Physical Therapy Now, Country Walk 13717 SW 152 ST
Miami FL 33177
Phone: 305-800-3253
Fax: 305-851-6598
MapHours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am – 6:00 pm,
Sat: By Appointment Only
Sun – Close
Physical Therapy Now, Country Walk 13717 SW 152 ST
Miami FL 33177
Phone: 305-800-3253
Fax: 305-851-6598
MapHours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am – 6:00 pm,
Sat: By Appointment Only
Sun – Close
Your neighborhood physical therapy clinic is now located in the Country Walk Plaza! We accept a variety of health insurances, and also seek to aid those recovering from sports injuries, worker’s compensation injuries, automobile accidents or personal injuries. We are excited and privileged to serve our community, and welcome the opportunity to serve you.
About Us:
From the moment of its inception, Physical Therapy NOW Country Walk has striven for excellence in patient service and care. We offer unparalleled individual attention to our patients, and our facility is replete with a variety of state-of-the-art equipment. However, the biggest asset we have as far as a clinic is undoubtedly our therapists!
Make An Appointment
It’s no secret that being physically active can impact your overall health. At Physical Therapy NOW, we offer unique exercise therapy services designed to help you look and feel your best.
A Path to Physical and Mental Rehabilitation
Being physically active doesn’t mean you have to be a runner or play a sport. Exercise can come in a variety of forms, and it can be a key component of improving your mental and physical health. At Physical Therapy NOW, our exercise therapists are eager to help those in Miami, FL increase their strength and get in better shape. And with the right treatment plan, you may discover that your mental outlook changes for the better.
Don’t be intimidated by the idea of exercise. With the right therapy program, you could be on your way toward feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Call us today for more information about our exercise therapy program or to schedule your consultation.