by step guidance and exercises tailored to fit your specific injuries. Call us today at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment.

Are Physical Therapy Clinics Closing Because of Coronavirus?

We’re in this together. Physical Therapy Now is helping to combat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Here at Physical Therapy Now, you, the patients, are our priority. We know many of you depend heavily on the services we offer, and we are 100% committed to addressing your needs during this very challenging time.

We understand that keeping your regularly scheduled appointments may not be an option, and we get it. We want you to stay safe and have peace of mind, yet still get the physical therapy you need. That’s why we’re offering virtual services to keep you on track.

You’ve probably heard about doing your physical therapy sessions online. This form of therapy is also commonly referred to as:

Most of our patients simply say they’re getting physical therapy, “through the computer.” No matter what you call it, it means you can keep your physical therapy appointments and continue with the great progress you’ve made thus far.

The telemedicine appointments won’t happen at a Physical Therapy Now location, but rather, in the comfort of your own home.

Read below for everything you need to know.

Is physical therapy an essential service?

For some people, it is. But for others, it isn’t. For those people for whom physical therapy is essential, our doors are open for treatment.

What are you doing to combat coronavirus in your clinics?

The staff at every physical therapy now location has received in-depth training in response to COVID-19.

We are kindly offering telehealth services to any patient who has a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. Those patients who have recently traveled (or live with someone who has traveled) are also asked to use our telemedicine services.

We are well equipped with hand soap and hand sanitizer. Our equipment is correctly disinfected after every physical therapy session and, additionally, multiple times throughout the day. If our patients request gloves to increase their comfort levels, we will gladly have those readily available.

You may also notice the smaller number of patients in our facilities during your session.  Limiting the number of people we have in one space is another step toward combating coronavirus.

How much more does telehealth cost?

There is no charge to use our virtual physical therapy services.

How does teletherapy work with insurance companies?

Our cybertherapy insurance billing platform is HIPAA-compliant, so you don’t have to worry about a lapse in insurance coverage.

Will I still see a physical therapist with my cybertherapy?

You’ll still receive the great, quality care that you’ve come to know when you visit us in the office. For every appointment, you’ll have the full attention of a professional, skilled physical therapy team from Physical Therapy Now.

What if I have questions after my telehealth session?

You can communicate with us during your session via video, or any other time via phone call, email, or text.  We’re here for you!

We’re in this together.

The APTA said it best: “Striving for the optimal health of everyone must be our goal.”

While we don’t want to turn away anyone in need of physical therapy, if any patients arrive to an appointment with COVID-19 symptoms, we will respectfully offer telehealth services as an excellent alternative.  As long as you have the internet and a phone or computer with a camera, then you still have 100% access to your quality physical therapy appointments at Physical Therapy Now.

Therapy Center in Kendall Miami

There are many different reasons that you might need physical therapy treatment. If you have been in a car accident or suffered a sports injury and are looking for a therapy center in Kendall, Miami, contact our office at Physical Therapy Now to set up your first appointment. We provide a comprehensive list of treatments that can be tailored to fit your individual needs. We believe in what we do and believe that our clients deserve focused treatment and personalized experience to make a full recovery.


What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is more than just exercise. It is a combination of focused treatments that target your issue. Whether you are recovering from a fracture, whiplash, head injury, chronic pain, or more, physical therapy can treat a wide range of issues.


Our well-trained staff will review your records and meet with you to create a physical therapy treatment plan, especially for you.


Physical Therapy Treatments

Our clinics offer a wide range of treatments to treat any issue. When you choose us, you will have access to all these treatments:



Each therapy serves its own purpose, and your physical therapist will work with you to determine the ones that are best for you. With many clients, a combination of therapies works best toward a speedy recovery.


How Can Physical Therapy Benefit You?

Exercise therapy has been shown to reduce pain and improve mobility. Other therapies can reduce muscle tension, reduce pain, and improve daily functioning on a long-term basis. Physical therapy can help reduce your reliance on pain medication. Physical therapy treatment can help you avoid surgery or recover from surgery. It can not only accelerate healing after injuries, but it can strengthen your muscles and flexibility and prevent further injuries. Our helpful staff will even teach you therapy techniques that you can use in the comfort and privacy of your own home to get the maximum benefits from your treatment.


Therapy Center in Kendall Miami at Physical Therapy Now

If you are in search of a therapy center in Kendall, Miami, Physical Therapy Now can work with you to create a personalized treatment plan. We will review your needs and communicate with you to determine your abilities and needs. Contact us today at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment and meet with a member of our friendly, experienced staff.


Physical Functional Capacities Screening

If you have been out of work due to injury following an accident, your employer will want some proof that you are physically capable of returning to work without risking reinjuring yourself. It is also crucially important that you take care of yourself and understand your limitations as you heal and move toward your normal level of functioning.


When you have shown improvement and feel you are close to returning to work, your physical therapist will use the physical functional capacities screening to determine your physical tolerance and likelihood of returning to full duty at work without risking reinjury. The physical functional capacities screening is also known as a Functional Capacity Evaluation.


When is a Screening Necessary?

The physical functional capacities screening is necessary when you need to determine if you can adequately perform the duties required by your employer. Each employer has its own set of requirements, and the screening will be based on the physical demands of your individual job.


How Does a Screening Work?

When you receive services at Physical Therapy Now, our team of highly trained professionals will perform your screening. It consists of a series of physical examinations that will test your upper and lower body strength and abilities. Depending on your individual requirements, the examinations can take four to five hours or even as long as two days.


The length depends on your request and the requirements of your employer. If your employer requires a functional job analysis, we will perform the screening based on the physical requirements of your specific position. This analysis can also be required by employers before hiring a candidate for a physically demanding position or in order to qualify for a disability claim.


How Does a Screening Help?

A physical functional capacities screening is beneficial for both you and your employer. Most importantly, the screening focuses on patient safety. It can determine your abilities to minimize your risk of reinjuring yourself on the job or otherwise. It assesses your maximum physical capabilities and communicates these to your employer so they can adjust accordingly and determine your ability to return to work safely and practically. If you are amid a worker’s compensation or other injury case, this screening will answer any questions about your physical abilities and provide clear and detailed reports. The goal is for you to remain safe and maintain clear communication about your potential physical limitations.


Physical Functional Capacities Screening at Physical Therapy Now

Our experienced team at Physical Therapy Now follows a standardized set of protocols to adequately determine your ability to participate in your job and meet your employer’s requirements. We will work with you to determine what level of activity is right for you and at what level you can return to work. Call our team today at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment.



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Low-Impact, Low-Speed Accidents & Injuries

They’re misleading terms. Low-impact. Low-speed. They imply that, because the speed and impact are not at a high level, the damage is minimal. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Low-impact and low-speed accidents and collisions can actually inflict quite a bit of damage and cause significant injuries. Some can even result in long-term damage if not taken care of properly.

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What Types of Injuries?

Among the many injuries that can result from accidents at speeds of just ten mph or lower are:

Even at the seemingly low speed of 10 mph or less, a body can be jolted violently enough to cause any of these types of injuries and many others. And if you’ve suffered from whiplash, a strain, or a back injury, you know just how painful these injuries are.

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Can Physical Therapy Help?

Absolutely. But before beginning a physical therapy program, it’s essential to seek medical attention first. Once your injury is diagnosed correctly, we’ll be able to put together a PT plan to help. At Physical Therapy Now, we see muscle strains and sprains, whiplash, herniated discs, fractures, neck pain, and plenty of other injuries on a daily basis. We offer a wide variety of services to help low-speed, low-impact accident victims get back on their feet, including:

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Low-Impact, Low-Speed Accidents

If you’ve been involved in a low-impact or low-speed accident, you know how painful it can be. Physical Therapy Now can help! We have locations across the Greater Miami, Broward, Palm Beach, and Tallahassee, Florida area, as well as the Dallas and Houston areas in Texas. Call Physical Therapy Now at 800.481.4582 to set up your first appointment. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to assist and help you feel better.



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