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Introduction to Knee

Welcome to Physical Therapy Now’s page on the knee and its conditions.

The knee is known for being a sensitive part of the body. It’s one part that has the risk of being injured by any kind of activity. It is often exposed and is highly vulnerable. A simple twist can result to a serious injury and other problems that require long recovery. It doesn’t matter what sport you do whether badminton, racquetball, bowling, or basketball, you can’t take your knees for granted.

This section will provide you information about how to prevent and correct a knee injury. The goal of this site is to give you resources, exercises, and other relevant information about the knee to let you be aware of the many ways in which this sensitive area can be injured.

Remember that when you take all the precautionary measures in preventing an injury on the knees, you will be able to enjoy the sport more and be able to avoid physical therapy and other painful and time-consuming methods of treating a knee injury.

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