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Best Franchising Opportunity for 2019

Do you want to own your own business? Have you been looking for the perfect opportunity? Are you interested in being a part of the exciting and ever-expanding world of health care services in a business that provides needed care and services to members of your community? Are you looking for a partner in your next business endeavor? Would you like to be part of the $34 billion physical therapy industry? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider the franchising opportunity available at Physical Therapy Now. As a best franchise for 2019, Physical Therapy Now can provide you with everything needed to own your own physical therapy services franchise!


What is a Franchise?

A franchise is a method of expanding a business through a contractual relationship between the original owner of the business (franchisor) and the licensee (franchisee). Businesses that are franchised use successful business models that have been proven effective and popular amongst its customers, and franchisees can be confident they are buying into a proven business model. Follow this link to learn more about choosing the best franchise opportunity for you.

Local Need for Physical Therapy Services

Over the past several decades, the popularity of physical therapy services has skyrocketed as medical communities have come to depend upon the health benefits provided by targeted physical therapy. Our business is expanding rapidly, due to the intense need for these services within any community. Our patient base is large and covers every individual who has suffered from any form of physical discomfort. Our existing franchises have a solid foundation in their communities and have experienced robust growth and success, and we expect our new franchises to do the same!

Participating in Physical Therapy Now’s Franchise Opportunity

At Physical Therapy Now, we have worked hard to ensure our services are robust, effective and compassionate, and we have the same expectations for all our partners. To ensure the continued success of our business, we work closely with our new franchisees at the outset and have a vigorous vetting process for interested individuals.

Take Your Professional Life to the Next Level!

We know you have questions about how all this works. Visit the FAQ page of our website to learn more about the application process and all your franchise-related questions! Still have questions about this franchise opportunity? Call a member of our Franchise Development Team at 800-481-4582 to learn more.  We’re looking forward to a long, successful partnership with you!

Putting Patients First via Miami Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Now is your partner in achieving better health! Good health is essential to a good quality of life, and we provide health services that are prompt, reliable and effective. The team at Physical Therapy Now are experts at providing an array of services for Miami Physical Therapy, and we work hard to ensure critical health services are easily accessible to our clients. Our therapies can alleviate suffering for individuals with chronic pain, herniated disks, and accident-related injuries and much more.


Flexible Hours and Multiple Locations

To better accommodate your schedule, the Miami Physical Therapy team has flexible hours, including some evening and weekend hours. We also have multiple locations within the Miami region. Our team works hard to bring you quality physical therapy in Miami and surrounding areas.


Other Services

At Physical Therapy Now, we strive to provide the best Miami physical therapy, but we also understand that movement and travel can be challenging when experiencing prolonged pain and discomfort from injuries. We are dedicated to ensuring clients can use our services, and we work with clients to ensure there are no barriers to clients acquiring services at one of our sites. We work with clients in the following areas:


  • Transportation – many of our locations offer transportation services,
  • Home visits – home visits can be scheduled under special circumstances,
  • Home exercises – Our professionals will provide you with a variety of exercises to ensure you continue to benefit from the services received with Miami Physical Therapy,
  • Insurance – we accept many different plans for Miami Physical Therapy, and
  • Multiple Physical Therapy Options – many different therapies, including cybertherapy, in-home therapy, and aqua therapy, are available.


Miami Physical Therapy

If you are in need of Miami Physical Therapy, you’re in the right place.  We are here to provide you with quality, effective, and reliable services. Our services have been proven to reduce the effects of injuries, enhance recovery, and improve the strength of our clients. Our professionals will evaluate your health status and work with physicians to develop a thorough treatment plan that matches the exact needs of the client.


We are dedicated to working with each client to deliver tailored therapy services to address your specific needs. Call us today at (800) 481-4582 to get started today!

Physical Therapy in Miami for a Herniated Disc

A herniated disc causes severe pain the back, arm and neck. Herniated discs are caused by injuries, such as slip and fall accidents, car accidents, pedestrian accidents, and many more. This pain can be debilitating, physical therapy in Miami for a herniated disc is one of the best ways to relieve that pain.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Your spinal cord contains a collection of bones called vertebrae. Soft, jelly-like, disk-shaped cushions are between the vertebrae. A herniated disc occurs when one of the disks breaks due to injury or disintegrates due to age. The degeneration of these cushioning discs results in stress on the back and can result in severe pain and limited mobility. I

Avoid Surgery and Opt for Physical Therapy in Miami for a Herniated Disc

Physical therapy in Miami has proven to provide relief for herniated discs and can provide an alternative to surgery. Pain from herniated discs can be alleviated through the stretching and strengthening exercises conducted during physical therapy in Miami.

When considering surgery, one must also consider potential adverse side effects, such as infection and nerve damage. Physical Therapy i can reduce pain and provide comfort to patients. To diagnose a herniated disc, your doctor or physical therapist in Miami will conduct an exam and may conduct imaging testing.

Risk Factors for the Development of Herniated Discs

Multiple factors contribute to herniated discs. Individuals with the following risk factors may be at higher risk of developing this condition:

  • Are middle-aged or older
  • Lift heavy objects/participate in heavy physical labor
  • Are overweight
  • Participate in activities that require a repetitive physical action
  • Regularly sit in the same position for long periods of time
  • Are inactive
  • Smoke

Medical professionals use many terms when discussing herniated discs. In addition to using the term “herniated disc,” doctors may also refer to this condition as a slipped disc, bulging disc, compressed disc, herniated intervertebral disc, herniated nucleus pulposus, prolapsed disc, ruptured disc, or sciatica. Symptoms of a herniated disc include pain on one side of the body, possibly weakness in one leg, numbness in the back of the foot, and pain or numbness in the hip and leg area. Additional symptoms include pain in the neck, arms, and general numbness of an arm and shoulder. The amount of pain experienced by the patient is directly related to the amount of pressure being placed on the nerve by the ruptured disc.

Physical Therapy in Miami for a Herniated Disc

If you suspect you are suffering from a herniated disc, call your team at Physical Therapy Now. Physical therapy will make you stronger, more flexible, and promote your health and wellbeing. One of the enduring benefits of physical therapy is a deterrent against future injury, and the team of professionals at Physical Therapy Now are ready to work with you for a healthier future.  Call (800) 481-4582 to consult with our team today.

The Fastest Way to Six Figures

There was probably a time when you thought a 50, 60 or 70 thousand dollar a year job would be enough.  But now you’ve probably realized that’s enough to pay your bills, and… well… that’s about it.

In many cases, 70 thousand dollars a year may not be enough even to do that!  So, now you’re thinking… how can I make more money and make it relatively fast?  You may have just found your answer!

Benefits of Owning a Franchise

Think about it:  When you build your own business from scratch, you’re pretty much on your own and are left to your own devices and your own inexperience to make some big decisions.  Sometimes it works out well, other times your decision mean mistakes… costly mistakes.

On the flip side, when you own a franchise, your business venture begins with a built-in support system.  You’re never left to make a big decision on your own and you always have your franchise team to guide you every step of the way – from choosing the perfect location to making great hires.  We’ve already done all the homework.  We know what works and what doesn’t, so all you have to do is follow the simple plan, and you’re on your way to making six figures and beyond!

Should I Buy A Franchise

Yes, you should absolutely buy a franchise, BUT, you need to buy the RIGHT franchise.  Consider all the options you have and which options fit your budget.  Then narrow it down to your skill set.  Do you need to be an expert in the franchise or are you able to work as an “overseer” of the operation to ensure its success?

There are some franchises that allow you that flexibility, and if you eventually want to phase yourself out of the day to day operations, you need to choose a franchise that will enable you to do just that.

Franchises That Make a Lot of Money

Some of the highest profit-producing franchises fall under the restaurant category.  It’s no wonder!  People do need to eat, and that’s why the food industry is so successful when it comes to franchises.  However, that opportunity for success comes with a big price tag, in many cases, that goes above and beyond the 6-figure mark for the initial investment.

If that number exceeds your budget, consider looking for a franchise opportunity that offers a NEED as opposed to a want and also comes with a much lower initial cost.  This goes along with the same concept that makes a restaurant franchise opportunity a worthy investment, but you don’t have the high franchise fee.

Low-Investment Franchise

As you continue to narrow down the choices for your franchise opportunities, consider researching an investment in a Physical Therapy Now franchise.  You’ll check all the boxes above:  low start-up cost, quick profits, fulfilling a real need and the prioritization of customer service.  Plus, we walk our franchisees through each step of the business building process, so you’re never alone.  We’re right there with you from choosing your location to closing out the books month after month.

When you choose to become a part of our franchise family, you also select success, financial independence and a unique entrepreneurial journey that will shape your future beyond anything you ever imagined.   Email us today to get started at Franchise@PhysicalTherapyNow.com or call us at (800) 481-4582.

Physical Therapist In Miami

Welcome to Physical Therapy in Miami!  Since opening our first location in 2003, we have proudly helped thousands of people in and around Miami on their journey through rehabilitation.  Our goal is to give you, our patient, a Class A experience with each session.  Making sure each patient is treated individually by their physical therapist in Miami is how we achieve optimum results.

We make sure regaining control of the human body is also a top priority because leading that full life of enjoying those activities that were in place before needing physical therapy treatment is what most patients desire.

The Staff

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we hire only the best of the best.  Upon entering the doors of one of our many Physical Therapy Now locations, you’ll feel the caring and warmth from each staff member – and also from your physical therapist in Miami.  With years of experience in treating physical therapy patients just like you, you will know immediately that your physical therapy team is compassionate, caring, kind and will listen to your feedback to determine what does and does not work best for you and your healing.

We work directly with not only the patient but also those who are also a part of the patient’s support team, which may include, family members, caregivers, doctors, and even human resources departments, for those who need physical therapy because of worker’s comp cases.  Our goal is to treat each patient uniquely, and your physical therapist in Miami will address the root cause of your pain, create a treatment plan specifically for you and will work to relieve you of any stress related to your pain associated with your insurance company, pharmacists, your job or in any other way we can be of assistance.

Our staff is trained in every area associated with your pain, and it is our goal to be your support you not just for physical therapy, but in any other way we can.  Caring for you is our job!

Your Plan

Your physical therapist in Miami makes your sessions all about you, your health and your healing.  Your physical therapist in Miami is a highly qualified expert in the human body and what does and does not make it work to its fullest potential.  However, what works for one patient doesn’t always work for the next, and your physical therapist in Miami will monitor your progression with each physical therapy session and will determine the course of treatment that is most effective for you.

There is another important factor:  YOU!  Your treatment plan is not a one-sided approach.  You have the option of making your sessions a huge success, and your physical therapist in Miami will do everything to help you reach that goal.

Physical Therapist in Miami

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we take a hands-on, active approach to help you heal to your fullest potential and alleviate your pain as much as possible.  Our staff has the clinical know-how to make sure you reach your goals.  Each visit will take approximately 30-60 minutes, and during that time, your progression will be closely monitored.   We will assess each physical therapy session thoroughly to determine if any changes need to made to your current treatment plan, and your physical therapist in Miami will make those necessary adjustments accordingly.

If all goes as planned, you could complete your physical therapy plan in as little as four weeks!  Some patients may need an extended time frame, but our goal is to get you to your fullest healing potential as soon as possible.

Are you ready to get started with your physical therapist in Miami?  Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582 to make your first appointment!

Why Physical Therapy Now is a Better Franchise Opportunity

Lucky You!  We live in a world where the opportunities to make a great franchise investment are plentiful.  Your only problem now is determining WHICH franchise investment you’ll make because the key word here is INVESTMENT.  You want a return, the way to make sure that happens is to choose a solid franchise that checks all the boxes.  Read on for more!

Low Up-Front Cost

Take a minute to Google the word “franchise,” and you’ll see thousands of opportunities before your very eyes.  However, most of them require an upfront cost that is astounding and quite frankly unattainable for most.   You need to choose a franchise that doesn’t bring your savings to zero and won’t take you to the bank to get a giant loan.

To date, Physical Therapy Now requires an initial investment of just $40,000.  Experts say this is the perfect price-point for a franchise owner (new or seasoned) because with a business like physical therapy, that $40,000 can be recouped in a short amount of time.

Fast Returns

“Short amount of time.”  Those words are golden when it comes to getting back an investment.  Physical therapy is one of those businesses that will NEVER go away for three reasons:

ü  People NEED physical therapy

ü  People WANT physical therapy

ü  Physical Therapy genuinely helps improve people’s lives

When you meet the demands listed above, you virtually guarantee that your initial investment of $40,000 will be recouped quickly PLUS your business will be in profit-making mode fast.

Massive Support

There’s an old saying when it comes to businesses and business owners:  “You’re only as good as your team.”  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we begin to train our team from day one in all the pertinent skills that lead to the success of our franchises.   We work with you to ensure your success not only because we want to make sure YOU do well, but also when you have a successful franchise, it helps US too!

We consider our franchise owners to be just as much a key to success as any other aspect of the Physical Therapy Now franchise operation.  We’re with you as needed and/or as requested through finding the perfect location, choosing equipment, hiring, accounting, and anywhere else that you might need the support of your franchise team.

Franchise Opportunity

Are you interested in learning more about owning Physical Therapy Now franchise, head to our FAQ page to learn more.  If you think you might be a good fit, get started on our simple 7-step journey now or give us a call at (800) 481-4582.

Moreover, your timing couldn’t be better.  The physical therapy industry is virtually untouched in the franchise world, so getting in now means low cost and BIG opportunities.   Call today to get started… you’ll be glad you did!

Physical Therapy in Miami: The Answer to Getting Rid of Back Pain

If you are suffering from back pain, no matter where that specific back pain may be, you may be trying to determine how to manage your pain.  There is a lot to consider:  over the counter medicines may “take the edge off,” but they may not help enough.  Something more powerful, like a prescription drug may help, but you may not want to take that super strong medicine too often.   You’re not alone in your internal debates, but there is a solution that can help you alleviate all medications from your pain management plan and ultimately get rid of your back pain altogether:  physical therapy in Miami for back pain.

How Physical Therapy Helps

How to get rid of back pain?  That’s a common question from people like you because whether the back pain is debilitating or just a bit of a nuisance, you could definitely do without it, right?  When you choose physical therapy in Miami for your back pain, you also want to live a life that is pain-free.  Your back is your center, and when it hurts, you feel it in some cases with every breath, with every step, and with every little movement throughout your day.

There is a combination of therapies that could work for your back pain, and they typically fall under the two categories:

Passive Physical Therapy:  During this kind of therapy, the patient is not moving, but rather, receiving the treatment.  This may include heat therapy, cold therapy, laser therapy, ultrasound and many other techniques exclusive to Physical Therapy Now.  Some patients respond best to one or a combination of passive therapies.  Your physical therapist in Miami will customize a treatment plan for your back pain and will adjust accordingly as your healing process gets underway and develops.

Active Physical Therapy:  During active physical therapy, the movement will begin.  Depending on how intense your back pain is, it may not seem reasonable to undergo activity and movement that specifically targets your back.  However, it is essential to understand that your pain will be managed carefully by your physical therapist in Miami.  The exercises performed will not be strenuous or create discomfort.  Instead, they will help you feel more relaxed and will create a sense of security.  In many cases, patients notice a difference in their ability to move more freely and more comfortably after just one session!

Should I Get Surgery for Back Pain?

Many patients think surgery is the easy answer to eliminating back pain for good.  Surgery may or may not help you to get rid of your back pain, plus, the healing time can be several weeks or even months depending on your condition before surgery.

Most medical professionals recommend all patients take part physical therapy in Miami before choosing to move forward with surgery.  One or two physical therapy sessions isn’t enough to make a difference long term.  Your physical therapist in Miami will give you a timeline that is unique to your specific circumstances, and once you complete the program, you will likely see a massive difference in how you feel!   However, it does take a commitment on your part to make sure your physical therapy in Miami is a huge success, and your physical therapy team does its part 100% to make that happen.

So, before you consider surgery, move first to physical therapy.  This shift in thought could have you avoiding surgery altogether!

Miami Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Did you know that you can skip the trip to your doctor and come directly to Physical Therapy Now to start treatment for your back pain?  You don’t need pre-approval from your insurance company either; just give us a call, and we’ll get started today.  We believe in complete transparency when it comes to your finances, so you will know up front (and before your sessions begin) if you will have any out of pocket expenses and how much those expenses will be.

Call Physical Therapy Now in Miami today so we can help you get rid of your back pain at (800) 481-4582.  Let’s do this together!

Three Franchise Red Flags

Since you’ve gotten this far in your search for a great franchise investment, you’ve probably been reading in great detail about what to look for in a franchise, what makes one franchise better than the next and what makes a specific franchise stand out amongst its competitors.  But have you considered what you DON’T want when it comes to your franchise?  Today, we’re revealing three of the most common red flags when you’re considering a franchise purchase – and what to do about it.

Franchise Red Flag #1:  The High Fees

Franchise fees are what they are; they aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon.  However, you need to look into not only the franchise you are considering, but look at other similar companies.  Are their franchise fees similar?  There shouldn’t be a whole lot of disparity when you run the numbers, and if the franchise your considering has costs that are significantly higher than its competitors, you may need to reconsider.

Franchise Red Flag #2:  Openings vs. Closures

It is your business to know all the details about your potential investment.  What is the track record of the company you are considering?  It is inevitable that some franchises may have closures, but are the closures disproportionate to the new franchise openings?  And why are those locations closing?  If the answers to those questions aren’t satisfactory, you should probably find a new franchise opportunity, because your location could join the others on the “closure” list if the franchise operation is already fledgling.

Franchise Red Flag #3:  Whose Feeding the Beast?

A franchise can look great on paper, but you could be in for a surprise when you find out this shared secret of many compromised franchises:  the numbers are so high because there is only ONE franchise location pulling most of the weight.  Be sure to look at the breakdown:  is each location doing well?   If so, how are the profits? Is it the location, the management, or quite possibly, the fact that the company and/or franchise just isn’t a sound investment because its franchise isn’t pulling great profits?  If the latter is the case, you probably need to move on to a different franchise investment.

Physical Therapy Now Franchise

Physical Therapy Now is a great franchise investment.  Should you decide to join the Physical Therapy Now team, high franchise fees won’t be an issue, our openinsg are happening in record numbers with no closures, and ALL of our franchises began to profit soon after opening.

There are numerous reasons why you should choose to join our family of franchise owners at Physical Therapy Now.   You’ll be alongside like-minded entrepreneurs who are supportive and enthusiastic, and our franchise team will be with you each step of the way as you build and maintain your successful, profit-producing Physical Therapy Now franchise.  Call us today to learn more at (800) 481-4582.

Physical Therapy After Surgery in Miami

When you have just gone through surgery, no matter what part of the body received the operation, you’ll need time to recover.  Part of that recovery will no doubt include doctor’s orders for rest, however, as you recover, you’ll also likely need to do physical therapy after surgery in Miami.

This goal of your physical therapy in Miami is to help restore your body to its peak strength, increase activity, and to also increase your range of motion in that particular area of your body that has just undergone surgery.


When an individual embarks on the road to recovery, the body often goes into “overdrive” to get stronger and heal.  In many cases, this can happen with no effort from the patient; its just how the human body works. However, one of the not-so-desirable side effects of the healing process can be stiff muscles.  Your physical therapist in Miami will most likely add a customized stretching program to your rehab plan that is targeted to your areas of healing.   The stretching is never rigorous or painful; it is meant to help the body, not hurt it!

Increasing Strength

As the body begins to heal itself, it is important that those involuntary efforts be supported by voluntary efforts as well.  Strengthening exercises will be added to the physical therapy regimen as the patient becomes ready to take this ever-important step.

This does not mean you will have a full body workout.  Many people think the idea of building strength means they will sweat and get a heart pumping exercise session.  However, the experience is quite the opposite!  While the physical therapy after surgery in Miami will make the patient stronger, it is targeted to the specific area that needs strengthening, and that typically occurs by using weights that don’t cause stress to the muscles.

What Happens If I Skip Physical Therapy After Surgery?

In most cases, surgery involves scarring, whether it be a lot or just a little.  When an individual avoids physical therapy, scar tissue begins to build up and the other effects soon set in, which include decreased strength and decreased range of motion.  The end result:  healing can stall.

What happens next can be excruciating for the patient:  a physical therapist will have to break up that scar tissue before the actual healing can take place.  But:  all that pain can be completely avoiding by beginning physical therapy after surgery as soon as the doctor gives the green light to begin.

Physical Therapy After Surgery in Miami

If you are in need of physical therapy after surgery in Miami, you’ve found the right place.  With multiple locations in and around Miami, Physical Therapy Now has a team of dedicated specialists who are trained in working with patients just like you!  You’ll find a sense of relief in knowing you put your trust into a physical therapist in Miami that makes your health and healing their top priority.

You deserve VIP treatment, and you’ll get nothing less at Physical Therapy Now.  Call us today to get started on your physical therapy after surgery in Miami at (800) 481-4582.

Three Common Physical Therapy Myths

When you decide that you need physical therapy in Miami for post-surgery, for an ailment or for some pain you are experiencing, you may wonder what to expect at your appointments.  It can help tremendously to speak with friends and family about their own experiences with physical therapy in Miami; however, you may still be wondering what your individual sessions will entail.  You won’t know exactly what it will be like until your first appointment, but today, we can tell you what NOT to expect.  Read on, as we bust the Top Three Myths About Physical Therapy.

It Hurts

Physical therapy is not meant to be painful. The purpose of physical therapy is to gently help your body regain strength and mobility in a specifically targeted area.  If you are in excruciating pain, then you likely won’t want to return to complete your sessions.  Your physical therapists take a gentle approach to help you heal to your maximum potential.  Your physical therapy in Miami will help you reach the goal of getting stronger and healing little by little, and when you reach your goal by completing your sessions, you’ll know for yourself:  physical therapy doesn’t hurt… it helps!

It Takes Too Much Time

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we know you have a schedule of things to do.  Whether it be for a job, for your social life, other appointments or anything that is important to you, your life and your commitments are ALL important.   We make the most of your sessions by implementing only those techniques and exercises that you will benefit from most.  This allows us to maximize your results in the least amount of time possible.  Every physical therapy patient is different, but in most cases, your session can be complete in 30-60 minutes.

It Costs Too Much

If you have insurance, you likely have coverage that includes coverage for all or most of your physical therapy sessions.  What’s more:  you don’t have to try to figure it out for yourself.  When you choose Physical Therapy Now for your physical therapy in Miami, our team of insurance experts will communicate with your insurance company on your behalf.  So rest assured:  we value transparency when it comes to our patients. You’ll never be blind-sided with a medical bill and you will have a full understanding of any costs BEFORE you begin physical therapy with our team, but in most cases, our patients have full coverage.

Physical Therapy in Miami

Do you need physical therapy in Miami?  You’ve just found your team that can not only meet but exceed your physical therapy needs.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we have multiple locations in and around the Miami-Dade area, and our franchises across the country are multiplying.  Call us today to make your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  Let us help you!



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