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Dear Personal Injury Attorney,


It’s not a fair game you are playing with these big, powerful insurance companies.


True…the odds are against your favor—as evidenced in the many cases wherein claimants go home with only a very small amount of money


Yes, it’s a sad, frustrating situation… especially if it has been happening over and over again. And really, it’s a mighty task you’ve got in your hands.


Dealing with these scheming insurance companies is like battling with Goliath.


Did You Know?


In 1990, Allstate paid $15,800 on average for “soft tissue” cases. In 2001, Allstate reduced this amount to a staggering $5,800 on average.That’s at least a 60% reduction of what an average claim is truly worth !


Depressing, yes…but it is real…it is happening.


And the Insurance Companies are not telling you everything


you need to know in insurance claims settlements,


depriving your client of what is rightfully theirs!


Surely, these companies have got the edge…And Their Sly, Secret Weapon: COLOSSUS


(Almost every insurance company uses a General Damages Assessment Software like Colossus or one of its alternatives.)


The bad news is they’re making more sneaky rules and policies inherent in Colossus that can affect your claims. And sadly, you don’t have a choice but to play by the rules they’ve set—no matter how unreasonable they may seem for you and your clients.


The WORSE news is that software programs like Colossus will not take into consideration the following factors unless the doctor documents these issues specifically in the records:


  • Stress
  • Inconvenience
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Pain
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Inability to Participate in Activities You Enjoy Doing
  • Or any number of other things that juries and judges will usually consider
Now, You Tell Me:


Is That Fair? It Certainly Isn’t!


They’re Cheating Your Clients…Robbing Them of What Is Due to Them


But here’s the good news though…

I fully understand the workings of Colossus…and you can use my specialized knowledge here to your advantage.

Note that I’ve spent lots of hours and money to get Insurance Insiders to spill the beans…


…just so I can decode every secret, inner working and mechanism of this software…and use that well-guarded information for the benefit of my clients—protecting their rights and giving them every opportunity to claim what is rightfully theirs.


Frankly…I know how to help you with your Personal Injury Cases…


…so you can become the “David” who crushes Goliath—beating these big players in the insurance industry in their own game so your clients receive fair, reasonable settlements—or better yet—higher settlements.


Again, What Is Colossus?


It is a 10 Billion Dollar a Year Software System… a computer system for assessing general damages for bodily injury claims.

Insurance adjusters are guided by the values arrived at through the use of Colossus.

Colossus follows an equation (a program) which considers: the type of injury, treatment, duration of complaint, disability, impairment, etc.

How does that sound?

If you’re like most lawyers I’ve worked with, I’m thinking you’re also excited about this possibility for the current cases you’re handling.


Now, here’s why I’m qualified to help:


I’m a certified Colossus Consultant—in practice for over 13 years. I have the ability to treat, consult, examine, and diagnose injuries…and document injuries using protocols specific for personal injury.


PLUS, I have a team of certified Personal Injury physicians making us exceptionally well-prepared to examine, treat, and diagnose this class of injury.


Here’s what Atty from Miami has to say about me:

“I believe he is an incredibly knowledgeable medical consultant with over thirteen years of experience, who understands the inner workings of a personal injury case.”


It is with great pleasure that I strongly recommend Andy Zapata for medical treatment. He has been a great resource at our law firm. He constantly keeps our firm up to date on the latest trends and newest research in the personal injury field. He has also greatly expanded our contacts, which has allowed us to greatly increase our revenue.


In closing, Andy Zapata is a polished and engaging professional with a great sense of humor. I believe he would be a great asset to any personal injury firm. I believe his tools and training will generate significant revenue for any firm. Please feel free to call or e-mail me if you would like more information.


Best regards,


Attorney at Law
Miami, Florida


Now, you no longer have to deal with these problems that can give you headaches:


  • Doctors not knowing what they’re doing to fully support your case
  • Doctor’s documentation that is grossly flawed
  • Doctors missing significant injuries
  • Doctors on a particular case are not on the same page


I’m sure you know very well the implications of working with incompetent doctors, not well-versed and inexperienced in Personal Injury Cases: they can cost you money…BIG amounts of money.


So, Why It Is a Great Idea


for Us to Work Together…


Not all medical providers are the same—Get a medical professional who specializes in Personal Injury Cases (experience firsthand how a true specialist in this field can work closely with you to strengthen your case).


Now, you can focus ONLY on your expertise and strength—the legal aspect—Leave the worries regarding the medical aspect to me and my team of medical professionals. Use my vast experience and expertise in Personal Injury cases to eliminate headaches resulting from your dealings with unqualified doctors who have no clue how to properly assist you.


The TRUTH About Medical Documentation Requirements That Can Increase the Value of Your Case.


I have undergone advanced training… and have been certified to deliver to you exactly the documentation you need for your unique cases.


“My team and I can provide the right documentation, making your job easier in getting the needed value drivers for higher claims and settlements…”


Do you want more referrals to your business by existing clients? Let’s work together to win bigger settlements for your existing clients so you make them happy referrers of your law practice.


66% of the success in personal injury case settlements will come from the doctor’s protocols and records. My team of experienced medical doctors is ready to assist you from start to finish. They use current technology and protocols when identifying what are commonly overlooked in motor vehicle injuries…yes, no stone is left un-turned when working with us…


How to better deal with a variety of insurance software such as Decision Point, Injury IQ, Claims IQ, Claims Outcome Advisors, Injury Claims Evaluation, MYND, TEACH and Colossus.


The Colossus Mystery?


“…99% of doctors do not know about this—but our team is trained, experienced, and specialists in Colossus and other similar insurance software.”


Eliminate the risk of working with doctors who are not properly trained to treat, rehabilitate, or diagnose the victims for this specific injury type (this could be costing you your settlements and losing you money in the process).


Warning: Are your clients’ medical forms and documents helping you build your case—or are these actually working against you? Understand the advantage of using our specialized forms, questionnaires, diagnostic protocols, and a documentation system that only a very limited number of doctors treating personal injury know about.


How can a medical team that underwent advanced, specialized training in Personal Injury (in careful consideration of both the clinical and legal aspect ) be able to affect your case settlements? Chiropractic colleges and medical colleges do not offer any training to evaluate these injuries, nor do they provide any information on insurance software—99% of doctors don’t have advanced training as it relates to personal injury case management.


What is the value of MD Validation? MD Validation is a special, unique service that will certify my records (this helps most cases reach policy limits). This process includes the following: symptoms, diagnoses, treatment records, duties under duress, loss of enjoyment of life, future medicals, and financial impairment…


Are You Aware That…


“ The most important factor in insurance settlement cases is how all medical records are evaluated…


When you want to be assured, or get the peace of mind that all personal injury rules will be applied so that you will always achieve fair, reasonable settlements…


Need close help and coordination with a doctor to assist in your fight for general damages? Take note: not all diagnoses are equal. You will discover why sprain/strain diagnosis can be disastrous for your personal injury cases.


Imagine…when you become highly successful in achieving policy limits for your clients (that is, you establish a track record of high settlements for many of your clients), what does this mean for a client’s life? For you? And for your law practice?


I bet many clients will be much happier with your legal services—and you’ll be confident in asking for referrals…and what’s even greater is the word-of-mouth it will create for the amazing results you’re getting for your clients.


Here’s What to Do Next:


Let’s get in touch to talk details.


It won’t take too much of your time. If you’re in a hurry, we can get it done in just a quick 15 minutes.


You can email me here: Azapata@PhysicalTherapyNow.com


Or call me: 305-244-5883


My Proposition To You…


Give Me 15 Minutes of Your Time—And I Will Show You How I Can Increase Your Case Value by at Least 30% Or Higher.”
-Andy Zapata
We can then schedule a free Colossus training (or other similar software) if you want (inclusive of videos and power point presentations) at no charge. It’s free—no obligations whatsoever.
You will also receive a FREE Report:
Automotive Insurance Guide For
Personal Injury Survival

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