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Is It Safe to Get Physical Therapy During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Safety is a common concern with anyone in need of physical therapy treatment during the coronavirus pandemic. While it is important to follow social distancing guidelines and minimize exposure risk, it is also essential to continue regular physical therapy treatment so you can continue improving your physical health.


The short answer is, yes, it is safe to get physical therapy treatment and continue regular appointments; however, you should speak with your medical doctor to get a definitive answer, especially if you’re immunocompromised.  But know this: When you work with our staff at Physical Therapy Now, we follow all guidelines necessary to keep you, other patients, and our staff safe and healthy.


Covid-19 Restrictions and Regulations

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has compiled guidelines and restrictions for outpatient clinics. At Physical Therapy Now, we are dedicated to patient health and safety and work tirelessly to follow these guidelines. The goal is to keep the public safe and minimize the risk of coronavirus transmission while in the clinic and using shared equipment.


Physical Therapy Now Safety Procedures

While we have always followed strict cleaning and sanitary practices at our outpatient clinics, we have added new regulations that our staff follow carefully to ensure your safety. Our new policies include:



By implementing these additional policies and encouraging social distancing in our waiting rooms, we have created a safe clinic for our patients and staff. While some might find these policies inconvenient, we prioritize making our patients feel safe and comfortable. We ask that our patients assist us with maintaining these guidelines to ensure everyone’s health and well-being.


The Teletherapy Alternative

If you are uncomfortable with in-person physical therapy sessions, we offer a teletherapy alternative. With teletherapy, you can meet with your therapist via your phone, tablet, or laptop without leaving the comfort of your home. This allows you to remain safe, and while you complete your treatment. Ask our office about this option, and we will work to accommodate your needs.


Safe Physical Therapy at Physical Therapy Now

If you are concerned about COVID-19 safety precautions, contact our office at Physical Therapy Now with your questions and concerns. Our staff is available to answer your questions, schedule your appointments, and create the necessary accommodations for you to receive the best possible treatment. Contact us today at 800-481-4582.


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