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It’s no secret that being physically active can impact your overall health. At Physical Therapy NOW, we offer unique exercise therapy services designed to help you look and feel your best.

A Path to Physical and Mental Rehabilitation
Being physically active doesn’t mean you have to be a runner or play a sport. Exercise can come in a variety of forms, and it can be a key component of improving your mental and physical health. At Physical Therapy NOW, our exercise therapists are eager to help those in Miami, FL increase their strength and get in better shape. And with the right treatment plan, you may discover that your mental outlook changes for the better.

Don’t be intimidated by the idea of exercise. With the right therapy program, you could be on your way toward feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Call us today for more information about our exercise therapy program or to schedule your consultation.

A FCE can be utilized to decide wellness to work following a broadened time of restorative leave. On the off chance that a employee can’t come back to work, the FCE gives data on forecast, and word related recovery measures that might be conceivable. A FCE can likewise be utilized to encourage and recognize changes to employee workload, or alterations to working conditions. For example, ergonomic measures, that the business might have the capacity to attempt with an end goal to oblige a worker with an inability or restorative condition. FCEs are expected to decide whether a worker can continue working in a limit “similar with his or her aptitudes or abilities” before the inability or medicinal condition was analyzed. A FCE includes appraisals made by at least one therapeutic specialist. There are two sorts of FCE utilized by the United States Social Security Administration: the Mental Functional Capacity Evaluation (MFCE) that measures passionate and mental limit, and the Physical Functional Capacity Evaluation (PFCE) that measures physical functioning.

Studies have been embraced to evaluate the precision of FCEs in foreseeing the long term results for patients, both as far as coming back to work, and in the likelihood of perpetual handicap.

FCEs are likewise used to decide qualification for incapacity protection, or benefits qualification if an employee is forever unfit to come back to work. T

Amid Most FCEs, the accompanying estimations are additionally taken:

Lifting power

Push and draw control

To what extent one can stand or walk

Adaptability and coming to

Getting a handle on and holding capacities

Twisting abilities

Equalization capabilities

Imagine if an accident, injury, disease, or condition made it difficult for you to participate in your daily activities. A wrist injury means that getting dressed in the morning is painful. Arthritis makes driving challenging. A traumatic brain injury keeps a wounded warrior out of active duty because of difficulties with memory and organizational skills.

At Physical Therapy NOW, through activity analysis, our Licensed Occupational Therapists are able to address each client’s priorities, along with his or her pathologies, with activity modifications and compensatory techniques to facilitate performing at his or her greatest level of independence.

Occupational therapy interventions at Physical Therapy NOW are designed to meet individual client’s needs and may include any combination of the following techniques as part of a comprehensive plan of care

Therapeutic activities and exercises
Joint protection
Endurance Training
Modification in home, work, school, or leisure activities
Sensory re-education
Scar management
Pain management
Work conditioning or work hardening
Training in activities of daily living and adaptive or assistive devices
Education for post-surgical or post-injury safety, including sensory loss
Manual therapy
Taping techniques
Compression therapy
Stroke Rehabilitation

Do you know the source of your shoulder pain? Whether or not you know the answer, your Homestead physical therapist will diagnose your pain and create a recovery plan to get that pain under control and perhaps eliminated for good!

Are you trying to get back on the court, the field, in the rink, or in the gym? Whatever your sports needs are, we can help with expert sports medicine therapy plans customized to your needs.

That knee pain you are experiencing can day-to day wear and tear, disease, an injury, or trauma.  You aren’t alone… studies show that approximately 25% of American adults have experienced knee pain. The great news is that we can help with a customized physical therapy plan for your knee pain.

Outpatient therapy that is conventially located to your home or workplace in Homestead can help tremedously. We’ll create your customized therapy plan so you can be in and out in a timely manner. Affordable rehab is just as important as your healing journey, and our dedicated admissions team will make your appointments according to your schedule.

Physical Therapy after a stroke is different for each person, so the rehab plan must reflect their individual needs.  Your Homestead Physical Therapy Now team is committed to helping patients recover after a stroke with customized care and an expert, supportive staff.

When choosing a physical therapist for a child, care and comfort should be one of the top priorities. Our caring and supportive staff is encouraging kind, and positive.  Each Physical Therapy Now facility accepts varying ages for pediatric physical therapy.  Call our Homestead clinic today to determine if we can meet your child’s needs.

When choosing a physical therapist that focuses specifically on orthopedic care, you have to choose with care and caution.  A skilled PT has the goal of getting you back to your day-to-day activities after an injury, a surgery, or an ailment.  We diagnose and treat conditions that impact your musculoskeletal system, and then apply that care to your neurological and cardiovascular systems to treat your condition effectively.

Are you ready to manage your chronic pain and reduce or even eliminate your use of prescription main medications? That’s our goal for you. We’ll target the source of your pain and any other discomfort you are experiencing with a tailored rehab plan built specifically for your needs.

Auto accident injuries can be very complex, which is why you need a physical therapy team that can meet your needs. We treat whiplash, neck pain, broken bones, deep tissue injuries, and so much more.


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