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Do you remember watching a sporting event where an athlete took either a direct hit to the head or a jolting body blow, and the play-by-play announcer casually stated that he “got his bell rung”? Or maybe that he was “dazed”?

The truth is, concussions can be extremely serious and potentially devastating brain injuries that require examination, diagnosis, and in many cases, treatment.

What Causes a Concussion?

You might not even know you have a concussion, which is the scary part. It doesn’t always take a forceful blow to cause a head injury. All that’s necessary is enough force applied to the body to make the brain bump the inside of the skull. This can be videonystamography caused by different events that could occur in a number of scenarios:

Some of these events may result in enough of an impact that you might suspect you’ve sustained a concussion. Other events, such as impact without contact to the head, may not seem serious enough to feel that you suffered a head injury; you must get evaluated for a concussion in these situations, even if you feel fine.

Symptoms of a Concussion

There are some obvious signs of a concussion when memory, reflexes, judgment, balance, speech, and/or muscle coordination are affected. If a concussion is severe enough, brief periods of amnesia might occur; other victims might simply feel as if they’re in a haze.

Regardless of the symptoms, any potential concussion should be taken seriously–there is no such thing as a “minor” concussion. And diagnosing a concussion is critical because once concussions begin layering on top of one another, they significantly increase a person’s chance of suffering permanent damage.

These are some of the more common symptoms of a concussion:

If you experience any of these after a blow to the head or the body, you must get evaluated. This will most likely involve a doctor’s physical and neurological examination, possibly followed by tests such as CT scans or MRIs.

Another process has also become a more frequent and accurate evaluator of concussions–videonystamography. This tests central motor functions and the inner ear through infrared technology to help diagnose motion sickness, dizziness, and other inner ear or central motor issues through eye movement.

This device, often called a VNG machine (much easier to say than videonystamography), reliably identifies concussions, vertigo, and other sensory disorders or neurological conditions. And, as a convenience to you, Physical Therapy Now owns a VNG machine. The beauty in that is, the VNG machine is easily transported from one location to another, so we’re able to evaluate concussions right in our building–no need to drive around town for another doctor’s appointment.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Concussion Symptoms

For a concussion to heal, plenty of rest and inactivity are required. However, not many people are aware that physical therapy can alleviate many of the symptoms associated with concussions.

At Physical Therapy Now, we offer therapies such as hydrotherapy, therapeutic massage, and acupuncture to help reduce the symptoms you feel from a concussion. However, the most difficult parts of the concussion–the discomfort and pain you feel from its symptoms–can be alleviated through physical therapy. For example, certain stretches and light exercises may help reduce headache pain, while eye exercises can assist with any vision issues.

Treatment For Concussion Symptoms

The most important thing you can do is get yourself evaluated if you believe you have sustained a concussion. Any head and brain injury must be diagnosed so you can avoid further similar injuries in the future. At Physical Therapy Now, we can evaluate you for a concussion with our VNG machine and begin your treatment right away, in the same facility.

Call us at (800) 481-4582 today to set up an appointment. We’re here to help you feel comfortable and get back to your regular routine as quickly–but as safely–as possible.

Depending on the type of surgery, post-operative recovery can take time and effort. Corrective surgery does not always mean that you will immediately feel better. Following your doctor’s instructions after surgery is crucial to getting you back to normal functioning. If your doctor recommends physical therapy as part of your recovery treatment plan, do not skip it. Physical therapy will guide you through stretches, exercises, and other activities designed to accelerate your healing process.

High-quality post-operative care in Miami, FL, can be found at Physical Therapy Now. Our therapists work with post-surgery patients of all ages to improve strength and mobility and reduce pain. 

Types of Post-Operative Physical Therapy 

Your treatment plan might vary depending on the type of surgery you had and your mobility. Your physical therapist will use a combination of pro 7dven treatments to treat you after surgery. Common post-operative physical therapy treatments include: 

Your physical therapist might use these treatments and others to put you on the path to post-surgery recovery. 

Benefits of Post-Operative Care

Post-operative physical therapy, especially exercise therapy, is hugely beneficial for building strength, increasing mobility, and reducing pain. Increasing strength and mobility is a critical component in preventing further injury and helping you heal quickly. Physical therapy after surgery will also help prevent scar tissue from forming around the surgery location. Regular exercise and movement can help prevent other issues such as blood clots and infections. Exercise therapy can also improve your flexibility and keep your muscles from tightening and becoming stiff. 

The Importance of Patient Participation 

While physical therapy treatments after surgery have many different benefits, patient participation is the most crucial element to success. According to the National Library of Medicine, patients who participate in their own care are more likely to have a better recovery than those who do not. This is why it is essential that you do not skip physical therapy after surgery. Physical therapy is not just about recovering from surgery, but it is about learning how to keep your body healthy beyond that initial recovery period. 

Post-Operative Care in Miami, FL at Physical Therapy Now 

Physical therapy is an integral part of getting you back to your normal lifestyle after undergoing surgery. You can find the highest quality of post-operative care in Miami, FL, at Physical Therapy Now. Contact us today at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment and get started with your personalized treatment plan today. 

Written by Andy Zapata, (BSOT)

Head injuries are scary things…it’s entirely possible to have sustained a concussion and not even know it. Did you know concussions don’t require a blow to the head? All it takes is a jolt to the body that forces your head to move so that the brain bumps the inside of the skull. Concussions can result from a fall, a bump to the head, a car accident, or a violent jolt to the body. So, how do you know you have a concussion?

Symptoms of a Concussion

According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), concussions can present various symptoms, and they may vary from person to person and case to case. The important thing to remember is, there is no such thing as a mild or minor concussion – even though a medical professional might use those terms. Every concussion should be considered a serious injury that can have lasting effects on memory, reflexes, judgment, balance, speech, and coordination. Some symptoms of a concussion include:

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to get evaluated for a concussion because many problems can begin to surface when multiple concussions have been sustained. While anyone who has experienced just one concussion can certainly show any of the symptoms we mentioned, those who have suffered multiple concussions are more likely to be hindered by those symptoms in more serious ways.

That’s why it’s so important to be evaluated for concussions, so you’re aware of your history and the risks associated with your injuries.

How Concussions Are Detected

If you see a doctor, he or she will most likely put you through a neurological evaluation to determine the severity of your symptoms. Your doctor may also recommend an MRI or CT scan. But, along with a doctor’s expertise and scans, there’s also a great device that can detect a concussion through videonystamography/  This process tests central motor functions and the inner ear through infrared technology to help accurately diagnose dizziness, motion sickness, and other central motor and inner ear functionality problems through eye movements.

This device is sometimes referred to as a VNG machine, and it is used by many physicians to diagnose concussions, vertigo, sensory disorders, and other neurological conditions reliably and accurately. The great news is, Physical Therapy Now has a VNG machine that can easily be transported from location to location–this means that we can evaluate you for a concussion right in our facility, without you having to make an extra doctor’s appointment or go to another location.

Treating a Concussion

The most common treatment for concussions is rest. Avoiding strenuous activity and allowing your brain time to rest and heal are generally the most recommended courses of action. Physical Therapy Now does, however, offer treatment for symptoms of concussions, including hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and therapeutic massage. These therapies won’t “fix” the concussion, but they can help alleviate some of the issues you might be experiencing.

How to Know If You Have a Concussion

If you feel you have sustained a concussion, it’s important to get evaluated promptly, whether it’s by your doctor or right here at Physical Therapy Now. With our VNG machine, we’ll be able to determine whether you have a concussion accurately and then take the appropriate next steps in consultation with your physician.

Come see us at any of our many convenient locations in the Miami area, or give us a call at 800-481-4582 to set up an initial consultation.

Arthritis and the pain and stiffness that comes with it can seriously hinder your daily functioning. Arthritis is a general term to refer to discomfort or diseases that affect the joints. If you have chronic swelling, stiffness, and pain in your joints, there is a strong chance that you have arthritis. It can affect your ability to move, walk, or grip items such as a steering wheel, pen, or phone. It can make simple tasks nearly impossible.

Physical Therapy Now offers arthritis therapy in Kendall for those searching for relief from pain and stiffness.  If you’re hoping to increase mobility, we can help with that too.

Common Symptoms of Arthritis 

There are two common types of arthritis that can present with similar symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis causes your immune system to attack your joints. It attacks both sides of the body simultaneously so that you might experience pain in both wrists or both knees. 

Osteoarthritis can be easier to treat. It is caused by issues such as injuries, aging, and consistent weight or pressure due to heaving lifting or obesity. You may notice pain and stiffness in commonly used joints such as your hips, elbows, and knees after a lot of activity. 

Both types of arthritis can be detected with the following symptoms in the joints: 

If you experience any of these issues, it is important to see a physician or physical therapist to determine a proper diagnosis. 

Beneficial Arthritis Treatments 

Once your arthritis has been properly evaluated and diagnosed, you will be given treatment recommendations. Common arthritis treatments can include: 

If you receive physical and occupational therapy for arthritis, you will be taught exercises and skills to use to simplify your daily life by reducing pain and improving your strength. If necessary, an occupational therapist can help adjust your home environment to be more accessible and accommodate any physical limitations. A physical therapist will teach you exercises to improve your strength, reduce your pain, and increase your range of motion. They may also use massage therapy, ice and heat therapy, and aquatic therapy. Physical and occupational therapy are also frequently recommended after surgery.

Can Arthritis Be Cured?

The short answer is no. There is not currently a known cure for arthritis. However, symptoms can be managed, and preventative treatments can keep some forms from progressively becoming worse. Physical therapy treatments that reduce pain and increase strength can slow the progression of the disease and prevent further damage. 

Arthritis Therapy in Kendall at Physical Therapy Now 

When you receive arthritis therapy in Kendall at Physical Therapy Now, our staff members will meet with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the type of arthritis you have and the best ways to slow its progression. If you are interested in working with a physical therapist virtually, we offer teletherapy services that can accommodate special needs and social distancing concerns. Contact us today at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment. 

If you suffer from foot pain, you understand that it can hinder activities and limit your mobility. You have twenty-six bones in your foot that connect to your ligaments, muscles, tendons, and joints. An injury or medical issue with your foot can cause problems in other areas of your body. Healthy feet are essential for maintaining healthy activity levels and preventing injury. If you are searching for foot pain therapy in Homestead, Physical Therapy Now is ready to create a focused treatment plan to get you on track to recovery. 

What Causes Foot Pain?

Causes of foot pain can vary depending on the individual. Some common foot pain sources are: 

It is important to identify the source of your foot pain before beginning any type of treatment. Once the primary cause has been identified, you, your physician, and your physical therapist can start working together to treat your pain and develop a treatment plan that focuses on your specific needs. If you have suffered a fracture or sprain, you will likely need to rest and allow your bones, ligaments, or muscles to heal before beginning physical therapy treatment. 

The Best Treatments for Foot Pain

Until your foot pain is diagnosed correctly, you may need to put as little strain on your feet as possible. If your doctor recommends rest, follow those orders until you are healed enough to begin physical activity. When you receive physical therapy, a combination of treatments will be used to reduce your pain and improve movement. These include: 

Following your physical therapist’s recommendations and continuing the things you learn at home will help speed up your recovery.

How to Prevent Foot Pain

While foot pain can happen to many people, it shouldn’t be accepted as something you have to learn to live with day to day. During and after your physical therapy treatment, there are steps that you can take, with the advice of your physical therapist, that can help to prevent further pain:

There may be other things that your physical therapist recommends for prevention in addition to those listed here. 

Foot Pain Therapy in Homestead at Physical Therapy Now 

If you are experiencing foot pain, you must get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Our experienced staff at Physical Therapy Now will create a focused treatment plan based on a comprehensive assessment. Contact us today at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment and ask any questions you may have. Don’t forg

When you choose Physical Therapy Now as your physical therapy clinic, you will receive treatment tailored to you. We understand that you are a unique individual and will not have the same needs as someone else, even if their condition is similar to yours. Our focus is getting you back to doing the things you love and living your life to its fullest potential, pain-free. If you are searching for a physical therapy clinic in Palmetto Bay, consider our experienced services and expert physical therapy team at Physical Therapy Now. 

What Conditions Does Physical Therapy Treat?

Our physical therapists treat all conditions from car accidents or slip and fall injuries to stroke or developmental delays. We offer any service you might need, including: 

The therapies recommended for you will depend on your condition or injury and your physical abilities when you begin. Your recommendations will evolve and adjust over time as your treatment progresses. 

What Can I Expect from a Physical Therapy Appointment? 

Your first appointment with Physical Therapy Now will involve paperwork and an initial physical assessment. This is where you and your physical therapist will begin to get to know one another and where your needs will be assessed. Your therapist will test your flexibility, evaluate your strength and mobility, and understand your ability to perform daily tasks. From this information, your therapist will create a customized treatment plan. Once you begin physical therapy, it is essential to communicate with your therapist about your pain levels and any updates on your condition. They will adjust your treatment plan accordingly.  

How to Choose a Physical Therapy Clinic

Ultimately, you need to choose the physical therapy clinic that will meet all your specific needs. These things to consider can help you determine what physical therapy clinic is right for you: 

Referrals are not set in stone. If your physician has referred you to a specific physical therapy clinic, you do not have to schedule an appointment with them. If you feel another clinic will better meet your needs, you can choose them instead. 

Physical Therapy Clinic in Palmetto Bay at Physical Therapy Now

Physical therapy is designed to increase your strength and get you back to living your life. Physical Therapy Now is a top physical therapy clinic in Palmetto Bay, and we are dedicated to making sure our patients receive the best treatment possible. Contact us at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment. Don’t forget to ask our friendly staff about our teletherapy services

If you have been in a car accident, you must seek medical treatment immediately. The medical team will examine your injuries and treat you with rest, medication, and braces or casts as needed. While these methods will help you begin the recovery process, they will not fully repair your injuries. A focused physical therapy program, if required, can put you on the path to recovery after sufficient rest.

Common Car Accident Injuries 

Car accidents can result in any number of injuries, including: 

Risks of Untreated Whiplash 

Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries. Symptoms include numbness, vision problems, headaches, nausea, dizziness, shoulder pain, head and neck stiffness and pain, and pain in the arm and hand. Leaving whiplash untreated can result in long-term consequences including but not limited to: 

Whiplash and other car accident injuries should be treated immediately. Do not assume any car accident injury is minor without first consulting with a trained physician and physical therapist. The longer you wait to get treatment, the worse these issues can become. 

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Car Injuries 

Physical therapy has numerous benefits for recovery from car accident injuries. Exercise therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, and other treatments can work together to get you back to normal as quickly as possible. Physical therapy can: 

The sooner you begin physical therapy treatment (when you are cleared to do so), the sooner you will be able to get back to functioning normally. Sticking with a proven physical therapy program and performing exercises at home as needed can help you get back to work and back to your daily life. 

Car Crash Physical Therapy 

Physical Therapy Now offers comprehensive physical therapy services for car injury rehab in Hialeah, FL. Contact us at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment or ask any questions you may have. We believe in helping our patients heal as quickly as possible. We also offer teletherapy services at some PT N

Car Crash Physical Therapy in Hialeah, FL

If you have been in a car accident, you must seek medical treatment immediately. The medical team will examine your injuries and treat you with rest, medication, and braces or casts as needed. While these methods will help you begin the recovery process, they will not fully repair your injuries. A focused physical therapy program, if required, can put you on the path to recovery after sufficient rest.

Common Car Accident Injuries 

Car accidents can result in any number of injuries, including: 

Risks of Untreated Whiplash 

Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries. Symptoms include numbness, vision problems, headaches, nausea, dizziness, shoulder pain, head and neck stiffness and pain, and pain in the arm and hand. Leaving whiplash untreated can result in long-term consequences including but not limited to: 

Whiplash and other car accident injuries should be treated immediately. Do not assume any car accident injury is minor without first consulting with a trained physician and physical therapist. The longer you wait to get treatment, the worse these issues can become. 

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Car Injuries 

Physical therapy has numerous benefits for recovery from car accident injuries. Exercise therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, and other treatments can work together to get you back to normal as quickly as possible. Physical therapy can: 

The sooner you begin physical therapy treatment (when you are cleared to do so), the sooner you will be able to get back to functioning normally. Sticking with a proven physical therapy program and performing exercises at home as needed can help you get back to work and back to your daily life. 

Car Crash Physical Therapy 

Physical Therapy Now offers comprehensive physical therapy services for car injury rehab in Hialeah, FL. Contact us at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment or ask any questions you may have. We believe in helping our patients heal as quickly as possible. We also offer teletherapy services at some PT N

Balance Therapy in Kendall Balance problems can have chronic effects on everyday life. If you cannot maintain stability, you will struggle to walk, stand, and even sit. This will affect your ability to perform daily tasks around your home, drive, or perform your duties at your job. Balance therapy is a great way to help. According to the American Physical Therapy Association , seventy-five percent of people in the United States above the age of seventy are diagnosed with balance issues. By age eighty, these issues increase by nearly thirty percent. Physical therapy has been shown to improve balance issues by increasing mobility, strength, and stability. If you need balance therapy and live in or near the Kendall area in Miami, Physical Therapy Now is the place to go. We have friendly, experienced staff who will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan and work diligently to repair your balance problems at the source. What Causes Balance Problems? While aging is a leading cause of balance issues, it is not the only one. There are several reasons that someone might have balance problems. Sometimes they are side effects from injuries; sometimes, they are symptoms of other medical conditions. Some of these causes include but are not limited to:  Muscle weakness  Inner ear issues  Inactive/sedentary lifestyle  Medication side effects  Joint stiffness  Brain injury  Arthritis  Stroke  Spinal cord injury  Parkinson’s disease  Multiple sclerosis  And more These are not the only conditions that can cause balance issues. If you struggle with maintaining balance, contact your physician or schedule an appointment with Physical Therapy Now for an accurate diagnosis.​How Are Balance Problems Diagnosed? Your balance issues can be diagnosed in two ways: by a physician or by a physical therapist. Some insurances require a physician referral for physical therapy services, but that is not always required to receive treatment. Your physical therapist at Physical Therapy Now will ask you a series of questions regarding your health history and current issues to gain a comprehensive picture of your problems. They will conduct a physical examination to determine where to begin and create a treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your problem. How Does Physical Therapy Help Balance Problems? Your physical therapist will use a combination of treatments to alleviate your symptoms and improve your stability. Exercise therapy, manual therapy, occupational therapy , and other treatments are all ways that you can work toward functioning at your best. Physical therapy treatment and assessments aim to:  Improve Mobility  Improve Stability  Increase Strength  Increase Energy  Reduce Risk of Falling Your physical therapist will address your issues through movement and assessing your current environment. Your PT will also recommend that you address any underlying health conditions that might be causing balance issues, such as vision or inner ear problems. Balance Therapy in Kendall at Physical Therapy Now We offer comprehensive balance therapy in Kendall at Physical Therapy Now. Contact us today at 800-481-4582 to schedule your first appointment. Our staff is available to answer your questions and get you on the right track toward recovery. If you are interested in remote therapy sessions, ask about our teletherapy options.

Franchise Gator has chosen Physical Therapy Now as a Top Emerging Franchise for 2021. This is the 8th year that the online franchise directory has published a Top Emerging ranking and was created to help identify developing franchises with 50 or fewer units that have shown promising signs of strong growth.

“We’re honored to have been named to Franchise Gator’s list,” said Andy Zapata, owner of Physical Therapy Now. “My goal is to get a Physical Therapy Now location in most every region of Florida because our residents deserve nothing but the best in physical therapy care. And that’s exactly what we provide to everyone who walks through our doors.”

The Physical Therapy Now franchise operation is ranked as the number 25th franchise on the Top Emerging list.  The ranking accompanies Franchise Gator’s Top 100 and Fastest-Growing Franchises list.

“We created this list because we know that many who are interested in a franchise opportunity are seeking to join smaller systems,” said Eric Bell, General Manager at Franchise Gator.  “They are looking for a wave to ride.  We wanted to present them with a list of companies who, according to the information we gathered and their most recent FDD’s, look like they are putting all of the right pieces in place.  

Franchise Gator, one of the leading destinations for those seeking to invest in a franchise opportunity, reviewed 100’s of Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD’s) to formulate their rankings.  Growth in units, turnover, and financials are just a few of the items taken into consideration.  The staff also takes a look at awards, the Executive team, and participation in the franchise community.

“Congratulations to Andy,” said Bell.  “We expect this to be just one of many accolades to come.”

Zapata appreciatively agrees.

“Operating the Physical Therapy Now franchise is the business that gives back in so many different ways.  It’s an honor. Most importantly, we’re providing exceptional care to our patients. 

He continues, “And then we’re fueling the economy here in the state of Florida with small business ownership, and the same in Texas as well.  Just think… we’re still growing!  Then we get rewarded for it too? It doesn’t get any better than that.”

With dozens of locations now up and running, Physical Therapy Now offers complimentary transportation to its clients. Physical Therapy NOW opened its doors to care for the community on November 12, 2003.

For more information on physical therapy now, go to www.physicaltherapynow.com.

No one wants to get injured on the job, but it happens every day. It can be a hassle for you and your employer when you file a workers’ compensation claim that involves doctors, insurance companies, human resources departments, and others that you probably don’t feel like dealing with–especially when you’re hurt. But there might be a silver lining.

WCRI Lower-Back Injury Study

Using data from injuries that occurred in the workplace between October 2015 and March 2017 and detailed medical transactions through March 2018, WCRI (Workers’ Compensation Research Institute) released a study. It revealed starting “physical therapy within the first two weeks post-injury is associated with lower medical utilization and costs and shorter duration of temporary disability.” This study is based on nearly 26,000 lower-back pain (LBP) claims with more than seven days of lost time from 27 states.

Of those 26,000 LBP-only claims, 68% received physical therapy treatment, and nearly half had seven or more PT visits. The difference in medical costs and treatment duration between those who started the physical therapy treatment within seven days and those who waited at least two weeks to begin PT is staggering. The study shows that workers who started PT late were more likely to receive medical services after 30 days.

Specifically, they were 46% more likely to receive opioid prescriptions, 47% more likely to receive an MRI, and 29% more likely to receive a pain management injection. Comparing the early PT recipients with the late recipients, the late group was 89% more likely to require lower-back surgery (though the overall risk for surgery still remained low for both groups).

On a broader scale, workers in the late PT group had 24% higher medical costs and 58% longer temporary disability duration. All because these workers waited at least a week too long to receive physical therapy treatment. Dr. Randy Lea, one of the researchers on the WCRI study, noted that “for employers, providing early access and intervention to decrease costs and utilization–that’s been a prominent theme in discussions around work-related injuries and illnesses for better than 20 years. Our findings align with that concept. Early PT intervention is beneficial from a cost and clinical standpoint.”

Workers’ Comp Claims? Bring ‘Em On!

At Physical Therapy Now, we welcome your workers’ compensation claims. We also know how important it is to handle your workers’ comp claims with the utmost care and attention to detail. Throughout your PT treatment with Physical Therapy Now, we will meticulously maintain any and all records and documents to ensure the claim process is as smooth as possible for you and your employer.

And, just as important, we’ll help you get back on your feet and back to work! Whether it’s a lower-back injury or any other type of injury, Physical Therapy Now will work with you to come up with the best treatment plan using both tried-and-true physical therapy treatments along with the latest innovations in PT.

Physical Therapy For Workers’ Comp Claims In Florida

If you’ve been injured on the job and need physical therapy through your workers’ compensation claim, visit your local Physical Therapy Now location.  We have plenty of convenient facilities near you! Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled physical therapists will not only rehabilitate your current injury to get you back to work quickly, but they’ll create a work-hardening program for you.

This program mimics your work environment and the physical tasks you perform at work to ensure that you’re doing them the right way so you can prevent re-injury. Call us today at (800) 481-4582 to set up your first appointment, where we’ll discuss your injury and walk you step-by-step through the workers’ compensation claim process. Then we’ll get to work on getting you back to work!



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