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What To Know BEFORE You Buy A Franchise

Do you think you know how to be a business owner?  Are you able to be a boss and go through all the literal and figurative checks and balances day in and day out? It isn’t an easy thing to do, but the long-term financial benefits make it well worth it for most people, but only if they do it the right way.

To make sure you’re ready to dive into the entrepreneurial endeavor of becoming a franchisee, we’ve compiled a list of 4 questions you need to ask and answer before you get really serious about this business venture.

Are You Cut Out To Be A Boss?

Being a franchise owner isn’t just about the business – it’s also about being a boss.  Whether you’re involved in the day to day operations or taking on the role of investor, you’re in a position to make big and small decisions that have a direct impact on your business.  A boss doesn’t make rash decisions.  He or she must have the ability to step back and think about what’s best for the business in both the long and short term.

Are Your Finances In Check?

Investing in a franchise – no matter what your role – is just that:  it’s an investment.  And what does an investment require?  cash.  You’ll need to make sure you’re prepared for an upfront investment with either your own cash or that of a well-financed loan.  By well-financed, we mean that you shouldn’t get a loan with an outrageous interest rate.

Depending on the company with which you are franchising, you may also need to consider the costs associated with building out your business, rent/lease cost, equipment, and much more.  Be sure your credit history is good, so you have access to all the funds you need to get started.  And can you afford to pay back those loans?  All the above is paramount to running a franchise business.

Are You A Good Listener?

When you become a franchisee, know that you don’t call all the shots.  There are protocols in place that you must follow that are in place because the corporate side already knows what works best and what doesn’t.  Make sure you join a company that – if one of their practices does NOT work – will support you in creating a more effective solution for your franchise location – and perhaps many others as well.

Have You Done Your Homework?

You’ll need to do a lot of reading about all the franchise options you have available.  It is important to note that you don’t need to have prior experience with a specific industry before you make a franchise investment, but of course, it always helps.

Ask yourself:  what are your priorities? Are you looking for something you love, are you looking for big financial gains or both?  Answering those questions is the best place to get started.  Then, dive into your research and don’t be afraid to reach out directly to the franchise corporate offices.  Even better – get in contact with some of the other franchisees for that business.  You’re likely to get an honest account of those people who are in the thick of the franchisee side of things, and that can be a game changer as you continue researching your opportunities.

The Physical Therapy Now Franchise Operation

As you research your franchise opportunities, take a look at Physical Therapy Now.  This fast-growing franchise operation is growing rapidly at 53 locations in the state of Florida as of June 2019 – and more are in the works.  With locations in Florida, Texas and New Jersey, the footprint of Physical Therapy Now is growing at a steady pace. To learn more, go check out our website or – even better – give us a call at (888) 481-4582.

Physical Therapy For Shoulder Pain

You stretch, and it hurts.  You lift something up, and it hurts.  You carry groceries into your house and it hurts.  Enough of that shoulder pain already!  It’s finally time, once and for all to get rid of it, so your shoulder pain is a thing of the past.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

There is an endless list of reasons why you’re experiencing shoulder pain.

Car Accident Injury – While it should always be worn, there are those rare occasions when a seatbelt saves someone’s life, but causes shoulder injuries. Soft tissue, muscle tendons and joints can be damaged in car accidents and will require medical attention to properly heal.

Sports-Related Injury – The swinging of a baseball bat, a football player who runs into another player, or perhaps a bicycle crash… just three examples of how a shoulder can be injured in sports in very different ways.

Slip and Fall Injury – Depending on how you fall, a shoulder can bear the brunt of the weight in a slip and fall accident.

Post-Surgery – It goes without saying that there will be pain during the healing process following surgery, and it needs to be managed by a medical professional to ensure proper healing and recovery time.

Bursitis – According to the Mayo Clinic, “Bursitis (bur-SY-tis) is a painful condition that affects the small, fluid-filled sacs — called bursae (bur-SEE) — that cushion the bones, tendons and muscles near your joints. Bursitis occurs when bursae become inflamed. The most common locations for bursitis are in the shoulder, elbow and hip.”

Arthritis – everydayhealth.com describes arthritis as “a condition that causes inflammation of the joints and can affect anyone from young children to seniors. It is typically characterized by joint pain and stiffness that make movement painful and difficult.”

Keep in mind, your shoulder pain could be the result of another condition that can result in acute or chronic pain.  And of course, other ailments that need to be considered as well, such as cancer, a bone disease, or another significant issue.  Regardless of what caused your shoulder pain, don’t keep living with that discomfort.  Get it checked by a medical professional or physical therapist as soon as possible, so you can rule out a more serious condition and get started on the road to recovery.

Physical Therapy in Miami For Shoulder Pain

So many people think they only have two options:  either live with their shoulder pain or get surgery.  However, there is proven treatment that can thwart that theory.  Consider physical therapy for shoulder pain so you can start feeling better in just a few days.  Call us at Physical Therapy Now to get started at (888) 481-4582.  We are here for you!

The Top 3 Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Low Back Pain

Getting out of bed is awful.  Standing up from a chair can be very painful.  And if you laugh, cough or sneeze, that low back pain feels horrendous.  Because that pain can be so intense at times, many people turn to opioids for relief.  There are times when the person experiencing the pain truly believes there are no other alternatives, but there is one option specifically that can change that low back pain not just for the better – but forever.  Enter:  physical therapy.  Read on for the most significant benefits.

1.     You’ll have less pain – or no pain at all

It may sound too good to be true, but the fact is, physical therapy can lessen or eliminate back pain altogether.  It may seem like movements and exercise will be too much for your back, but not so!   Your physical therapist will target the precise sources of your low back pain, down to the nerve, the tendon, the muscle, and any other area that is causing you discomfort.  Your physical therapy treatment plan will work away your pain little by little, while simultaneously building up your muscle strength to make for a lower back that is strong and pain-free.

2.     You’ll be able to cut back on – or eliminate your pain meds

A recent article on npr.com delved into the details about how physical therapy should be the first line of defense when it comes to low back pain.  With the reach of the opioid epidemic spanning across the United States, more and more people are opting for alternative methods of pain treatment as opposed to using highly addictive opioids.  Physical Therapy is a great option because unlike pain medication, the effects are long-lasting and can change an individual’s life for the better.

3.     You’ll likely spend less money on physical therapy than other forms of medical care

We encourage you to run the numbers.  The costs of medical visits, MRI’s, x-rays, and other forms of medical treatment in most cases far outweigh the costs associated with physical therapy.  And it isn’t less expensive just for you; physical therapy costs less for insurance companies too in many situations because your health improves over time.  That means you’ll need less medication and less medical care.

Physical Therapy in Miami For Low Back Pain

If you live in the Miami Dade area and are experiencing low back pain – don’t make your first form of treatment prescription pain medication.  More and more people are choosing the form of treatment that comes with less risk, which is physical therapy.  Give us a call at Physical Therapy Now to schedule your appointment and to find a location convenient to you at (888) 481-4582.  We are here for you!

3 Franchise Trends for Mid-2019

Whether you own a franchise, are a franchisee, or if you are thinking about investing in a franchise business, it is imperative that you stay on top of the franchise trends for 2019. Today we’re spelling out three of the most popular trends and explaining all the details so you’re in the know.

Trend #1: Multiple Locations

Gone are the days when most everyone bought just one franchise location.  Just like any other savvy sales model, corporate franchise executives know sophisticated buyers want to make the most of their investment.  When it comes to the most profit potential for both the corporate side and the franchisees, there are many great deals to be had for buying more than one location.

Be sure to ask specifically about these models.  For example, at Physical Therapy Now, franchise fees per location get slashed significantly beginning at 3 locations.  Bump that number up to 10, and single investors and investor groups begin seeing huge profit potential.

Trend #2: Websites

Thanks to search engine giant Google and social media platforms such as Facebook, your business can gain visibility with a few clicks of a button.  But with franchise-based businesses, it isn’t as simple as just one website.  In many cases, a website for businesses with multiple locations (franchise or not) needs to have a separate domain for each location.

This will allow each single franchise location to take advantage of location-based search engine optimization (SEO).  This strategic marketing strategy helps each location to gain the imperative visibility needed bring in business from the city, state, and/or region where it is based.

Trend #3: Lines of Credit

With a steady economy and a large number of entrepreneurs gaining financial success now more than ever before, banks and lenders are feeling good about granting loans – especially for those franchise models that have a proven track record of success.   Pair that with good credit, business know how, a stellar franchise operation, plus a great location, and your chances of getting loans to fund your franchise venture are quite high.

Physical Therapy Now has already established relationships with banks and lenders who not only feel secure about the business model, but are confident in the company’s standards for vetting qualified franchisees that begins with a 7-Step Process.

Physical Therapy Franchise

As you continue your research for the perfect franchise investment opportunity, shift your line of thinking to the physical therapy business.  Physical Therapy Now is one of the fastest growing physical therapy operations in the country – making its mark heavily in the state of Florida and steadily branching out nationwide in several states.

While many of our franchisees are involved in the day to day operations of their Physical Therapy Now business, there are also investors who have little to no experience in physical therapy.  The latter means they primarily take on the role as owner/investor, choose to oversee the financial aspects of the company, and leave the day to day operations in the hands of another well-qualified individual. Regardless of the role you want to play in your franchise location, we can make it work to your advantage with Physical Therapy Now.

For more information, go to our website, give us a call at (8880) 481-4582 or check out our recent blog posts about the Physical Therapy Now franchise operation.  We’d love to hear from you!

Physical Therapy for Stroke Recovery

About Strokes and Stroke Recovery

When a person experiences a stroke (sometimes called a brain attack), the blood supply to part of the brain is blocked or interrupted, such as when a blood vessel bursts and damages part of the brain.  The implications can vary tremendously, but for many, physical therapy for stroke recovery is a must.


The brain manages many functions in the body, including language, memory storage, breathing, digestion, and control of movements.  Oxygen is needed for the brain to function properly, and normal blood flow delivers oxygen-rich blood to the brain.


During a stroke, the blockage of blood flow can cause brain cells to die within minutes due to inadequate oxygen to the brain.  The location of the blockage determines which part of the body will be affected by the stroke.

Acting FAST Is Critical in Stroke Treatment

Stroke treatments work best when a stroke is quickly diagnosed and treated within the first 3 hours of the stroke.  Call 9-1-1- immediately if you or anyone you are with experience these signs of a stroke:



Immediately call 9-1-1 if you or someone you are with might be having a stroke.  Rapid treatment is critical to prevent death and disability from a stroke.  Early treatment can improve recovery, and early rehabilitation can improve the stroke patient’s functions, sometimes to a remarkable degree.

Stroke Rehabilitation from Your Team at Physical Therapy Now

After emergency care of the stroke and treatment for preventing another stroke, stroke rehabilitation (“rehab”) can include one or more types of therapy:



These therapies can take place in a rehabilitation unit in a hospital setting, in a rehabilitation hospital, at home, with outpatient services at physical therapy, or at a long-term care facility.

Lowering the Risks of a First Stroke and Recurrent Strokes

Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Miami

If you or your loved one is in need of physical therapy or occupational therapy in Miami, the team at Physical Therapy Now is here for you.  Our passion and expertise are in helping people of all ages achieve optimal health and wellbeing.  Call us today at (800) 481-4582.

Physical Therapy for Back Pain

You have been feeling constant pain in your back, and it is preventing you from continuing with your everyday routine. It may have even caused you to miss work. The good news is that the problem may not be as severe as your pain would have you think. Of course, this does not mean you should overlook it.

Keep reading to find out what may be causing your pain, but, don’t forget that one of the most important things you can do is physical therapy, as this will increase your chances of a full recovery and to being pain-free!

Common Causes of Back Pain

While you may not know the specific reason for your back pain, there are some common causes to this condition. These include strains to your muscles or ligaments which can occur from heavy or improper lifting or in car accidents.  This can also happen in work-related injuries or and also in sports.

Other common causes of back pain are disk ruptures, arthritis and osteoporosis. Other factors include your age – the older you get, the more prone you are to developing back pain – and your physical condition can be compromised due to lack of exercise, for example.

You are not alone!

Missed work because of your pain? Don’t worry; you are not alone! According to the American Chiropractic Association:

This isn’t just the case for Americans; around the world, there has been a significant increase in the number of years lived with a disability due to lower back pain.

Common Treatments For Back Pain

Considering how common this condition is, physical therapists have extensive experience and treatments to improve your pain. Passive physical therapy involves applying heat/ice packs to the patient, Iontophoresis and ultrasounds.

There are also active options, which encompass exercises. These may include stretching exercises for your hamstring, strengthening your back muscles and low impact aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming or bicycling. No matter how severe your back pain may be, a physical therapist can identify your specific needs and the best course of treatment.

Physical Therapy in Miami for Back Pain

So what are your options? If you, or someone you know is feeling back pain, the best option may be to see a medical expert. At Physical Therapy Now, our physical therapists are ready to help. With many locations throughout Miami Dade, and various options for customized treatment, we have both the staff and equipment to help you meet your goals.  So, don’t wait! Call us at (800) 481-4582 to schedule your appointment and start your journey to being pain-free!

Are Physical Therapy Businesses Profitable?

As you continue your search for which business investment to pursue or which business to get involved in from a professional standpoint, you’re definitely right to ask as many questions that you can come to think of.

One of the most important questions that you need the answer to:  will this help me to be successful in many ways?   And does that level of success include financial stability?

That question often comes to mind for those researching the business of physical therapy, so we’re delving into the details of that all too common question from people just like you.

Is the Physical Therapy Business Profitable?

Yes – the physical therapy businesses can be very profitable, BUT, just like any other business, there are several factors that come into play that directly affect how successful (or not successful) the business will be.  Some of those factors include:

Staff:  Even just one bad employee can have a huge impact on the success of your physical therapy business.  This is why it is imperative that you hire employees who are honest, hard-working, and knowledgeable.  And once you get those great employees, make a specific effort to focus on employee retention by striking that all-important balance of being a great boss that has high expectations and compensating your employees very well for their commitment to your company.

Marketing:  Getting the word out about your “business” doesn’t just happen.   There needs to be a strategic effort to spread the word through a marketing team and budget, that can include billboards, community service, flyers, digital communications, and much more.

Location:  You can have the best physical therapy location in the world, but if your patients can’t access your services with ease, your business will inevitably not succeed.  Choose your location with care that offers great visibility, space for signage, and of course, ample parking.

Billing:  Mistakes in billing can cost a business thousands of dollars, either in missed payments or penalties. Be sure that both you and your accounting team are meeting deadlines and billing properly, so your business doesn’t incur unnecessary losses.

Patients:  The more patients you have, the better, but you need to be sure they are treated with nothing but the utmost respect and get great results from the services you provide.  This will not only lead to return clients but will also result in referrals to other potential patients.  See below:

Reputation:  We’re often told not to worry about what other people think, but that couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to a physical therapy business.  The fact is, people talk, and one negative experience can have a much larger impact on your business than many other positive customer experiences.

Consider A Physical Therapy Franchise

As you continue researching the physical therapy business, think about taking an in-depth look at investing in a physical therapy franchise.  Not only will you be able to tackle that list above with ease, but you will also have the full support of your corporate franchise offices and your fellow franchisees.

To learn more about the fast-growing franchise operation of Physical Therapy Now, call us today at (888) 481-4582 or head to our website for more information.

Will Physical Therapy Help a Pinched Nerve?

Ouch!  That pinched nerve in your back is brutal, isn’t it?  You can’t move properly, you dread taking a deep breath, and forget about laughing – even a chuckle can have you reeling in pain.  But, you don’t have to keep suffering.  Call your physical therapist now to get started on a treatment plan that will lessen – and quite possibly – eliminate that pinched nerve pain, so you can get back to living your best life!

What Causes A Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve can occur in just about any scenario.  But in most cases, it occurs by some sort of trauma. It can also happen when doing something repetitively or by holding the same position for an extended period of time:

How Physical Therapy Helps A Pinched Nerve

Some people want to simply let a pinched nerve heal on its own, but sometimes, there needs to be further intervention.  Physical therapy can help tremendously because the goal is to increase mobility and reduce/alleviate pain by targeting the exact source of discomfort.

In most cases, the patient can begin to experience immediate relief during or right after physical therapy, and with regular appointments, the pinched nerve – and the area surrounding it – can be fully healed with the support of a qualified physical therapist.

Physical Therapy in Miami

If you have a pinched nerve and you live in the Miami-Dade area, we can help.  Here at Physical Therapy Now, we offer dozens of locations in and around the Miami-Dade area, and you can find a location that not only convenient to you but also located about five miles from your Miami starting point.

Call us today to make your first appointment at (888) 481-4582, and we’ll begin communicating with your insurance company immediately so you will know the exact cost of your physical therapy.   Let’s get started, so you can heal that pinched nerve ASAP!

Aquatic Therapy for Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries come in all shapes and sizes, right?  In other words, not only can they happen in different ways, but no two car accident injuries are exactly alike. And that’s precisely why no two individuals should have the same physical therapy plan when it comes to car accident rehabilitation.  There is, however, something that most people should consider – and that one thing is aquatic therapy.

Common Car Accident Injuries

The list of car accident injuries is too long to list here, but some of the most common include:

An injury – like a broken bone – is immediately obvious, but there are many cases when other injuries could present symptoms a few days – or even a full week later.  The pain from whiplash can begin later, and concussion symptoms may not present immediately. The same goes for back injury symptoms:  sometimes the injured may not feel pain until they try to get out of bed the day following an injury.

Whether your pain sets in immediately or days later, you must seek medical treatment immediately not only for your health and well-being but also for insurance purposes, as most insurance companies have a time frame in place for seeking coverage for treatment associated with car accidents.

Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

There are many forms of treatment for car accident injuries.  Some people may opt for electrotherapy while others go the more traditional route.  But don’t forget an often-overlooked form of physical therapy that gives the patient support and comfort like no other form of physical therapy can: aquatic therapy.

5 Key Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

Here at Physical Therapy Now, we know the pain that can be associated with car accident injuries, because the crash itself can be hard on the human body in so many ways.  Aquatic therapy is such a great option, because:

Aquatic Therapy in Miami

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, consider aquatic therapy at Physical Therapy Now.  Our state-of-the-art pool and equipment will give you exactly what you need as you embark on the road to recovery, and you will appreciate the professional and knowledgeable physical therapy team that assists you at each aquatic therapy appointment.

Are you interested in aquatic therapy for your car accident injuries?  Or would you prefer going to a more traditional Miami car accident clinic for rehab? If you have any questions or make your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  We’re here to help!

Physical Therapy for Fall Prevention

Although many falls do not result in injuries, one out of 5 falls results in a serious injury that requires medical attention.  Such injuries include fractures of the hip, arm, and wrist, and falls are one of the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBI).  These injuries can limit a person’s daily activities and independence, but even when a person isn’t hurt during a fall, it’s common to become fearful about falling again, and this can lead to a decrease in a person’s usual activities.  We can become weaker when we’re less active, which increases the chance of falling again.


Falls are more likely to occur after illness or injury, including injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident.  Although anyone can experience a fall, older adults are particularly at risk.  According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nearly one in 3 elders falls each year.  Death rates are also increased after a fall.


The Basics of Fall Prevention

With adequate knowledge about fall risks, falls can be prevented.  It is important to understand the risk factors for falling and to then develop a plan to reduce these risks.

Risk Factors for Falls

Many situations can contribute to falling, and these are referred to as risk factors.  The greater the number of risk factors, the greater the likelihood of falling.  The good news is that many of these risk factors can be changed in order to prevent falls, including:

Create a Plan to Reduce Fall Risks

There are a few simple changes you can make right now to reduce your risk of falling:





These changes to the home and neighborhood can reduce safety hazards, helping individuals to safely complete daily activities.

Contact a Medical Professional

Request an evaluation for your risk of falling with your doctor, your physical therapist in Miami, or other health care professional and discuss what you can do to address the risks.

Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist to review your prescription medications as well as over-the-counter medicines for any possible side effects of dizziness or sleepiness, which can increase your fall risk.

Physical Activity for Balance and Mobility

In Miami and across the U.S., fall prevention programs are increasing in popularity.  These programs address the need for safe environments, as well as the need to improve balance and strength, which improves coordination.  Physical Therapy Now in Miami provides in-office care as well as home exercise programs.  This important resource helps members of our community to restore and maintain balance, strength, and coordination.

Are you interested in regaining your balance by way of physical therapy in the Miami area?  Call us to set up your first appointment at (800) 481-4582.  Let’s do this together!



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