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Low Impact Car Accident Injuries

When people think of car accidents and the resulting injuries, they often think of high-speed collisions and a dramatic scenario. While these accidents certainly cause serious injuries, low-speed accidents can also cause significant injuries. Low impact car accident injuries are common and can sometimes require long-term rehabilitation. If you have been injured in a low impact accident, you must seek medical treatment immediately, even if you do not feel that you are hurt. A proper medical examination can assess your condition and prevent you from exacerbating your injuries… even if, at the time, they seem small and/or insignifigant.


How Do Low Impact Accidents Happen?

Low impact accidents generally happen at a low speed of under ten miles per hour. It is common for the vehicles involved in these accidents to have very minimal damage, but the human body cannot absorb impact like a car or a truck can. The body inside the vehicle moves at the speed of impact, meaning that at even ten miles per hour, your body can sustain severe damage.


These accidents can happen to pedestrians at a crosswalk, vehicles colliding in a drive-through, failure to set a brake properly, and more. These accidents are commonly due to driver error and inattentiveness.


Are Low Impact Car Accident Injuries Serious?

Low impact car accident injuries can be serious, especially if they are not adequately treated. Common injuries include:



Whiplash happens when the head abruptly snaps forward and backward. It causes a pull to the muscles and tendons in the neck and is a soft tissue injury that can lead to even more severe injuries if not treated correctly over time.


Concussions are considered a traumatic brain injury that can also lead to more serious problems if not treated. Other soft tissue injuries include sprains, strains, and tears on various parts of the body. While the seatbelt is essential and can hold you in place during an accident, it can also cause bruises and strains upon impact. All these injuries are possible in a low impact car accident and can have serious repercussions if they are not treated by a trained professional.


Physical Therapy Treatment for Low Impact Injuries

Physical therapy is often recommended for people who have been injured in car accidents. It can speed up recovery and assist with pain management. It is also beneficial for improving your mobility and range of motion. Your physical therapist will review your medical records and examine you to create an appropriate treatment plan for your needs. That treatment plan can be adjusted as you go to match your progression.


Low Impact Car Accident Injuries and Physical Therapy Now

If you have been injured in a car accident, contact our experienced staff at Physical Therapy Now at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment. We will conduct a free consultation and make recommendations based on your needs. We want you to get back to normal as soon as possible. If you are interested in scheduling remote appointments, ask us about our teletherapy options.

We are here for you!

Car Accident Injury Clinic

Did you know that, on average, there are more than 16,000 car accidents per day in the US? That adds up to approximately 6 million per year. Those accidents cause more than 3 million injuries each year. Some of those injuries might be scrapes and bruises, but many are serious enough to require medical attention and physical therapy.

What Should You Do After a Car Accident?

This is one of the easiest decisions you’ll ever make–get medical attention. Even if you don’t feel like you sustained a serious injury during the car accident, you won’t know for sure until a paramedic thoroughly checks you out at the accident scene by an ER doctor, or by your own physician.


What if you’re injured? It is of the utmost importance you seek medical attention as soon as possible, so your injuries are documented. That way, your insurance company is fully informed of your injuries and the treatment you required.

Will I Need Physical Therapy?

That all depends on the severity of your injuries as well as the recommendations of your doctor. If a car accident results in long-term injury, surgery, or chronic pain, odds are you will need physical therapy at some point. And when you do, Physical Therapy Now is the ideal facility for all your physical therapy needs. Not only do we offer plenty of convenient, state-of-the-art  locations across Florida as well as the Dallas and Houston, Texas areas, but we provide the following services:



We treat all types of injuries sustained in car accidents, including neck injuries, herniated discs, joint injuries, whiplash, fractures, as well as pre- and post-surgical rehab.

What Are the Benefits of Going to Physical Therapy?

The first benefit is the most essential and obvious–your health. At Physical Therapy Now, we’re dedicated to your recovery from car accident injuries. Our experienced staff is ready to get you feeling your best with a full menu of services and the latest technology and equipment. Of secondary importance (but still very important) is to make sure you attend all of your PT appointments, so your insurance coverage is not impacted. Also, be sure to communicate clearly and candidly with your physical therapist to ensure your pain and healing process is appropriately documented.

Car Accident Injury Clinic

If you’ve been in a car accident, let Physical Therapy Now help you get back on your feet. Give us a call today at (800) 481-4582 to set up your first appointment.

Andy Zapata Featured on “Success Is Easy” Podcast

There were already plenty of reasons to visit Physical Therapy Now: lots of convenient locations, a top-notch staff of experts dedicated to getting you pain-free and on the path to healing, and beautiful facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and programs. Here’s one more–Physical Therapy Now was just selected as one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s top 500 franchises in 2020! Much of that success can be attributed to the CEO and Founder of Physical Therapy Now Franchise, Inc., Andy Zapata.


As recognition for Physical Therapy Now’s top-500-franchise honor, Andy recently appeared on the “Success Is Easy” podcast, hosted by fellow entrepreneur Debbie Allen. During their interview, Andy shared some valuable insights and advice as well as the story of how he started his business and grew it to be the enormous success it is today. Here are some highlights from the podcast:

Andy’s Story

Not many success stories start with a seemingly innocuous piece of mail that most people would tear up and throw in the recycling bin. But Andy’s did. Andy went to college to be an occupational therapist; however, he knew that while he enjoyed occupational therapy and the difference it can make in people’s lives, at heart, he wanted to own a business.


While living with his mother, Andy noticed a piece of mail from Capital One…you know, one of those “You’re Pre-Approved for $10,000” types of letters. Most people don’t even give it a second thought. But Andy saw a way in – a way to get a business off the ground – through credit card loans. He finally convinced his mother to sign off on the application for a credit card, because she figured she’d never be approved. To both of their surprises, a brand new Capital One credit card arrived in the mail shortly after that–and with it, a $10,000 credit limit.


One of his close friends also applied for a new credit card, so now the two were armed with $20,000 and some big plans. He knew people who were flipping houses–buying cheap homes, putting time and money into them, and then reselling them at a much higher price. But it wasn’t homes Andy was interested in flipping–it was physical therapy facilities. Andy and his friend researched, pooled their money, and spent wisely, purchasing retail space with cheap rent and filling it with used equipment and furniture. His business was born. But it didn’t come easily.

“Being Brave Is More Important Than Knowing All the Answers.”

Andy is the first to admit that, as an aspiring business owner, he made his share of mistakes along the way. “I made every single mistake you can make–mistakes that cost me time and money. But you have to be okay with making mistakes,” Andy said. “Understanding that you’re going to fail, and there will be some pain. But you just get up the next morning with the same energy.”


Not everyone has the mental stamina or will to keep moving forward when faced with failure. Andy is obviously not one of those people. “Being brave is more important than knowing all the answers.” His persistence and acceptance of failure and all the learning that goes along with it paid off.


From 2006 to 2010, Andy was in a groove. He had learned all there was to know about flipping physical therapy facilities. He’d rent a location, fix it up, make it a fully functioning facility, and then flip it. All the while, he was profiting nicely on each sale. By 2015, Andy felt as if he had accomplished all he could as far as reselling PT facilities. He asked himself, “what’s next?”


Why not teach all of this? After all, he made a great living doing what he was doing; he was an expert in the field. “I need to teach this,” Andy decided. So, he got into franchising. But he didn’t start selling immediately; Andy wanted to get his system down pat so it would be simple to teach and implement for any prospective franchisee.


Andy is a firm believer that systems are critical–each department has a plan, and those systems are continually being honed and polished. “It’s very easy to teach a system,” Andy said. “The accountability for ensuring the system is being run properly is the hard part.”


Often, selling to your first franchisee is the most challenging sale to make, but Andy had a much different experience. “The first franchise I sold was the easiest because I was able to give all my attention to the franchisee.” To this day, that franchise is currently Andy’s #1 location.

What Drives Andy

So, what makes Andy tick after all these years in the physical therapy and franchising business? As far as the business aspect goes, he cites three keys to success: a clear vision of what you want for your business, determination, and perseverance to stick through the tough times, and the desire to ask plenty of questions.


Andy also possesses a driving force, or a burning passion, for business that he compares to a “runner’s high…” the euphoric feeling runners experience as they get into a zone during a long-distance run. He calls it a “business high,” his term for the addiction to success and to keep wanting more of it.


Tied into Andy’s business high is his love of working with others, teaching, and mentoring. He told the story of a husband and wife who came to him wanting to run a franchise. So he taught them his system and showed them how to work on their business rather than work in the business. Today, that location is a top-five franchise, and the husband and wife team is looking to open new locations. With Andy’s system in place, they have the right people in charge of the day-to-day operations, so they can finally take some much-needed vacation time for themselves. “And that’s what it’s all about,” Andy said.


His passion for healthcare and physical therapy also keeps him going. “Physical therapy is a very rewarding business. People come to you, and you see them in some of their worst and most vulnerable moments,” Andy commented. “We help people get back to independence, back to life. We do it hundreds of times a week, thousands of times a year, doing it all with a smile.

Dealing with COVID-19

While COVID-19 shut things down for a little while, Physical Therapy Now was never really out of commission. The locations had to limit their hours as well as the number of people inside each facility for safety precautions, but as Andy says, “Accidents never stop happening. We were deemed an essential business, so essential businesses had to be open to serve their clients. Our facilities are open and pretty much back to normal.”

A Final Note

Success isn’t always easy, but Andy certainly has made it look as such. He continues to keep learning because he wants to keep growing. He says that franchise shows and expos are valuable sources of information because they allow for plenty of face time with other franchisors. And when you want to keep building your business, that’s a great place to start.


There are currently 36 Physical Therapy Now locations throughout Florida and Texas… but that number will soon hit 40. Andy’s next goal? “I want to get to 100. And once I get there, I want to get to 300.” Lofty goals, for sure. But who’d be willing to bet against Andy?


If you need physical therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, aqua therapy, or other services to treat injuries from sports, car accidents, work, surgeries, and more, come visit one of the many Physical Therapy Now locations or give us a call at 800.481.4582.


Watch the entire “Success Is Easy” podcast interview with Andy here.

Florida Direct Access Physical Therapy

Getting physical therapy has always been an essential stage of the recovery process if you’ve been injured or have suffered from chronic pain. And the traditional way to go about receiving physical therapy was to go to your doctor and get a prescription for PT so insurance would cover the cost. Not exactly ideal, right? Well, for Florida residents, there’s no need to go to the doctor for a physical therapy prescription. Why? Florida Direct Access.

What Is Florida Direct Access?

Florida Direct Access is a game-changer for physical therapy providers and patients. Simply put, it allows you to bypass the doctor and receive PT without the need for a prescription. With Florida Direct Access, a physical therapist in Florida can implement a treatment plan for 30 days regardless of your injury.


This is advantageous for many parties. For doctors, they no longer need to add someone else to their already-packed schedules as long as the 30-day treatment plan is sufficient time for a patient’s rehab. For insurance companies, they no longer need to wait for a prescription to approve a PT plan. And, most of all, for the patient, you’re no longer required to take yet another trip to the doctor for the sole purpose of getting a prescription. You can head right to your local physical therapist, like those at Physical Therapy Now, and start getting physical therapy treatment.

Are There Any Restrictions?

There are a few restrictions, but none that outweigh the benefits and advantages of being able to access physical therapy without a physician’s referral.


Florida Direct Access Physical Therapy

If you’re ready for physical therapy, with or without a doctor’s prescription, head to one of our many Physical Therapy Now locations throughout Florida. We take the coronavirus pandemic very seriously and are taking the required and necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of both our clients and our staff while still providing you with the essential physical therapy you need right now. Among the measures we’re taking at this time are:



Physical Therapy Now is always here to help you. If you’re in need of physical therapy, give us a call at (800) 481-4582 to discuss appointment options. And if you can’t make it into one of our facilities, ask about teletherapy!


Florida Direct Access Physical Therapy | Physical Therapy Now

Meta Description: Learn how you can eliminate an unnecessary step when it comes to your medical appointments & physical therapy care. Florida Direct Access is the answer.

Image Alt Tag: a man in a black suit and red tie running on an arrow indicating direct access to physical therapy

Are Physical Therapists the Same as Chiropractors?

So, you are finally ready to find some relief for this back pain you have dealt with for years. Maybe the pain is the result of an injury from a car accident or fall, maybe you have arthritis or another condition, or perhaps you simply have poor posture and need help correcting the issue.


Both physical therapists and chiropractors can treat these issues, helping to improve mobility, manage pain, and provide relief. Both professions require a great deal of education and knowledge about the human body and often have similar short-term and long-term goals for their patients. Knowing this, many ask if physical therapists are the same as chiropractors. The short answer is no. While the professions are similar, they differ in several key ways.


How are Physical Therapists and Chiropractors Similar?

Both physical therapists and chiropractors share the goal of improving patient health. Their focused goals include:



Physical therapists and chiropractors are required to spend years in education and training and obtain a license to treat patients properly.  But what makes them different?


How Do Physical Therapists and Chiropractors Differ?

A key difference between physical therapists and chiropractors is that chiropractors work toward short-term solutions while physical therapists teach their patients to reap long-term benefits.  Chiropractic patients may need to go see their chiropractor time and time again, while physical therapy, in most cases, hand an end in sight.


Physical therapists:






How Do You Determine Which Type of Care You Need?

If you have an injury or condition that causes you pain and discomfort and limits your mobility, it is possible that you could benefit from either physical therapy or chiropractic care. Choosing between the two is dependent on your issue and your individual needs. The best way to determine the type of care you need is to talk to your doctor and get a specific referral. It is even possible to use both types of therapy to treat your condition.


For this reason, Physical Therapy Now offers BOTH services.


Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Treatment at Physical Therapy Now

Physical Therapy Now offers both physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. We provide you with a high level of care designed to improve your quality of life. Contact our office at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment and meet with an experienced staff member to create your treatment plan. Do not forget to ask about our teletherapy options.  We are here to help!

Franchisee Spotlight: Diego Rojas

Diego Rojas means business. Seriously. If you were going to write a book or make a movie about an entrepreneurial success story, Diego Rojas would be your main character. The man lives and breathes business, and he puts his skills to use on a daily basis.

It Started Only 15 Years Ago…

Diego made his way to the United States from his native Colombia in 2005. His first job in the States? A dishwasher at a Mexican restaurant. But while he was stacking dishes and slinging silverware, he was also doing something else: dreaming. To be exact, he was fantasizing about the ‘American Dream.’


Diego knew his destiny was beyond dishwashing, and so began his mission to become a successful business owner, and Diego understood that it was going to take a lot of hard work to make it a reality.


While working at the restaurant, Diego made plans to educate himself on how to run a business.  He left that dishwasher job and began working as a dispatcher at a nearby airport.  Why a dispatcher job? Because of the hours. Diego worked overnights at the airport, starting at 10pm.  After a full shift, he’d head home for some sleep and then attended classes at Valencia Community College in the late afternoons and evenings. Two years later, he earned an associates degree in General Studies.


“I am an early bird,” says Diego. “I like to get up in the mornings, so this schedule was very hard for me. But I had to do it.”

Down to Business

After Valencia, Diego attended Keyser University and earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. But that didn’t translate to immediate success in the business world. For 11 years, Diego worked in a chiropractic clinic, climbing the ladder up to Marketing Director and then Vice President. He eventually parted ways with that company and set out on a new business venture.

In 2018, he decided to build a restaurant, which was finished by that December. In the meantime, Diego had been attending franchise events for his restaurant, and that’s when he met Andy Zapata’s Physical Therapy Now franchise team. Despite having his hands full with the new restaurant and a new baby born in 2019, Diego began the Physical Therapy Now franchise process in September. So, why franchise with Andy?

“I decided to buy a franchise because Andy has a system already created,” Diego says. “I know this business, but Andy had everything done. It would take me a lot of time to do it on my own. Take the system, implement it, and make it work for you. The key is to implement good systems, and Andy already had all of that in place.”

It’s important to note that Zapata doesn’t bring just anyone on his franchise team.

“It has to be a good fit,” Zapata explains. “What makes Diego a good fit is that he is relentless when it comes to marketing. He does it all. He’ll go door to door if he has to, to make sure his business gets out there.”

That strategy has proven successful.  In his first month of being opened, his new patient numbers shattered records for any new Physical Therapy Now franchise.

The Keys to Success in Business

For Diego, knowledge is power. Despite having successfully run multiple businesses, he’s always looking to broaden his skill set. “If there’s a course or a seminar I can take, then I take it,” Diego notes. “No matter how successful my businesses become, there is always something for me to learn.”


“I always think that knowledge gives you power and helps you improve yourself for your business. That’s how I can make sure my businesses do well.”

As far as maintaining success as a business owner, Diego believes in a few fundamental principles:

  1. Hire the right people–and keep them. According to Diego, you can’t operate a successful business on your own. You need the right team to take you to the next level. “You have to find the right people by making great hires, then you’re able to do anything. But you have to have help, and you have to have support.”

“We hire only the best workers, and we take care of our employees because, without them, the business will never thrive. Plus, we pay well because we have to keep the employees happy. And if we don’t profit as much because of that, it’s ok. It’s not always about making money. It’s about making the people who work for you feel special. Remember, they have a life too.”

  1. Marketing is critical. One approach Diego has used is relentless marketing for his businesses. Without marketing, he says, you have no business. “I consider marketing nowadays to be super important for any business. Any way you can do marketing, I do it. Some doors may open, some may not, but you can’t stop when one doesn’t open. You just keep knocking, and a door will open. And then another one. You keep marketing.”


He says to view your business as a marketing company too.  So, if you have a grocery store, it’s a grocery store/marketing company. If you have a bar, it’s a bar/marketing company. If you have a gym, it’s a gym/marketing company.


“Marketing is everything, and that’s my not-so-secret strategy that has always worked.”


  1. Customer service. You’ve heard the saying, ‘the customer is always right.’ Diego is certainly a big believer in that philosophy. “Always provide excellent customer service. You have to prioritize that. It’s so important to make sure you make the customers happy because they talk to other people about their experiences. If they’re happy, they’ll come back.”


In addition to his newly opened Physical Therapy Now franchise, he still owns and operates his restaurant in Orlando, owns a small business in his home country of Colombia and owns a business consulting company.  Yes, he is a busy man, and that’s why he has learned to value one thing most.


“I have learned to appreciate time. Time is so important. You know, entrepreneurs go into businesses looking for more money, and that’s what I did too. But I’ve realized it isn’t only about the money. It takes so much time to build a business, that you need to value the time it takes you to get money. Time is everything. You can’t ever get it back once it’s gone. But you can always get more money.”

We all have to start somewhere, Diego says, just like he did. Those days as a dishwasher served him well.

“Every position and who is in it makes the successful or not.  Work hard, work smart, and take care of the people around you. That’s what owning a business is all about, and that’s exactly what I’m doing with Physical Therapy Now.”

His primary focus is to give back to his community, especially with car accident victims who need therapy to heal from their injuries.

“It feels good to give back.  I’m not only growing businesses, but I’m helping the community at the same time, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Diego’s Physical Therapy Now franchise is located at 482 E Altamonte Drive, Suite 1006 in Altamonte Springs, Florida.  For more information on this PT Now location or Diego Rojas, call (407) 214-6333.

What to Do If You Fall Down

Falls can happen anytime, anywhere, and you must seek medical attention immediately if you do – especially if you’re in a business. Seeking immediate help prevents any further injury or damage from happening and ensures the legalities of your potential claim are all in check.

The sooner you get medical attention, the better it will be for the healing process. Health and well-being are our number one priority at Physical Therapy Now, and our team of physicians can assist with any fall-related injuries. We have dozens of locations in Florida, so you can always find us just miles from most places in and around Miami Dade.

Physical Therapy Now works with insurance companies and lawyers

If your fall happens inside of a business or in a parking lot, you may be wondering what to do. The first thing to do is to seek medical attention. The doctor may then refer you to see a physical therapist for your injuries. From the legal perspective, businesses can be held partially or fully responsible when injuries happen on their premises, so you could potentially receive a settlement over to cover the cost of your injuries, physical therapy, and much more.

We work with personal injury lawyers who can go over the full details of your situation with you. These lawyers work with insurance companies who ensure that businesses have all their legal requirements for these types of incidents. In these cases, time is of the essence, so it is essential that claims are filed as soon as possible, and you prioritize your health.

What is considered a “fall”?

A fall could be any instance where the body physically falls to the ground after having lost balance from an object or surface. They typically occur at home but falls in stores and other places of business occur too. Some specific examples of a fall at home or a store are:

What types of injuries can occur if I fall?

Any of the falls mentioned above could result in a minor injury or significant injury, depending on the person and nature of the fall. Minor injuries include most cuts or scrapes, while more serious injuries include broken bones or skull fractures (TBIs).

But no matter what the injury is, you must seek medical attention immediately after a fall to ensure your injuries are appropriately attended to and documented. And then, if necessary, once you’re cleared, you may need to begin physical therapy.

Our friendly team of physicians at Physical Therapy Now is always here for you. Give us a call today at 800-481-4582 and get started on your path to recovery.

PIP Therapy

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident and you’re not familiar with PIP, those three letters can make a huge difference. PIP, or Personal Injury Protection insurance covers you and anyone else on your auto insurance policy if you’ve been involved in an accident, whether or not you were driving. How do you know if you have PIP insurance? Well, if you have a driver’s license in Florida, own a car, and are following the state’s auto insurance laws, you have at least the minimum required PIP coverage ($10,000) on your insurance policy.

What Does PIP Cover?

PIP covers medical bills–including physical therapy–and lost wages in the event of an accident. And because Florida is a “no-fault” state, you, and anyone else on your policy is covered by YOUR insurance (not any other party’s) regardless of whose fault the accident was. Even if you’re a passenger in someone else’s car that’s involved in an accident, your own auto insurance policy will cover your costs.


PIP is essential because it could mean you pay absolutely nothing out of pocket for physical therapy if you submit a PIP claim, especially if you combine it with your other health insurance benefits.  However, it would help if you prioritized choosing a reputable, experienced physical therapy facility, like Physical Therapy Now.  Our team works with the insurance companies to ensure your coverages are fully utilized.


PIP is designed to cover most financial expenses related to your injuries, including doctor’s visits, PT, medication, medical transportation (ambulance), surgery, diagnostic services (X-rays and other imaging and tests), lost wages, and more.


Will PIP Pay for All My Physical Therapy?

It might, but it depends on your situation. For “emergency” cases, PIP insurance covers up to $10,000; for “non-emergency” situations, coverage only goes to $2,500. If you’re worried that the state’s minimum requirement of $10,000 isn’t enough to cover all possible expenses in the event of an accident, you can call your auto insurance company and ask how much extra per month it will cost to elevate your PIP coverage to a higher coverage amount. In most cases, it’ll cost you less than $10/month to get to the next tier of coverage, which is well worth it.   Consider what your out of pocket expense could be once that $10,000 is exhausted!

An important thing to note when filing a PIP claim: submit it as soon as you can, because auto insurance companies follow strict timelines as far as allowing PIP claims to be submitted–if you miss the deadline, you could miss out on your PIP coverage entirely, and that will cost you thousands of dollars in expenses.

Fortunately, Physical Therapy Now can help you communicate with your insurance company and help you get your claim submitted on time–because you should only have to focus on your recovery, not on dealing with insurance companies!

What Other Types of PIP Are There?

There’s Household PIP, which covers you under someone else’s policy in your household if you don’t have your own PIP (or don’t own a car); however, you’re only covered if the person in your household has disclosed to their insurance company that you are a member of the household and included on their policy. If they do not do this, you do NOT have access to their PIP coverage.

Passenger PIP covers you in the event you’re injured as a passenger in someone else’s car–the driver’s PIP insurance should then cover the cost of your injuries. This is if you do not own a car and have your own PIP coverage; if you do own a car, your own PIP insurance will cover you.

Defendant PIP covers you if you’re a pedestrian struck by a vehicle, and Household PIP or your own PIP does not cover you. If this is the case, the driver who hit you would be covering your expenses through their PIP coverage–only if you don’t have Household or your own PIP. If you DO have either Household or your own PIP, THAT PIP insurance will cover you because Florida is a “no-fault” state.

PIP Therapy

If you’re injured and need physical therapy covered by PIP, Physical Therapy Now is the place to go. The insurance team at Physical Therapy Now has plenty of experience handling PIP insurance, so you don’t have to worry. We won’t start any treatment or billing until you’re fully aware of any possible out-of-pocket expenses.

All of our clinics are open, but for the safety and health of our staff and patients, most of our locations are now open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. It’s a good idea to call your location before you visit, since hours are subject to change.


We take the coronavirus pandemic very seriously and are taking several precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of both our clients and our staff while still providing you with the essential physical therapy you need right now. Among the measures we’re taking at this time are:



Physical Therapy Now is always here to help you. Give us a call at (800) 481-4582 to discuss appointment options. And if you can’t make it into one of our facilities, ask about teletherapy!

Is It Safe to Get Physical Therapy During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Safety is a common concern with anyone in need of physical therapy treatment during the coronavirus pandemic. While it is important to follow social distancing guidelines and minimize exposure risk, it is also essential to continue regular physical therapy treatment so you can continue improving your physical health.


The short answer is, yes, it is safe to get physical therapy treatment and continue regular appointments; however, you should speak with your medical doctor to get a definitive answer, especially if you’re immunocompromised.  But know this: When you work with our staff at Physical Therapy Now, we follow all guidelines necessary to keep you, other patients, and our staff safe and healthy.


Covid-19 Restrictions and Regulations

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has compiled guidelines and restrictions for outpatient clinics. At Physical Therapy Now, we are dedicated to patient health and safety and work tirelessly to follow these guidelines. The goal is to keep the public safe and minimize the risk of coronavirus transmission while in the clinic and using shared equipment.


Physical Therapy Now Safety Procedures

While we have always followed strict cleaning and sanitary practices at our outpatient clinics, we have added new regulations that our staff follow carefully to ensure your safety. Our new policies include:



By implementing these additional policies and encouraging social distancing in our waiting rooms, we have created a safe clinic for our patients and staff. While some might find these policies inconvenient, we prioritize making our patients feel safe and comfortable. We ask that our patients assist us with maintaining these guidelines to ensure everyone’s health and well-being.


The Teletherapy Alternative

If you are uncomfortable with in-person physical therapy sessions, we offer a teletherapy alternative. With teletherapy, you can meet with your therapist via your phone, tablet, or laptop without leaving the comfort of your home. This allows you to remain safe, and while you complete your treatment. Ask our office about this option, and we will work to accommodate your needs.


Safe Physical Therapy at Physical Therapy Now

If you are concerned about COVID-19 safety precautions, contact our office at Physical Therapy Now with your questions and concerns. Our staff is available to answer your questions, schedule your appointments, and create the necessary accommodations for you to receive the best possible treatment. Contact us today at 800-481-4582.

Brain Injury Physical Therapy

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury experienced during a fall or a blow or jolt to the head that interrupts the normal function of the brain.  TBIs typically result from a sports injury, a fall, an act of violence or from a car accident.  While some TBIs are grave, life-threatening injuries that may or may not penetrate the skull, the great majority of TBIs are concussions or other forms of mild TBI.

In many TBI cases, physical therapy is required to increase the chances of a full recovery.

Risk Factors and Leading Causes of TBI

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), TBI-related hospital stays are highest among adults 75 years of age and older.  TBI-related emergency room visits are highest for those 75 years of age and older, followed by high rates among infants and children from birth to 4 years of age.

Falls are a leading cause of TBI, accounting for nearly half of all TBI-related emergency room visits.  Over 80% of all TBI-related ER visits occurring in older adults (age 65 years and older) are due to falls, and nearly half of all TBI-related ER visits among children (birth to age 17) result from falls.  For ages 5 to 14, being struck by or against an object is the leading cause of TBI-related ER visits.

Falls are also the leading cause of all TBI-related hospitalizations (52%), and 20% of all TBI-related hospitalizations are due to impact from motor vehicle accidents.  The CDC reports that in 2014, approximately 2.87 million emergency room visits, hospital stays, and deaths were related to traumatic brain injuries.

Symptoms of TBI

TBI symptoms generally fall into four categories:

TBI symptoms in thinking and memory, including difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly, and trouble remembering new information, often leading to a general feeling of being slowed down.

Emotional and mood symptoms of TBI include sadness, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, and feeling more emotional than usual.

Physical symptoms of TBI include headache or blurred vision, nausea, or vomiting (soon after the injury), sensitivity to light or noise, difficulties with balance, and feeling tired.   There may be difficulty with sleep – sleeping more or less than usual, which can contribute to or worsen the above-mentioned emotional and mood symptoms.

Some of these symptoms may be noticeable right away, while others may not appear for days or months after the brain injury.  Some individuals may not understand the difficulties they are experiencing and how their symptoms are impacting their everyday activities.

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention for a Head Injury

In rare instances, a dangerous blood clot can form after a TBI, crowding the brain against the skull.  You or a loved one should go right away to the nearest emergency department with any of these symptoms:

Take an infant or child to the nearest emergency room right away if they have received a bump or blow to the head or body and have any of the above signs, if they cannot stop crying and are inconsolable, and/or if they will not nurse or eat.

If you’re not sure how severe a bump or blow to the head or body is, don’t wait to get to the hospital. Play it safe and get checked by a physician just in case. It is always best to err on the side of caution.

How Physical Therapy Helps with Brain Injuries

Physical therapists (PTs) are educated and trained to assist patients in recovering from TBIs.  Patients may have difficulty lying down in bed or turning over, as well as difficulty maintaining balance while sitting, standing, or walking.  Physical therapists help TBI patients regain their physical function by relearning daily tasks, and restoring fitness and wellness.

Your PT can assist you or your loved one in improving balance, coordination, and stability, helping to increase muscle strength and flexibility for overall improvements in movement patterns and mobility.   If there are limitations that prevent the return to pre-injury activities, physical therapists provide help in mastering the use of equipment for improving mobility, such as an ankle brace, cane, walker, or a wheelchair.  Various PT rehabilitation approaches include:

Brain Injury Physical Therapy

If you or a loved one has experienced a brain injury, know that your physical therapist at PT NOW is ready to assist in your wellbeing.  Call us today at 1.800.481.4582.



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