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Andy Zapata, Founder

Physical Therapy Now Franchise Inc.

Physical Therapy for Several Injuries

It’s truly mind-blowing the variety of injuries a car accident can cause. They can range from
scrapes and bruises to life-altering spinal cord injuries. For just about everything in between
(and even including spinal injuries), physical therapy can help you recover and regain what you
may have lost after a car accident. The skilled, experienced physical therapists at Physical
Therapy Now are ready to help you get back on your feet.
Common Injuries from Car Accidents
Injuries sustained in car accidents can vary in severity, but the types of injuries are usually
pretty similar due to the nature of car accident impact. The types of accident-related injuries we
typically see include:
● Whiplash–This is one of the more common car accident injuries, which results from the
fast, sudden impact of the car striking another vehicle or object. Most whiplash injuries
involve very sore muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue.
● Fractures–Whether it’s from the actual impact (which could cause fractures in legs,
arms, ribs, or even the spine) or from bracing for impact (usually shoulder/clavicle
fractures), fractures/broken bones are a common–and unfortunate–result of car
● Knee injuries–Many people might not immediately think of knees when it comes to
common car accident injuries. But knees quite often suffer damage in these situations
due to impact with the dashboard. Kneecaps and ligaments bear the brunt of the impact,
causing these painful injuries.
● Head trauma–Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can sometimes be a devastating result of a
car accident. Based on the severity of the injury, TBIs can have life-threatening and life-
changing consequences.
● Spinal cord injuries–Similar to TBIs, spinal cord injuries can literally change everything if
the injury is severe enough. Paralysis and loss of/lack of mobility are just a couple of the
catastrophic results of a spinal cord injury.
● Herniated discs–Though not nearly as serious or traumatic as a spinal cord injury,
herniated discs in the back can nonetheless cause a tremendous amount of pain and
affect almost everything you do during any given day. Severe back pain, as well as
shooting pain and numbness down the legs are common occurrences with herniated
discs.● Cuts and scrapes–Though most heal over time, accident victims can sometimes suffer
appearance-altering or even lifestyle-changing cuts that might require staples and/or
stitches to repair. Add in the ever-present possibility of infection and scars, and it’s easy
to see why cuts are an unfortunate result of many accidents.
How Physical Therapy Can Help
Fortunately, physical therapy can help with many of these kinds of injuries, and in many different
ways. PT can expedite the recovery process, improve mobility and flexibility, treat concussions
and other head injuries, reduce your pain through exercise, treat whiplash and other soft tissue
injuries, help you avoid surgery, and help prevent you from reinjuring yourself.
What Types of PT Can Help?
At Physical Therapy Now, we offer a wide range of PT services to help you recover. Some of
these include:
● Massage therapy
● Stretch therapy
● Exercise therapy
● Manual therapy
● Laser therapy
● Muscle strain/sprain therapy
● Aqua therapy
● Occupational therapy
● Home exercise programs
● And many more!
Physical Therapy for Several Injuries
Physical Therapy Now is ready to help you if you’ve sustained any injuries in a car accident. We
have locations in several areas, including Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Leon County,
Pinellas County, and Tallahassee, as well as Dallas and Houston, Texas. Give us a call at (800)
481-4852 to set up your appointment and get back on the road to recovery!


Cuts and scrapes–Though most heal over time, accident victims can sometimes suffer
appearance-altering or even lifestyle-changing cuts that might require staples and/or
stitches to repair. Add in the ever-present possibility of infection and scars, and it’s easy
to see why cuts are an unfortunate result of many accidents.
How Physical Therapy Can Help
Fortunately, physical therapy can help with many of these kinds of injuries, and in many different
ways. PT can expedite the recovery process, improve mobility and flexibility, treat concussions
and other head injuries, reduce your pain through exercise, treat whiplash and other soft tissue
injuries, help you avoid surgery, and help prevent you from reinjuring yourself.
What Types of PT Can Help?
At Physical Therapy Now, we offer a wide range of PT services to help you recover. Some of
these include:
Massage therapy
Stretch therapy
Exercise therapy
Manual therapy
Laser therapy
Muscle strain/sprain therapy
Aqua therapy
Occupational therapy
Home exercise programs
And many more!
Physical Therapy for Several Injuries
Physical Therapy Now is ready to help you if you’ve sustained any injuries in a car accident. We
have locations in several areas, including Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Leon County,
Pinellas County, and Tallahassee, as well as Dallas and Houston, Texas. Give us a call at (800)
481-4852 to set up your appointment and get back on the road to recovery!

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Injuries

About the Shoulder

One of the body’s most complex areas is the shoulder, and each shoulder is made up of three bones:  the upper arm bone (the humerus), the shoulder blade (scapula), and the collarbone (clavicle).  These bones fit into the joint areas of the shoulder and are supported by tendons and muscles, enabling us to do things like comb our hair, reach for a coffee cup, catch a ball, swing a golf club or tennis racket, and many other ‘reaching’ activities.

In spite of the shoulder’s complex design, the daily wear and tear of frequent use in reaching and other movements makes the shoulder area vulnerable to injury or a direct injury – like what may occur in a car accident – can be extremely uncomfortable. The onset of shoulder pain can be gradual or sudden, and shoulder pain ranges from mild to excruciating.  An injury to the shoulder can interrupt a person’s sleep, and the ability to perform activities of daily living can also be impacted.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Although shoulder problems are common, the cause of shoulder pain cannot always be determined.  Mild shoulder pain can sometimes improve on its own by adjusting your activities, performing mild stretches, and taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to see if the pain resolves on its own, although most instances of shoulder pain are resolved with physical therapy.

Some health problems originating elsewhere in the body can lead to pain that radiates to the shoulder, such as in arthritis, disc herniations, and specific neck problems.  Shoulder pain often occurs as we age due to a variety of common conditions, such as arthritis, and particularly due to a lifetime of daily wear and tear on the shoulders.

Less common causes of shoulder pain are infection, nerve-related problems, and tumors.  Case reports have been published in 2020 in regard to shoulder pain and dysfunction following administration of inactivated influenza vaccine.  If you are experiencing a great deal of pain or know that you are injured, see a doctor right away to have your health problem diagnosed.

The following causes of shoulder pain are most common:

Common Types of Shoulder Injuries

The rotator cuff is comprised of muscles and tendons that connect the shoulder to the socket, which allows the person to move the shoulder in a circular motion.  Rotator cuff problems fall into two categories:  inflammation or tears.  Studies show that nearly two million people see a doctor in a given year for rotator cuff-related problems.  When a person experiences pain or stiffness in the shoulder while lifting the arm above their head, a rotator cuff problem is often suspected.

Rotator cuff impingement occurs when there is inflammation, compression, or irritation of the tendons or bursa in the shoulder.  General wear and tear as we age can lead to impingement of the rotator cuff, as well as injury to the area at any age.

Rotator cuff tears are often accompanied by weakness in the area.  When shoulder pain exists without any weakness in the area, the problem is more likely due to impingement of the rotator cuff rather than a tear.  A tear in the rotator cuff is more likely to be caused by an injury.

Common accidents that often result in rotator cuff tears include slipping and falling, tripping, getting pulled by a dog on a leash, or a work accident – all of which can result in landing on one’s shoulder.  Rotator cuff tears may also occur during the impact of a motor vehicle accident.

Fractures to the shoulder bones among older patients often result from a fall from standing height, whereas in younger patients, shoulder fractures are more likely to result from a high energy injury such as a motor vehicle collision or an injury sustained in contact sports.  When any of the shoulder bones have been fractured (broken), patients will likely experience:

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain

In most cases of shoulder pain, physical therapy is enough to remedy the health problem.  Physical therapy approaches may include:

Our highly educated and trained staff at Physical Therapy Now is waiting to assist you toward optimal health.  Call us today at (800) 481-4582 to schedule an appointment at your convenience.

Injury Rehab

Many people find themselves referred to physical therapy treatment after being injured in an accident. Frequently, these accidents are car accidents. If you have never participated in injury rehab before, you might be wondering where you need to start. The good news is that Physical Therapy Now is here to guide you through the process. We have a staff of experienced professionals who will create a treatment plan that caters to your specific needs.


How We Can Help You After An Accident

There are several benefits to physical therapy treatment. It is more than improving mobility, although that is a large part of what we do. Physical therapy treatments focus on the whole person and the way each moving part connects and affects the other parts of the body. For example, if your knee was injured, the primary focus of your treatment will be on restoring your knee to full health.


However, we will also pay attention to how your knee connects to and affects the functioning in other parts of your body. It is our goal to use movement and other available treatments to accelerate your healing, manage your pain, improve your mobility, and strengthen your muscles and joints.


What To Expect From Treatment

When you schedule your first appointment with our staff, we will review your medical records and doctor recommendations and create a treatment plan that is right for you. Your treatment plan will include an appointment schedule and the therapies that we recommend for your recovery. Additionally, we will also check your insurance coverage and will thoroughly communicate any financial obligations you may have. In many cases, there are no financial obligations, so you must reach out to our team so we can accurately review your insurance.


Recovering from car accident injuries can take time, so you must be patient with yourself and allow your body to heal at its own pace. Your therapist will adjust your treatment plan accordingly as you progress.


Depending on your injury, your therapist might recommend one or more of the following therapies:



Physical Therapy: Essential Service

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, many people are uncertain about the types of treatments they can continue to receive. The good news is that physical therapy is an essential service, and Physical Therapy Now continues to provide treatment to our patients.


Because we are dedicated to the health and safety of our patients and staff, we are taking all of the appropriate precautions to prevent the spread of this illness. We sanitize all workstations, equipment, and other surfaces. We limit the number of patients and staff in the building at one time. We are also offering telehealth services, so many of our patients can receive professional guidance without having to leave their homes.


Injury Rehab at Physical Therapy Now

If you have been injured in a car accident or other unfortunate incident and have been referred for injury rehab, contact Physical Therapy Now at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment. We are happy to work with you toward a full recovery and will make your health and safety our top priority.


Plinko Casino est un jeu de hasard captivant qui attire de plus en plus de joueurs à travers le monde. Inspiré du célèbre jeu télévisé, Plinko propose une expérience unique et excitante. Les joueurs lancent une bille du haut d’un plateau rempli de clous, espérant qu’elle atterrisse dans une zone de gains élevés. Ce jeu combine chance et anticipation, créant une atmosphère palpitante. Mais au-delà du divertissement, Plinko Casino nous offre une perspective fascinante sur les mécanismes psychologiques des joueurs.

Description de Plinko Casino

Plinko Casino https://www.mcoachingsportspa.fr/wp-content/uploads/videos/comment-jouer-au-plinko-facile-bonus-10-offerts-sans-dépôts.html est un jeu de hasard basé sur un plateau vertical rempli de clous et de zones de gains variées en bas. Les joueurs lancent une bille du haut du plateau, qui descend en rebondissant de clou en clou jusqu’à atterrir dans l’une des zones de gains. Chaque zone correspond à un montant de gain différent, allant de modestes récompenses à des jackpots impressionnants. Le charme de Plinko Casino réside dans la simplicité de son gameplay combinée à l’excitation du hasard, où chaque lancer de bille promet une nouvelle opportunité de gagner. Cette expérience immersive et palpitante en fait un choix populaire parmi les amateurs de jeux de hasard.

La Psychologie de l’Anticipation

L’un des aspects les plus intrigants de Plinko Casino est l’anticipation. Les joueurs ressentent une montée d’adrénaline alors que la bille descend lentement, rebondissant de clou en clou. Ce suspense crée une sensation de plaisir intense, activant les circuits de récompense dans le cerveau. La possibilité de gagner gros maintient les joueurs engagés et enthousiastes. L’anticipation joue un rôle crucial dans le maintien de l’intérêt et de l’excitation, illustrant comment les jeux de hasard exploitent notre psychologie.

Le Rôle de la Chance et du Contrôle Perçu

Plinko Casino met en lumière un autre aspect psychologique important : le contrôle perçu. Bien que le jeu soit basé sur le hasard, les joueurs croient souvent qu’ils peuvent influencer le résultat par la façon dont ils lancent la bille. Cette illusion de contrôle renforce leur engagement et leur motivation à continuer à jouer. La croyance que chaque lancer pourrait être le bon crée un cycle de jeu persistant. Comprendre cette dynamique aide à expliquer pourquoi les jeux de hasard comme Plinko Casino sont si addictifs.

Les Récompenses Intermittentes et la Motivation

Les récompenses intermittentes sont un autre facteur psychologique clé dans Plinko Casino. Contrairement aux récompenses prévisibles, les gains intermittents imprévisibles stimulent davantage le système de récompense du cerveau. Cette variabilité rend le jeu plus captivant, car les joueurs ne savent jamais quand ils vont gagner. La psychologie montre que les récompenses imprévisibles sont particulièrement efficaces pour maintenir l’engagement. Plinko Casino utilise cette stratégie pour maximiser le plaisir et l’addiction des joueurs.

La Réflexion et la Prise de Décision

Plinko Casino influence également la réflexion et la prise de décision des joueurs. Chaque lancer nécessite une décision rapide et instinctive sur où et comment lancer la bille. Les joueurs réfléchissent à leurs choix, même si le résultat final dépend du hasard. Cette prise de décision active des processus cognitifs complexes et renforce l’implication mentale. Étudier ces aspects peut offrir des insights précieux sur la façon dont les jeux de hasard influencent notre cognition et notre comportement.


Plinko Casino n’est pas seulement un jeu de hasard amusant, mais aussi une fenêtre fascinante sur la psychologie humaine. L’anticipation, le contrôle perçu, les récompenses intermittentes et la prise de décision sont autant de facteurs qui rendent ce jeu captivant et addictif. Comprendre ces mécanismes peut nous aider à mieux appréhender les dynamiques des jeux de hasard et leur impact sur notre comportement. Plinko Casino illustre parfaitement comment les jeux peuvent exploiter notre psychologie pour créer une expérience de jeu irrésistible.

Fortune Tiger

O Fortune Tiger Casino é um dos cassinos online mais populares do momento, oferecendo uma ampla gama de jogos de alta qualidade e uma experiência de usuário excepcional. Com uma interface intuitiva e bônus atraentes, ele rapidamente se tornou o favorito entre os jogadores. Neste artigo, exploraremos os principais aspectos que tornam o Fortune Tiger Casino tão especial, desde seus jogos até suas estratégias de retenção de clientes. Vamos mergulhar no mundo deste cassino e descobrir o que o diferencia dos concorrentes.

Descrição do Fortune Tiger Casino

O Fortune Tiger Casino https://www.coletivoleitor.com.br/fortune-tiger-jogo-do-tigre-aposta/ é um cassino online de renome que oferece uma experiência de jogo emocionante e imersiva para seus usuários. Com uma interface intuitiva e atraente, o cassino proporciona acesso a uma vasta seleção de jogos de alta qualidade, incluindo caça-níqueis, blackjack, roleta e muito mais. Desenvolvido por fornecedores de software líderes no mercado, cada jogo é caracterizado por gráficos impressionantes e mecânicas de jogo envolventes. Além disso, o Fortune Tiger Casino é conhecido por suas generosas promoções e bônus, que recompensam tanto novos jogadores quanto os mais fiéis. A segurança é uma prioridade, com a utilização de tecnologia de criptografia avançada para proteger as informações dos jogadores. Com atendimento ao cliente disponível 24/7 e uma plataforma otimizada para dispositivos móveis, o Fortune Tiger Casino garante uma experiência de jogo excepcional e segura para todos os seus usuários.

Variedade de Jogos Oferecidos

Uma das maiores atrações do Fortune Tiger Casino é a variedade de jogos disponíveis. Desde clássicos como blackjack e roleta até as mais recentes máquinas caça-níqueis, o cassino oferece algo para todos os gostos. A diversidade de opções garante que os jogadores nunca fiquem entediados, sempre encontrando algo novo para experimentar. Além disso, os jogos são fornecidos por desenvolvedores de renome, assegurando uma qualidade impecável e gráficos impressionantes. A constante atualização do catálogo de jogos também mantém a experiência fresca e emocionante.

Bônus e Promoções Irresistíveis

Os bônus e promoções do Fortune Tiger Casino são projetados para atrair e manter jogadores. Desde o bônus de boas-vindas, que pode incluir rodadas grátis e dinheiro extra, até promoções semanais e mensais, os jogadores são constantemente recompensados por sua lealdade. Essas ofertas não apenas aumentam as chances de ganhar, mas também prolongam o tempo de jogo, proporcionando mais entretenimento. A transparência nas condições de uso dos bônus também é um diferencial, garantindo que os jogadores saibam exatamente o que esperar.

Segurança e Confiabilidade

A segurança é uma prioridade máxima no Fortune Tiger Casino. Utilizando a mais recente tecnologia de criptografia, o cassino protege todas as transações e informações pessoais dos jogadores. Além disso, o cassino é licenciado e regulamentado por autoridades respeitáveis, assegurando um ambiente de jogo justo e seguro. A confiança dos jogadores é fortalecida pela política de jogo responsável do cassino, que oferece ferramentas para ajudar os jogadores a gerenciar seu tempo e gastos no site.

Atendimento ao Cliente Excepcional

O atendimento ao cliente no Fortune Tiger Casino é de primeira classe. Disponível 24/7, a equipe de suporte está sempre pronta para ajudar com qualquer dúvida ou problema que os jogadores possam encontrar. O suporte é acessível através de vários canais, incluindo chat ao vivo, e-mail e telefone, garantindo que os jogadores recebam a assistência necessária de forma rápida e eficiente. A abordagem amigável e profissional da equipe de suporte também contribui para uma experiência de usuário positiva.

Experiência Móvel e Acessibilidade

No mundo atual, a acessibilidade móvel é crucial, e o Fortune Tiger Casino não decepciona nesse aspecto. O site é totalmente otimizado para dispositivos móveis, permitindo que os jogadores desfrutem de seus jogos favoritos em qualquer lugar. A interface móvel é intuitiva e fácil de navegar, proporcionando uma experiência de jogo fluida e sem interrupções. Além disso, o cassino oferece um aplicativo dedicado para aqueles que preferem uma experiência ainda mais personalizada.

Estratégias de Retenção de Clientes

A retenção de clientes é fundamental para o sucesso de qualquer cassino online, e o Fortune Tiger Casino implementa várias estratégias eficazes. Programas de fidelidade e VIP recompensam os jogadores regulares com benefícios exclusivos, como bônus especiais, atendimento personalizado e convites para eventos. Essas iniciativas incentivam os jogadores a continuar voltando, aumentando a lealdade e o engajamento. A personalização da experiência do usuário, através de ofertas e promoções direcionadas, também desempenha um papel crucial na retenção de clientes.


O Fortune Tiger Casino se destaca no mercado competitivo de cassinos online graças à sua combinação de jogos de alta qualidade, segurança robusta, atendimento ao cliente excepcional e estratégias eficazes de retenção de clientes. Sua capacidade de proporcionar uma experiência de jogo envolvente e recompensadora faz dele uma escolha favorita entre os jogadores. Se você está em busca de um cassino online que ofereça diversão, segurança e grandes oportunidades de ganhos, o Fortune Tiger Casino é a escolha ideal.


In the world of online casinos, Plinko Casino has emerged as a favorite among enthusiasts. The game’s blend of simplicity and excitement, coupled with the potential for substantial rewards, makes it an appealing choice. This article delves into the intricacies of Plinko Casino, exploring its mechanics, the psychology driving player engagement, and strategies for maximizing success.

Understanding Plinko Gambling

Plinko Gambling is a digital adaptation of the classic Plinko game, which originated from the popular TV show, “The Price is Right.” The game involves dropping a ball from the top of a pegged board, allowing it to bounce off pegs and eventually land in one of several slots at the bottom, each offering different payout values. This seemingly straightforward setup is what draws players in and keeps them hooked.

The Mechanics of Plinko Casino

At its core, Plinko Casino is a game of chance. Players select the starting position for their ball and watch as it navigates the maze of pegs. The unpredictable nature of the ball’s path creates a thrilling experience, as the outcome is entirely determined by luck. This element of randomness is crucial in maintaining player interest, as it ensures that no two games are ever the same.

The Appeal of Randomness

The psychology behind Plinko Casino’s appeal lies in its randomness. Humans are naturally drawn to games of chance due to the unpredictability and the thrill of potential rewards. This randomness taps into the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine, which creates feelings of pleasure and anticipation. This psychological response is a significant factor in the game’s enduring popularity.

The Psychological Impact of Plinko Casino

The Thrill of Uncertainty

One of the primary psychological drivers behind Plinko Casino is the thrill of uncertainty. Each drop of the ball represents a new opportunity for success or failure, and this uncertainty keeps players engaged. The intermittent reinforcement of occasional wins amidst frequent losses makes the game highly addictive, as players are constantly chasing the next big win.

The Illusion of Control

Despite being a game of chance, Plinko Casino gives players the illusion of control. By allowing players to choose the starting position for the ball, the game creates a sense of agency. This perceived control enhances the player’s engagement and satisfaction, even though the outcome remains entirely random. This illusion of control is a powerful psychological tool that keeps players coming back for more.

The Role of Near Misses

Near misses are another psychological factor that significantly influences player behavior. In Plinko Casino, a near miss occurs when the ball almost lands in a high-paying slot but just falls short. These near misses create a sense of frustration and motivation, compelling players to try again. The brain interprets near misses as almost wins, which fuels the desire to continue playing.

Strategies for Success in Plinko Casino

Understanding Payout Structures

To maximize success in Plinko Casino, it is essential to understand the payout structures. Different slots at the bottom of the board offer varying rewards, with some providing higher payouts than others. By familiarizing themselves with these payout structures, players can make informed decisions about where to aim their ball, increasing their chances of landing a significant reward.

Managing Bankroll Effectively

Effective bankroll management is crucial in any casino game, and Plinko Casino is no exception. Players should set a budget for their gaming sessions and stick to it, avoiding the temptation to chase losses. By managing their bankroll wisely, players can enjoy the game responsibly and prolong their playing time, increasing their chances of hitting a big win.

Embracing the Element of Fun

Ultimately, the most important strategy for success in Plinko Casino is to embrace the element of fun. While the potential for significant rewards is undoubtedly appealing, players should remember that the primary purpose of the game is entertainment. By focusing on the enjoyment of the game rather than solely on winning, players can have a more fulfilling and satisfying experience.


Plinko Casino captivates players with its blend of simplicity, randomness, and psychological appeal. Understanding the mechanics and the psychological factors at play can enhance the gaming experience and increase the chances of success. By employing effective strategies and maintaining a focus on fun, players can fully enjoy all that Plinko Casino has to offer.

Physical Therapy in Coral Springs

When you need physical therapy, the last thing you want to do is have to drive all over Miami-Dade to find quality care. If you live in the Coral Springs area, you don’t have to! Physical Therapy Now is conveniently located on Wiles Road.

What Services Does Physical Therapy Now Offer?

Within our modern, state-of-the-art facilities in the Coral Springs, Physical Therapy Now’s experienced and trained physical therapists are ready to offer you several different services and therapies to help you feel better and get you on the road to recovery. Some of our services include:

What Types of Injuries Does Physical Therapy Now Treat?

Physical Therapy Now can help with all types of injuries, including those sustained in car accidents, accidents in the workplace, sports, falls, and more. Some of these injuries include:

What Are the Benefits of Physical Therapy?

Along with rehabbing injuries, PT is excellent for the body in several ways. Besides providing rehab for injuries and surgeries, physical therapy can also:

Physical Therapy in Coral Springs

If you need physical therapy and live in the Coral Springs area, you’re in luck! Physical Therapy Now offers three convenient locations within 12 miles of Coral Springs. But convenience only matters if the service is worth it, and we deliver high quality physical therapy care that’s second to none. Call us today at 800.481.4852 to set up your first appointment.

Back pain is no joke. Regardless of what type of back injury or pain you may have, it hinders your ability to live a healthy life. If that sounds like an exaggeration, consider the fact that practically everything you do every single day impacts your back. Sitting, standing, walking, bending, even coughing and sneezing. Even laughing! If you have back pain, you want to get back to a normal way of life–without the pain. Physical therapy is a great option.

What Kinds of Back Injuries Are There?

There are a few different types of back injuries and pain. Some may result from severe trauma (like a car accident), a genetic condition may be the cause, and many are the result of a strain.


Can Physical Therapy Help Back Pain?

Absolutely, though it does depend on the severity of the injury. If the back pain is caused by a serious or traumatic injury, it may require surgery or other forms of treatment before moving on to PT.

However, most types of chronic back pain can be managed with physical therapy. PT can improve mobility and help you regain strength by targeting certain areas in the back to strengthen. A solid course of PT can also help you manage pain over time and quite possibly, eliminate your back pain altogether!

Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Physical therapy may be just what you need. We’ll explore various treatment options for back pain to find what works best for you. Physical Therapy Now is ready to help. Call us today at (800) 481-4582 to get back on your feet… pain free!

Miami Injury and Accident Clinic

If you have sustained an injury such as a broken bone, pulled muscle, soft tissue injury, or even head or back injury, physical therapy will likely increase your chances of making a full recovery so you can get back to your normal level of functioning. After being injured, it takes time, patience, rest, and active efforts to heal properly.


After you have spent time resting and healing, your doctor will likely recommend that you undergo physical therapy to regain muscle strength, reduce pain, and improve mobility. The injury and accident clinic at Physical Therapy Now is here.


Common Injuries After an Accident

There are many ways that you could be injured in an accident. Car accidents, work accidents, sports injuries, and slips and falls are just a few reasons you might require treatment. Some common injuries after an accident are:



Benefits of Physical Therapy

If you are suffering from pain or limited mobility or have received a referral from you doctor following an accident, physical therapy services can speed up your recovery process signifigantly.


While it is possible to forego physical therapy while healing from an injury, it is, in most situation, not recommended. Choosing not to receive physical therapy treatment can mean that you will have a slower recovery or that you have permanent limited mobility and/or pain. Choosing to get physical therapy can:



Physical therapy is so much more than just a recovery process. It is treatment for your pain and a way to prevent further injury in the future. Exercise is shown to increase endorphins and decrease pain. The consistent movement can improve your strength and allow you to actively heal under the supervision of a trained professional.


Call The Miami Injury and Accident Clinic

Our expert staff at Physical Therapy Now will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to treat your injury. You will learn exercises that will strengthen your muscles and lessen your pain. Our staff will communicate with your insurance company regarding your approved services and work with you toward a full recovery. Contact our office at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment.



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