Physical Therapy For Tension Headaches
When you think about a debilitating headache, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a migraine headache, right? Migraines are, indeed, a very serious issue, but there is another kind of headache that can be debilitating as well, and it’s called a tension headache.
Facts About Tension Headaches
Some people may not know the type of headache they are experiencing is, in fact, a tension headache. They can be caused by several different things, but most commonly, the cause is not enough sleep, skipping meals, decreased fluid intake, stress, depression, and anxiety. Tension headaches can occur in episodes of a few times a month, or they can be chronic, occurring 15 or more times a month over a three-month period.
Some other facts about tension headaches:
- Tension headaches are the most common type of headache.
- They can last as long as several days or as little as 30 minutes.
- Some people feel a tension headache only in their head, while others can sense pain in their neck and shoulders as well.
- Tension headaches do not typically come with the migraine symptoms of vomiting and nausea, but light sensitivity can be a factor. says, “Tension headaches often respond to treatment and rarely cause any permanent neurological damage. Still, chronic tension headaches can affect your quality of life. These headaches can make it difficult for you to participate in physical activities. You may also miss days of work or school.”
Physical Therapy For Tension Headaches
You have probably taken ibuprofen or acetaminophen in an effort to get pain relief from your tension headaches, but there are other ways to get relief that may provide longer-term relief. Some people opt for a massage to reduce their tension headache symptoms, while others choose physical therapy as an alternative option.
During your physical therapy appointments, your physical therapist will:
- Pinpoint the cause of your tension headaches
- Identify the areas producing the most tension
- Focus on the muscle in need of tension relief
- Facilitate relaxation techniques
- Implement muscle relaxation techniques
Scheduling Your First Appointment
Many people don’t consider physical therapy for tension headaches because there isn’t an accident or a surgery that requires rehabilitation. However, when tension headaches begin to impact your daily routines, it may be time to try something new to rid yourself of the pain.
In the state of Florida, you don’t need a prescription from your doctor to get physical therapy… you simply call Physical Therapy Now. Schedule your appointment, provide your insurance information, and we’ll handle the rest. It’s that easy!
Call us today to get started at (800) 481-4582 and we’ll be looking forward to you getting rid of those tension headaches for good!