Find A Local Physical Therapy Now

We’re helping patients with their pain.

That pain you’ve been experiencing… whether it has been a few days, months, or years, we know how uncomfortable it is for you.  How do we know? Because we treat patients here at Physical Therapy Now in Irving every day, experiencing pain on every level.

While you aren’t alone in your pain experience, we know that what is causing your pain (and any other discomfort associated with it) is unique to you. That fact is the foundation of the customized treatment plan we build for each patient who walks through our doors.

If you’re looking for a safer and natural way to manage your pain, consider physical therapy. Physical Therapy has been certified by the CDC as a safe alternative to over the counter and prescription medications.  We’ve seen patient after patient manage their pain with rehabilitation at our clinic, and we’re proud of their success.

Our rehab team is ready to help you get stronger and heal in the time frame specific to your circumstances. 

Physical Therapy vs Prescription Drugs

Physical Therapy isn’t only a way to help your body heal; it is also a way to keep your body active and moving consistently. But how can you begin any treatment program when the pain you’re feeling won’t go away?

Don’t worry – that’s why we’re here. Take comfort in knowing that you are now on the right path to getting the pain management you need.  And if you’re goal is to reduce or even eliminate the medications you’ve been prescribed to manage that pain – we can help with that too.

Physical therapists target specific areas by gently integrating activities that simultaneously cause the pain to subside over time and strengthen bones, muscles, joints, and ligaments. After therapy, patients can incorporate these activities into their daily routine to lessen their chances of pain returning.

Alternatively, prescription drugs tend to numb pain temporarily but do little for the long-term healing progress. These drugs can have long-lasting side effects that can impact mood, behaviors, and mental health, which is why many of our patients come to us for help. Then, there are those times when pain medication NEEDS to be used alongside physical therapy. If that’s your situation, know that you are not alone.   

Whether you have the goal of gradually cutting back on your meds or eliminating them altogether, we’ll work with you, your medical teams, and your insurance company as well to make sure a plan is in place to help you make those strides.  When you choose us, you’re choosing a place of comfort, healing, and unparalleled support in your rehabilitation journey.  

Why choose Physical Therapy Now?

Having been a well-known company in the Florida area for quite some time, we recently opened an Irving, Texas Physical Therapy Now location and are currently welcoming new clients.  When you choose to get your physical therapy with us, we are by your side every step of the way. And rest assured, all of your questions will be addressed before you begin treatment. We can treat many types of pain and the source(s), and we work with you to provide a resolution to your problem.

Call us today to get your physical therapy pain treatment plan in Irving underway at (214) 225-0291. Our team, conveniently located in Irving, is ready to help.



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