PIP Therapy
If you’ve been injured in an auto accident and you’re not familiar with PIP, those three letters can make a huge difference. PIP, or Personal Injury Protection insurance covers you and anyone else on your auto insurance policy if you’ve been involved in an accident, whether or not you were driving. How do you know if you have PIP insurance? Well, if you have a driver’s license in Florida, own a car, and are following the state’s auto insurance laws, you have at least the minimum required PIP coverage ($10,000) on your insurance policy.
What Does PIP Cover?
PIP covers medical bills–including physical therapy–and lost wages in the event of an accident. And because Florida is a “no-fault” state, you, and anyone else on your policy is covered by YOUR insurance (not any other party’s) regardless of whose fault the accident was. Even if you’re a passenger in someone else’s car that’s involved in an accident, your own auto insurance policy will cover your costs.
PIP is essential because it could mean you pay absolutely nothing out of pocket for physical therapy if you submit a PIP claim, especially if you combine it with your other health insurance benefits. However, it would help if you prioritized choosing a reputable, experienced physical therapy facility, like Physical Therapy Now. Our team works with the insurance companies to ensure your coverages are fully utilized.
PIP is designed to cover most financial expenses related to your injuries, including doctor’s visits, PT, medication, medical transportation (ambulance), surgery, diagnostic services (X-rays and other imaging and tests), lost wages, and more.
Will PIP Pay for All My Physical Therapy?
It might, but it depends on your situation. For “emergency” cases, PIP insurance covers up to $10,000; for “non-emergency” situations, coverage only goes to $2,500. If you’re worried that the state’s minimum requirement of $10,000 isn’t enough to cover all possible expenses in the event of an accident, you can call your auto insurance company and ask how much extra per month it will cost to elevate your PIP coverage to a higher coverage amount. In most cases, it’ll cost you less than $10/month to get to the next tier of coverage, which is well worth it. Consider what your out of pocket expense could be once that $10,000 is exhausted!
An important thing to note when filing a PIP claim: submit it as soon as you can, because auto insurance companies follow strict timelines as far as allowing PIP claims to be submitted–if you miss the deadline, you could miss out on your PIP coverage entirely, and that will cost you thousands of dollars in expenses.
Fortunately, Physical Therapy Now can help you communicate with your insurance company and help you get your claim submitted on time–because you should only have to focus on your recovery, not on dealing with insurance companies!
What Other Types of PIP Are There?
There’s Household PIP, which covers you under someone else’s policy in your household if you don’t have your own PIP (or don’t own a car); however, you’re only covered if the person in your household has disclosed to their insurance company that you are a member of the household and included on their policy. If they do not do this, you do NOT have access to their PIP coverage.
Passenger PIP covers you in the event you’re injured as a passenger in someone else’s car–the driver’s PIP insurance should then cover the cost of your injuries. This is if you do not own a car and have your own PIP coverage; if you do own a car, your own PIP insurance will cover you.
Defendant PIP covers you if you’re a pedestrian struck by a vehicle, and Household PIP or your own PIP does not cover you. If this is the case, the driver who hit you would be covering your expenses through their PIP coverage–only if you don’t have Household or your own PIP. If you DO have either Household or your own PIP, THAT PIP insurance will cover you because Florida is a “no-fault” state.
PIP Therapy
If you’re injured and need physical therapy covered by PIP, Physical Therapy Now is the place to go. The insurance team at Physical Therapy Now has plenty of experience handling PIP insurance, so you don’t have to worry. We won’t start any treatment or billing until you’re fully aware of any possible out-of-pocket expenses.
All of our clinics are open, but for the safety and health of our staff and patients, most of our locations are now open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. It’s a good idea to call your location before you visit, since hours are subject to change.
We take the coronavirus pandemic very seriously and are taking several precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of both our clients and our staff while still providing you with the essential physical therapy you need right now. Among the measures we’re taking at this time are:
- Limiting the number of healthy clients in our clinic at one time. We’re adhering to all social distancing guidelines by only allowing a maximum of 10 people (including staff) in the clinic at once. We’re also limiting our clients to three per hour in each location.
- Cautiously and properly disinfecting and cleaning all of our equipment. When you come into one of our many clinics, we want you to feel safe and reassured that we’re maintaining the cleanest facility possible. We’re thoroughly cleaning all equipment after every therapy session and then going back and cleaning again throughout the day.
- Offering several sanitary and cleansing solutions. We have plenty of hand soap and hand sanitizer on hand and ready to use for all our clients and staff. Plus, if you feel safer with gloves, we’re happy to provide them as well.
- Providing teletherapy. Everyone deserves physical therapy if they’re in need. That’s why we’re proud to offer teletherapy to any of our clients who have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, or those who have traveled or have been in contact with someone who has traveled. This ensures they get to continue their progress from the comfort and safety of their homes.
Physical Therapy Now is always here to help you. Give us a call at (800) 481-4582 to discuss appointment options. And if you can’t make it into one of our facilities, ask about teletherapy!