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Physical Therapy For Wrist Injuries

Your wrist:  it’s one of those places on your body that you don’t realize how much you need it and how much you use it until it gets injured.  It seems like everything is affected:  showering, opening doors, writing…. And yes, using your mobile phone.  You can’t even scroll or hold your phone properly when you’ve injured your wrist!

Wrist Injuries

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we see wrist injuries that have occurred in all kinds of different ways.  The wrists are at a high risk of injuries because of the natural reaction we have to put our hands out in front of us as a means of protection.  This is especially true when it comes to slip and fall accidents and car accidents.  The victim knows an impact is coming, so the instinctive action of putting the hands out to protect the face or body or to “break” the fall happens, and the wrists often absorb the brunt of the force.  When that force is too much, the wrist(s) can be strained, sprained, ligaments/tendons can be torn, the wrist can be broken, or any other injury can occur.

No matter what happens, it hurts, and the injuries can be permanent if not properly treated.

Common Causes of Wrist Pain

In addition to slip and fall injuries and car accidents, there are many other reasons one might experience wrist pain.  According to medicalnewstoday.com, other causes of wrist pain can include:

The list above may or may not be your diagnosis, so it’s important that you see a medical profession to determine a course of treatment.  This is especially the case if you were injured in an accident, such as a vehicle collision, a slip and fall, or in a sporting accident.

Physical Therapy For Wrist Injuries

You don’t have to continue suffering from wrist pain.  Whether it’s a small nagging pain or something that shapes the way you move about on a day to day basis, there is help!  You don’t have to simply ‘deal with it’ or use pain relievers to make the wrist pain go away temporarily.

Physical therapy is a great option for people just like you suffering from wrist pain.  If you have not already received a diagnosis, a physical therapy appointment can pinpoint the source of the pain, and help to identify what is causing your discomfort.  If you have a diagnosis, physical therapy appointments play a key role in your healing and recovery.

Are you ready to get started? Call us today to schedule your first session at (202) 481-4592.

Physical Therapy For Wrist Injuries

Your wrist:  it’s one of those places on your body that you don’t realize how much you need it and how much you use it until it gets injured.  It seems like everything is affected:  showering, opening doors, writing…. And yes, using your mobile phone.  You can’t even scroll or hold your phone properly when you’ve injured your wrist!

Wrist Injuries

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we see wrist injuries that have occurred in all kinds of different ways.  The wrists are at a high risk of injuries because of the natural reaction we have to put our hands out in front of us as a means of protection.  This is especially true when it comes to slip and fall accidents and car accidents.  The victim knows an impact is coming, so the instinctive action of putting the hands out to protect the face or body or to “break” the fall happens, and the wrists often absorb the brunt of the force.  When that force is too much, the wrist(s) can be strained, sprained, ligaments/tendons can be torn, the wrist can be broken, or any other injury can occur.

No matter what happens, it hurts, and the injuries can be permanent if not properly treated.

Common Causes of Wrist Pain

In addition to slip and fall injuries and car accidents, there are many other reasons one might experience wrist pain.  According to medicalnewstoday.com, other causes of wrist pain can include:

The list above may or may not be your diagnosis, so it’s important that you see a medical profession to determine a course of treatment.  This is especially the case if you were injured in an accident, such as a vehicle collision, a slip and fall, or in a sporting accident.

Physical Therapy For Wrist Injuries

You don’t have to continue suffering from wrist pain.  Whether it’s a small nagging pain or something that shapes the way you move about on a day to day basis, there is help!  You don’t have to simply ‘deal with it’ or use pain relievers to make the wrist pain go away temporarily.

Physical therapy is a great option for people just like you suffering from wrist pain.  If you have not already received a diagnosis, a physical therapy appointment can pinpoint the source of the pain, and help to identify what is causing your discomfort.  If you have a diagnosis, physical therapy appointments play a key role in your healing and recovery.

Are you ready to get started? Call us today to schedule your first session at (202) 481-4592.

Car Accident Injuries and Physical Therapy in Miami

Car accident injuries can be so difficult.  Not just because of the pain and suffering involved, but because of everything else that goes along with it.  You’ve got insurance company claims, doctor appointments, missed work, lost wages.  Sometimes it can be a whole lot happening at once, so we’re here to help.  When you come to Physical Therapy Now for your car accident injury rehabilitation, you can eliminate a good portion of the stress you are experiencing.

Dealing with the Insurance Companies

We have great relationships with the insurance companies, and because of that, they like working with not just us, but our patients too!  Sometimes the insurance industry has a bad reputation for not paying for claims when they are legally obligated to do so – but that’s rarely an issue for our team.  With us, you won’t experience the hassle of being back and forth with the insurance company. We handle all of the paperwork in a professional and timely manner, and our team is well versed in making sure all of your coverages are intact throughout the entire physical therapy experience.

If there is an issue with your coverage that we can’t resolve, we’ll communicate with you up front, so there are no surprises and no hidden fees.

Excellent, Skilled Staff

There are no shortages of skilled physical therapists in the Miami-Dade area, but only one business can bring you staff that checks all the boxes like we can:

When you choose Physical Therapy Now, you also choose to become a success story, joining thousands of other Physical Therapy Now alumni who have recovered from their injuries because they committed to their own health and well-being.


You have enough to do already, so this injury you got in a car accident has been a pain, both literally and figuratively. Why choose a physical therapy location far from your work or home?  When you choose Physical Therapy Now, you also choose unparalleled convenience, because we have a location within 5 miles of any location in Miami-Dade.

Car Accident Injuries and Physical Therapy in Miami

Are you ready to work with our team of car accident injury rehabilitation experts?  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.  We’ll contact your insurance company immediately to let you know about your coverages and eligibility BEFORE you get started.  Are you ready?  We sure are, so give us a call to schedule your first appointment today!

Invest in a Franchise

Entrepreneurship and becoming your own boss are popular topics of discussion in today’s business world. The flexibility and freedom entrepreneurship promises to provide are so appealing that many people have ditched their day jobs to pursue just that.


The problem is, lack of research and support for their business of choice means some of those would-be-business owners must return to the daily grind after significant loss of funds and time. The good news is, there are more options beyond owning a business. If you want to be your own boss but still want some added security, consider investing in a franchise.


Established Business System

When you purchase a franchise, you are stepping into a proven system. The business model has been tested to determine what works – meaning – the franchise operation has already done most of the legwork. You will be provided with employee training programs and policies, marketing strategies and resources, business models and so much more. All you have to do is implement them.


Established Customer Loyalty

Becoming a part of a franchise means you take on their brand. The name and logo of a trusted brand means you don’t have to hit the pavement to attract customers. The customer base is already established. They have a sense of loyalty to a company they already trust, making it more likely that they will spend their time and money purchasing your products or services.


Financing Options

Many franchises have an existing rapport with financial institutions that will carry over to your business. When they provide you with their business strategies, they will also provide you with their financing options to increase your chances of being approved for your franchise of choice.


Consistent Support

A franchise investment means you have a constant stream of support in your corner. Odds are, the franchise support team has seen your problem in the past and has a strategy for solving it. You can reach out for help and have ready-made solutions at your fingertips rather than floundering on your own.

Freedom and Flexibility

Even though you are bound to remain within the parameters of your contract, you are still your own boss. You own your location (or locations), can set your hours, and run the day to day operations as you see fit. The profits belong to you, and you are still afforded the freedom and flexibility that many who start their own business crave.

Increased Chances for Success

Established franchises are set up for success. The key is to find a franchise that has a proven track record and knows how to relate and cater to the current market. It is a much better option than striking out on your own with minimal support and resources. Entrepreneur had this to say:


“Government research over the years has indicated that the success rate for franchise-owned endeavors is significantly better than the rate for non-franchise-owned small businesses. In short, the good news is that franchising makes up a significant part of the national economy and presents a statistically better chance for success than other business options.”


Not only will you contribute to the growing economy, but you will be investing in yourself and your future.

Invest in a Franchise with Physical Therapy Now

Physical Therapy Now is an established franchise, and we have all the available resources to give your business the best chances for success. Whether you are brand new to business ownership or a physical therapy clinic looking for additional support and resources, we can assess your current needs and move you toward your goals. Browse our website or call us at (800) 481-4582 today.

Physical Therapy For Groin Pain

When you feel pain in your groin, it can be frustrating. There is not only the annoyance with feeling an everyday discomfort, but then there is also the challenge of treating the pain. Groin injuries can be very difficult to treat, but there are several ways to go about the recovery process.
About Groin Injuries
The groin area is located between the knee and the hip on the inner thigh. Groin injuries are diagnosed as Grade 1, 2, or 3, with 1 being mild and 3 being the most severe.
Anyone can get a groin injury, but athletes are most at risk because of the sudden movements (such as cutting, shifting, changing motions, jumping, running, etc.) made while participating in their sport. While they don’t typically result in the end of a sporting career, groin injuries can be serious and take quite a while to heal. Going back to rigorous movements too soon could lead to further aggravation of the injured area and could ultimately lead to longer healing time.
Healthline describes groin injuries as follows:
“It’s often caused by straining the adductor muscle while kicking, so it’s more common in the athlete’s dominant leg. It can also be caused by turning quickly while running, skating, or jumping. Movements that require your muscle to both lengthen and contract at the same time usually cause a groin strain. This puts stress on your muscle and can lead it to overstretch or tear.”
Healthline also explains that groin injuries can also occur when someone falls, lifts heavy objects, or when doing certain exercises such as resistance training.
How to Treat Groin Injuries
For pain relief, medical professionals will often recommend Ibuprofen for its anti-inflammatory effects. Also recommended is one of the most common forms of treatment for muscle injuries, which is the R.I.C.E method.
• R – Rest
• I – Ice
• C – Compression
• E – Elevate
Resting the injured area will typically occur by using the groin area as little as possible. Icing the area will reduce swelling, while compression on the injured area will both reduce swelling and provide support. Elevating the injured area can also reduce swelling, but R.I.C.E can be challenging to implement when it comes to groin areas, primarily because of the location of the pain. For this reason, many people opt for physical therapy to treat their groin injury.
Physical Therapy in Miami for Groin Pain
Physical therapy will begin with an overall assessment of your groin pain. Your physical therapist will inquire about your injury, what you were doing when you felt it, and if you heard a “pop” sound when the injury occurred (which usually means a muscle has been torn). Your physical therapy plan will be carefully constructed, as physical activity can prolong healing time and further aggravate the injured area.
Your physical therapist will design a customized program around strategic stretching and strength building to ensure that the groin injury heals fully and properly.
If you are suffering from groin pain, we can help. Call us at Physical Therapy Now to schedule your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.

Franchise Buying – How to Get It Right the First Time

Some people believe investing in a franchise provides a better chance at success than sstarting a business froms scratch. However, it still comes with a lot of risks.

The good news is that you can learn from the mistakes of many who have gone before you and take steps to ensure that you are in the best possible position for success when you do finally make your franchise investment. Read on for our top tips for franchise buying – so you can get it right the first time.

Choose a Necessary Business

Your chances for success increase when you choose to invest in a product or service that people need versus what people want. When you invest in a necessary franchise, you will never be without customers.

Choose a Proven Business

Never make any investment without first looking at all your options. Learn which franchises in your field of interest have the highest success rate. Ask yourself:

Proven business franchises often have multiple locations, each with a high success rate. If you choose a business that already has a successful track record, your odds of success when you invest are much higher. Avoid investing in a brand-new franchise that hasn’t had time to prove its staying power.

Talk to People Who Have Been There

Contact franchisees who have already invested in the business and ask them about their experiences. Find out if their investment has met their initial expectations. Ask them what type of resources and support they have received from the corporate offices and most importantly, would they invest again if given the opportunity to do it all over.

Check The Competition

Take a look at competitors in the same market. Their operations can comparatively tell you what you might expect from your chosen franchise. Entrepreneur suggests asking these questions:

Who are the competitors in the businesses you are considering? How long have they been around? What are their competitive strengths and weaknesses? What is their pricing structure? What kind of locations do they have?”

Asking questions of competitors can give you a more comprehensive picture of the market and what you would be up against if you purchased a similar business in your community.

Consider Your Budget

It’s not enough to just put money into purchasing the franchise. You will need to make sure that you have ample funds for insurance, hiring employees, overhead business expenses for several months, and at least six months to one year of personal living expenses. It’s important that you give yourself a little room to move when purchasing a franchise because, like any other business venture, you are taking a risk.


Consult Other Professionals

Every franchise has a Financial Disclosure Document (FDD) and can provide it to you as an interested buyer. Consider hiring an attorney to read the document and identify any potential red flags you might have missed. It might also be a good idea to hire an accountant to check your finances before making your final choice.

Put in the Work

When you invest in a franchise, be ready to work. Don’t expect to buy, then sit back and collect your profits. This is especially true in the first few years of business ownership. You must be prepared to put in the hours and make the effort to establish a steady, reliable stream of income and a happy customer base.

Franchise Buying – Get It Right With Physical Therapy Now

Investing in a franchise carries less risk but isn’t a guarantee for success. Like any other business venture, you should take every possible step to ensure that you have the best chances at succeeding. Physical Therapy Now has the resources you need to get started. Call as at (800) 481-4582 or check out our website for more information about investing in a franchise with us.

Physical Therapy For Cancer in Miami

Cancer treatment has evolved tremendously over the last several decades.  There was a time when a cancer diagnosis meant death was inevitable.  Then, came the time was treatment was limited to chemotherapy and/or radiation.   Now, not only are we armed with knowledge on how to prevent this disease, but we also have major advancements in both prevention and treatment.  Believe it or not – exercise plays a key role in many cancer cases.

Physical Therapy and Cancer Treatment

There is no replacement or substitution for the medical care, support and advice you will receive from your Oncologist.  This medical professional has unparalleled knowledge in cancer treatment, and you should – without question – listen to their expert advice.

One piece of information you may receive from your Oncologist is to seek physical therapy as a part of your cancer treatment journey.  This may sound somewhat odd, given that physical therapy – in the past – seemed to have been reserved for those who have injured in some way – like in a car accident – or for those who are recovering from a surgery – such as a hip or knee replacement.  You’re right – physical therapy does, in fact, cater to those individuals – but research over the last decade has pointed to the role physical therapy has in the cancer treatment and recovery as well.

Cure Today details the role of a physical therapist for cancer patients:

“Cancer treatment is a grueling course, leaving many people exhausted, weak and with a compromised immune system. Just getting out of bed can be a huge and daunting task, let alone exercising in a gymnasium or playing at the park with grandchildren. This is where a physical therapist comes in. Despite advances in medical treatments, individuals that receive cancer treatments typically experience extensive physical limitations during and after treatments. These limitations include and are not limited to cancer-related fatigue (CRF), pain, nerve damage, lymphedema, deconditioning, as well as incontinence.”

Another article notes that physical therapy and exercise is all too often underutilized in the cancer recovery journey:

“Exercise can play many roles for the cancer survivor. It has been shown to ameliorate physical and psychosocial side effects, improve cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune function, help restore proinflammatory/anti-inflammatory homeostasis, reduce health-care costs, and improve quality of life. There is also strong epidemiologic evidence that physical activity can improve survival, which has been eloquently shown in breast cancer (Holmes, Chen, Feskanich, Kroenke, & Colditz, 2005) and colorectal cancer (Meyerhardt et al., 2006).  Despite the many benefits of physical therapy, it is often underutilized in the oncology setting. There is often a lack of consensus as to when (or even if) to initiate an exercise program during treatment.”

Consider all the effects of cancer and how it takes a combination of procedures, doctor’s appointments, medications, etc., to treat the disease.  And now consider all the health benefits related to exercise and cancer prevention.  Doesn’t it then make sense that a physical therapist could play a key role in the cancer treatment process?  Ask your Oncologist for his or her advice to see if physical therapy might be a good option for you.

Physical Therapy for Cancer Treatment in Miami

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we will partner with your Oncologist and the other members of your medical care team as you embark on the journey to heal from cancer.  Your treatment will involve several courses of treatment, and we’ll help you incorporate physical activity into that recovery process.

Our skilled teams are amongst the best of the best in Miami-Dade, and you’ll also enjoy the positive, uplifting atmosphere that we embody at each Physical Therapy Now location.  Even better, we have a location within 5 miles of where you are in Miami-Dade, so getting to your physical therapy appointments are simple!

It would be an honor to join you as you heal from cancer, so call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.

Physical Therapy For Tension Headaches

When you think about a debilitating headache, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a migraine headache, right?  Migraines are, indeed, a very serious issue, but there is another kind of headache that can be debilitating as well, and it’s called a tension headache.

Facts About Tension Headaches

Some people may not know the type of headache they are experiencing is, in fact, a tension headache.  They can be caused by several different things, but most commonly, the cause is not enough sleep, skipping meals, decreased fluid intake, stress, depression, and anxiety.  Tension headaches can occur in episodes of a few times a month, or they can be chronic, occurring 15 or more times a month over a three-month period.

Some other facts about tension headaches:

Healthline.com says, “Tension headaches often respond to treatment and rarely cause any permanent neurological damage. Still, chronic tension headaches can affect your quality of life. These headaches can make it difficult for you to participate in physical activities. You may also miss days of work or school.”

Physical Therapy For Tension Headaches

You have probably taken ibuprofen or acetaminophen in an effort to get pain relief from your tension headaches, but there are other ways to get relief that may provide longer-term relief.  Some people opt for a massage to reduce their tension headache symptoms, while others choose physical therapy as an alternative option.

During your physical therapy appointments, your physical therapist will:

Scheduling Your First Appointment

Many people don’t consider physical therapy for tension headaches because there isn’t an accident or a surgery that requires rehabilitation.  However, when tension headaches begin to impact your daily routines, it may be time to try something new to rid yourself of the pain.

In the state of Florida, you don’t need a prescription from your doctor to get physical therapy… you simply call Physical Therapy Now. Schedule your appointment, provide your insurance information, and we’ll handle the rest.  It’s that easy!

Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582 and we’ll be looking forward to you getting rid of those tension headaches for good!

Does Physical Therapy Help With Back Pain?

Having a healthy back is one of those things we all take for granted.  You don’t realize how wonderful it is to be able to move freely, with no pain, until you can’t.  Getting out of bed, picking up something you’ve dropped, and even showering; it can all be extremely difficult when you’ve hurt your back.  If any of this sounds familiar, know that you are far from alone.

Back Pain Statistics

The number of people with back pain may surprise you.  According to the website medlineplus.gov:

“Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. Back pain can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain. Acute back pain comes on suddenly and usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Back pain is called chronic if it lasts for more than three months.”

The causes of back pain vary greatly from person to person.  It can be something as small as a sneeze that sends one reeling into pain for week after week, or perhaps a car accident has led to the ongoing back problems.  However, in many cases, the cause of the low back pain is never determined; it’s something that just “happens.” How often does this occur?  A staggering 80% of the time, according to The Cleveland Clinic.

The good news is that you don’t need to pinpoint a cause to begin treatments.  Even better: you have a long list of options that have proven successful for thousands of people experiencing back pain just like you!

Treatments For Lower Back Pain

In only some scenarios will surgery be an option, and you’ll discuss this with your doctor upon receiving a proper diagnosis and – in most cases – trying other forms of treatment first.  Those may include:

Gentle exercise: You may be encouraged to do moderate exercise to keep your back from getting stiff and also to keep the blood flowing to the area where you are experiencing pain.

Stretching:  In addition to exercise, there are specific ways to stretch your back that will keep the pain at bay.

Rest: Before either of the above, you may be advised to take it easy and keep movement to a minimum to promote proper healing.

Ice/Heat: You may be advised to do one or the other or rotate ice and heat applications throughout the day for a certain time period.

Medications:  Some doctors recommend over the counter or prescription pain relievers (such as Ibuprofen) to reduce inflammation.

Physical Therapy: This is always an excellent option, and your physical therapist can pinpoint the source of pain, other areas associated with it, and target those areas on a regular basis.

Physical Therapy For Back Pain

Many people find themselves asking the question, “Does physical therapy help back pain?”  We’re happy to answer that yes, in most cases, physical therapy can dramatically reduce or completely eliminate the pain you’ve been experiencing.

Are you ready to get rid of your back pain once and for all?  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582.  Let’s do this together!

Physical Therapy in Miami, FL

So, you’re looking for a place where you can get physical therapy in Miami, Florida, right?  Good news!  You can stop searching because you’re in the right place!  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we’ll check all the boxes so you can get started on your physical therapy as soon as you’re ready – and we guarantee – you’ll delight in what we have to offer.

Multiple Locations

When you’re in pain, getting to and from physical therapy shouldn’t be a burden.  In fact, it should be EASY to get there, right? We get it. That’s why you’re sure to find a Physical Therapy Now location right here in Miami, Florida, within 5 miles from where you live.

To find a location convenient for you, simply check our website to see all the options.

Professional Staff

While we are in the business of physical therapy, we also know we are also the business of customer service.  When you enter any Physical Therapy Now location, you will be greeted with a warm welcome and treated with the upmost dignity and respect from our staff because that’s what you deserve!

Skilled PT’s and PT Assistants

As you begin your physical therapy, you’ll be impressed with the skill level of our physical therapists and physical therapy assistants.  Employees of Physical Therapy Now go through a strict vetting process to ensure the care you receive is the best of the best.  We want you to feel better as quickly as possible, and the best way to make sure that happens is to put your care in the hands of skilled professionals who can help you meet your physical therapy goals.

Flexible Options

For those of you who would prefer or perhaps aren’t able to make it into a Physical Therapy Now facility, we offer other options to meet your needs.  Many of our patients will do in-home therapy.  In this situation, a physical therapist joins you in your home for your regular physical therapy appointments.  In other cases, cyber rehab is a great option.  A camera is conveniently set up in a chosen location, and when it’s time to begin physical therapy, your physical therapy team will join you online, walking you through each step while you are in the comfort of your own home.

High-Tech Equipment

Because the customer experience is at the top of our priority list, we keep up to date on all the latest developments in physical therapy technology.  There are those tried and true physical therapy methods that have been around for centuries, and yes, we certainly use those methods. However, we also take pride in utilizing science, research, and more modern physical therapy methods to ensure each customer has their best chance of a full recovery with our team.

Physical Therapy in Miami, FL

As you continue on your search for a physical therapy location in Miami, Florida, consider Physical Therapy Now.  We could list another dozen reasons, but instead, give us a call, schedule your first appointment, and see for yourself.  We’re ready to take your call at (800) 481-4582.

5 Remote Management Tips For Franchises

In today’s world, technology is becoming more prevalent, and it’s making running a franchise easier than ever before. For example, 10 or 15 years ago, it would have been impossible for a business owner to live anywhere else than where their business was located. Now, thanks to remote management and a little innovation, franchise owners can live where they want while still managing their business.

Read on for 5 Remote Management Tips for Franchisees to make remote management a smashing success.

Meet Regularly

Communication is one of the most important business tools and it’s even more important if you are managing a business long distance. Hold weekly meetings to make sure everyone is on the same page. Mondays are a great day to hold these meetings, as it sets the tone for the rest of the week. It’s best to meet as a group in the same place (if possible) and you can run or join the meeting using a remote communication system such as Skype, Facebook, High-Five, Facetime or any other online communication system.

Have Clear Expectations

Some employees aren’t used to not having their boss or owner present, so they may feel as if they can do as they please. Set clear expectations for them; your employees need to know that just because you aren’t there, that doesn’t mean they have free reign to do whatever they want. Jobs still need to be done (and done well) so your business continues on its path to success.  Hiring employees that are responsible, independent and professional self-starters is a great place to start.

Be Accessible

Accessibility is key when you are remotely managing. Your staff needs to be able to each you easily. Make sure your cell phone is always on and with you. If you don’t want to be 100% accessible to everyone on your staff, make sure your contact information is in the hands of someone who won’t abuse that accessibility. Additionally, be sure to respond to emails and all communications other in a timely manner.


To stay in the loop, make sure you have your own checklist of things to communicate about with your staff. For example, have there been any issues with patients? Any billing disputes with patients or insurance companies? Are all expectations being met? These are the types of questions you need to be regularly asking to stay up to date and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Make An Appearance

Although you may be remote, be sure to make an appearance in your office now and then, scheduled or not. This shows employees two things: one, is that just because you are away doesn’t mean you don’t care about them or the business. Secondly, it shows that you are still present, and everyone needs to be on task even if you aren’t always there. Unscheduled appearances can further reinforce the latter point.

Physical Therapy Now Franchise

Luckily, here at Physical Therapy Now we know that remote managing is doable and can be very successful with our franchise model. If you are interested in becoming a franchisee but are worried about distance, Physical Therapy Now can work with your needs. Call us at (800) 481-4582 or visit our website for more information. Make the call today!



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