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Franchise Fees: Why Lower Isn’t Always Better

There are hundreds of franchise opportunities available for individuals like you.  Whether you’re a seasoned corporate employee, a grassroots entrepreneur, a sophisticated investor or a first-time franchisee, you’re bound to find the perfect investment.   That is especially true when you consider investing in a physical therapy franchise with Physical Therapy Now.

How to Pick the Perfect Franchise

Contrary to what many people may think, you shouldn’t base your decision on only your knowledge of a specific industry.  When you join a franchise family that is supportive, cohesive and growing steadily, you’re also choosing to be successful in your franchisee adventure, regardless of the industry.

For example, right now, several people have invested in the physical therapy franchise Physical Therapy Now who have no background in Physical Therapy.  Every one of those franchises is thriving, even though the owner is not a physical therapist.

Another critical factor that will determine which franchise you choose to purchase is your budget.  If your funds are somewhat limited, you may be looking at ONLY low-cost franchises.  The good news is:  you have several options.  The bad news?  Those options may not yield high profits or much of any profit at all.  For most investors/owners, the primary reason they want a franchise business is so they can make a profit.  So why choose a business that profits only minimally?

Shifting Your Focus

The best way to make sure you choose a high-profit producing franchise is to change your focus.   Looking at only franchises with a low investment limits your possibilities immensely.  Instead, zero-in on those franchises that produce high profits because it offers something that customers not only want -but NEED.

That’s precisely what you’ll find with the physical therapy franchise Physical Therapy Now.  With a low-mid range franchise fee, you will to recoup that investment fast because your money-making potential is so high.   Think of all the opportunities to reach a massive customer base:


-Spinal Injuries

-Traumatic Brain Injuries

-and much more!

Investing in a physical therapy franchise with Physical Therapy Now is also attractive because you aren’t dependent on direct customer payment to keep your business afloat.  The bulk of your incoming funds will be from insurance companies who are making payments to you on behalf of the insured (aka YOUR customer).

Physical Therapy Franchise

A few other companies are offering an investment with a physical therapy franchise, but only ONE can provide you with:

Now is the time!  Don’t way another day to begin looking into the physical therapy franchise industry by considering an investment with Physical Therapy Now.  To learn more, go to our website or call (800) 481-4582.  Our physical therapy franchise experts at Physical Therapy Now are waiting for your call!


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