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TBI Symptom Relief Therapy

A traumatic brain injury can be devastating for anyone who has incurred one. Just ask former star of The Hills Lo Bosworth. She recently went public about an incident two years ago where she suffered a TBI while sitting in a banquet when a swinging kitchen door fell off its hinges and landed on her head. She had a long road to recovery and informed her followers about her struggles with a concussion and post-concussion syndrome.

If you watch or play any sport, you know that concussions are no joke. If concussions go undiagnosed and then go untreated, it can lead to dangerous consequences. There is no such thing as a “mild” concussion, despite this term being used by even the most skilled medical professionals… every concussion can cause damage to the brain.

Concussion Symptoms

Many symptoms are prevalent for those who have suffered a concussion, including dizziness or imbalance, headache, confusion, double or vision blurry, memory loss, nausea or vomiting, ringing ears, trouble falling asleep, difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to light, and loss of smell or taste.

The good news is that many of these symptoms be relieved or lessened with customized physical therapy treatment.

Evaluating and Treating Concussions

If you think you’ve sustained a concussion, it’s best to get tested and evaluated. There are many different ways to determine if you have a concussion, including a physical or neurological exam.

At Physical Therapy Now, we have a videonystamography machine that will test central motor functions and the inner ear through infrared technology. This can be used to diagnose dizziness, motion sickness, and central motor and inner ear issues.

TBI Symptom Relief

Once cleared for physical therapy, your PT will build a plan for treatment tailored to your injury, which can include hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and even therapeutic massage. These treatments won’t rid you of your concussion and the symptoms associated with it, but they can help relieve some of your symptoms and allow you to start to feel better and more normal. They will also help decrease the chances of long-term symptoms.

Make the Call Today

Now is the time to take the first step in your concussion treatment and recovery. Call Physical Therapy NOW today at 800.481.4582 to schedule your first appointment.  Each session will take approximately 30 minutes to one hour, and there is a Physical Therapy Now location within 5 miles of your Miami home or office. Our team of physical therapists is kind, professional, and most importantly, experienced in treating concussions successfully. We’re here to help… let’s get started today.


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